pharmacom labs/ different looking vials

Lol I'm sure it will...... With all good things said about Pharmacom I'd be the one to get a black dot in my shit fml
Lol I'm sure it will...... With all good things said about Pharmacom I'd be the one to get a black dot in my shit fml
Don't feel alone...I'm told contamination may be rampant. I mean as automated as they are the assumption has to be made that the entire batch must be isolated and recalled. That's every vial manufactured since 2014. Lol...
It's funny how they want to be viewed as a giant company that rivals Pfizer and Merck only when it suits them.
Now we'll hear how they bought a gross of rubber stoppers that they found on eBay for a killer price to try and save a few bucks and that they're certain the rest of the shitty test prop is in a shoe box in Frank's closet. Lol..
Made an awesome video of it floating to bottom of vial, but haven't been able to upload it from phone to thread?
Made an awesome video of it floating to bottom of vial, but haven't been able to upload it from phone to thread?
Well shit, isn't that interesting :eek:. That's definitely not a good thing to be seeing in your injectables.
Thank you for this explanation of why different compounds have the same batch number - this was particularly confusing to me as my generalized understanding of a batch number was that it would have been linked to a specific brewing / production of product. From your explanation above, it appears that Pharmacom batch numbers refer to the purchase order of your raws. And, if I understand this correctly, you are ordering large quantities of various raws at the same time - thus the same batch on bottles of two completely different compounds.

So, and I'm trying to understand how this system would be beneficial to you guys, the batch number is very much an internal reference to a specific purchase order of raws and nothing else, no reference to brewing / production date, nore any specific reference to type of raw (aside from that raw being present within the specific referenced purchase order of various raws).

Is that correct frank?
we have very decent discounts when we buy lot of raws types at once and yes batch numbers are bound to raws batches, which are predetermined by the raws supplier. And yes all products can have same batch if raws are produced specially for us in respective amounts. Raws for themain products are supplied by only one supplier we have been working for a very long time with. I have posted this info many times. The batch number is the main indicator, it shows us what raws have been used. If we find some raws being bunk - say someone from customers provides us a test from Simec with negative result, we have right to request for a completely new batch of raws of this definite product from our supplier for free! This is a huge amount of money and our supplier is for sure not interested in providing poor quality. If we used some other system and changed batches often (which apparently you wanna have), it won`t provide any better control, on the opposite, it will ruin the entire system.
Batches can be same within a long period of time, it will be always like this, but exp. dates on labels can be different. This is another distinction.
Your way of thinking is not suitable for illegal stuff. You think like as if you are dealing with some legal products, which can be called back in case of any issues.
As example, in 2014 Toyota called back over 6,5 millions of cars due to some problems with steering wheels. This is where you need to control each item and each car to know in detail at what car what detail was used. I mean batch/serial numbers.Strict production control and batches control is required here to be able to find after years of production, which cars may have defects, call them back and replace.
The story with illegal products is absolutely different. Hypothetically, even if someone reports a product is bunk. Do you really think that sources will call back all products? These are prohibited items. Our bulk customers pay huge money to get them around the custom in their countries. With products like steroids delivery expenses often make the main or a huge part of the market price. We have lot of bulk customers. There are such sources, which we are even not aware of. Some buy from customers of customers of our customers, kind of 3-tier sources. Even if you find a bad product, nobody will ever call something back and lose money. For any source it is much easier just to replace an item. And many of them, even if they know that some products are poor will still sell them in order not to loose money. There are lot of such sources who buy counterfeits of original products and sell them at original price...But this is already another question. My idea was that of course no one UGL has as meticulous control as an official facility would have. That type control if often required for cases like I described above. I have posted now a pretty ticklish idea, which some people can understand for own benefit... All said above does not mean that we don`t have control, we do, but of course it is not as strictly as it would be at a real GMP-certified facility. This is a pretty obvious thing. With all said above in mind I am still here and as before I can guarantee that our quality control is much better as of the overwhelming amount of UGLs on the market now. We are ready to take responsibility. In particular definite cases worth attention. What we have now is... i even don`t know what is it. If everyone read what i say, there were be no questions, because all of what i have said was stated and repeated not once.
Maybe they use the confirmation code as a form of a batch number? Idk just throwing that out there
Check codes are only to verify whether a product is genuine or not.
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper

the TEST E tested by anabolic lab with batch number "604331"
it has been tested twice now, both the vials had same batch numbers and expiry date, yet one test shows 306 mg/ml & the other shows 363 mg/ml

what is going on here?
If you search this thread you will find reply to your question. To put it shortly 1. deviations within +/- 10% are possible and allowed as far as I know. In fact it is not possible to keep always exactly the same dosage. Too many factors have impact on this during production of this scale. In the particular case deviations are more as 10% and i explained this. When those vials were produced - we took as basis info about oil physical properties and particularly viscosity at definite tempertures from the data sheets provided by suppliers. They are not always accurate. We did not have at that moment sensors measuring the oil viscosity and some other parameters in real time. We considered this possibility and that is why we tried to put preferably a bit more raws as a bit less, which both Simec results showed.
I honestly don't know the whole story it just stating MY OPINION. Honestly have nothing against you or your lab and am not trying to start a riot here.

Btw on your website there is a section that offers discounts to people who make logs using pharmacon. I saw it and am not lying what so ever, it's there

About the npp... I'm sure even you guys can admit that the vial was just scary looking. Like I said though, I'm just a spectator and do not know the whole story.

I highly doubt any of your athletes would have injected from that vial!

And... I even said you guys had amazing lab work and bloods which made me previously want to try you out, so I didn't completely just bash your lab.

I really shouldn't have posted because I haven't tried your products and really know nothing. No agenda I just wanna make some gains.

Kinda feel like mesorx is a drama/reality/mystery TV show lol
sorry, I really don`t understand which section you mean...Ok, i found it, Darius has it on Yes, you are right here. But what does it change? It only says if you have a log and post your blood work you can get a store credit. Bloodwork is a much better argument as just - i don`t feel...At the current market rivalry each source tries to offer something to stand out among others. This is a normal practice and it is in no way connected with the quality of our products or fake reviews.
@Spooby, not trying to rain on your parade here but you've been here a minute, you know "feel" without bloods,
either good or bad, is pointless. I don't doubt @Pharmacom Labs is moving gear with hormone. The point is that the ground has shifted, they've been submarining reps and shills, the explanations are getting less and less intelligible, and everyone is getting too cozy.

These guys are dealing drugs. They are not your friends. No source is here out of goodwill, they're here to make money. As @biggerben69 pointed out, their prices are pretty steep even after all the promos, and there are problems with their products (Underdosed, per anabolic lab, or bunk, per gh serum). Their NPP is as stable as my first wife. Now we find out they have several reps who went unidentified. Items ordered from one place, shipped from
Another. Lots of small issues. Lots of silence or ten pages of gibberish in response.

If you stick around a while you'll note that this is the pattern. Source shows up. Sells great gear, runs great promos, gets lots of supporters. Then the problems creep in. Little things which ALWAYS turn into big things. Always.

Go read the Astro labs thread. That is a nice illustration. Astro's cock must have been sore from all the motherfuckers sucking on it. And he was a two bit punk, not pharmacom, a well organized operation. Point is, they all go out with remarkable similarity. So when the little problems crop up we mercilessly ride that source like a three dollar hooker to
try and stop the bleeding. Maybe these guys are going to be the exception.
Don't bet on it.

Good luck. A source is only as good as the last pack they sent.
i don`t read the board and all threads throuout, I am not aware, which reps and shills you mean? From Pharmacom are here: me, Pharmacom Support, Darius and he has 2 reps on ASF which are here under the same usernames, this is not a secret at all and anybody can see it. That is all. No one else has any attitude to us. Strange logic, even if someone left a good review, so he is a shill? This makes no sense at all. It only proves the common attitude of this board to sources,which you displayed in your post: they are not our friends, they are to make money here... I feel sorry for those, who is focused on this kind of a world view. If you had read all my email correspondences and recommendations you would have seen that i never try to sell as much as I can, if fact I always ask people, why they chose this or this, how they think it could be helpful on cycle, i often offer alternatives, which are cheaper. Finally even if someone asks my opinion about whether he shall or not use HGH, i always as what for and reply, that HGH is a pretty expensive drug and mostly for competing athletes and never recommend it specially to guys who work out for themselves. Probably someone of these guys is reading these and can confirm my words. All your logic with making money by all all possible ways is shit gibberish. We all, each of us here stands up in the morning and goes to fucking job to make money. Any seller, any business is arranged to make money speaking generally. There is only the difference between people: there are those who trying to gain cash by all possible means and there are those who understands other people and will never advice anything bad to get a few dollars more...Nobody cares, but I absolutely don`t agree with almost everything you`ve just said. ... shills? show me, where are they?gh underdosed? 4 month passed since it has been delivered and nobody of you knows what conditions it was stored at. We replaced it absolutely for free. That guy got completely compensated for his blood work and +50$ store credit on top of this. This is the way how we are here only to make money...
Or maybe or test p is underdosed? Aha, from revealed newbies who come, manifest bullshit and even can not calculate dosages correctly when talking shit...
View attachment 46322 Yeah hard to see in pic.....but it shows on the white label inbetween lettering on bottom..
In fact the first case worth real attention. I can`t really see it well, i guess it might me be a part of rubber. No problem at all, we replace it. i will pm you.
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You don't have to be able to do a recall - if the batch number actually represented something tangible to the end-user then good and bad batches could be known, people could avoid or replace bad vials from bad batches with good vials from good batches.

It's not fucking hard. There is literally no point in you printing the batch number on the bottle since a) you've said you'd never do a recall and b) the batches are so huge.
So you're printing it to look legit, it's a skank, man.
@Pharmacom Labs , Christ! I read your entire post that time. Once again you've taken a wide berth when addressing legitimate concerns and issues your customers have.
It's taking longer for you to respond and when you do your response has much to do about nothing. You've got some half wIt helping you craft these shit responses. Dontcha?
Your drivvle about batch numbers is meaningless. You feel as though you can say anything and it should be taken as truth? Not happening here any longer.
So, what's the official response as to what the contaminate may be in our members vial? Didn't see you tackle that issue? Just business as usual, huh?
You're a cocky Fuck. You curse and insult your customers and our members when finally getting around to responding to them. You exude contempt as if You're so put off by how dumb we all are and how silly it is for a guy of your intelligence to have to straighten us all out and once again answer questions you have already addressed.
What exactly are your credentials and why is it you believe yourself to be so much brighter than your customers?
I'd like to speak with your supervisor or whomever your handler is and whatever title he has, please. I'm certain he or she will have something to say to you in regards to how you speak to your customers, current and potential. Maybe some retraining? Your attitude is horrendous.
You don't have to be able to do a recall - if the batch number actually represented something tangible to the end-user then good and bad batches could be known, people could avoid or replace bad vials from bad batches with good vials from good batches.

It's not fucking hard. There is literally no point in you printing the batch number on the bottle since a) you've said you'd never do a recall and b) the batches are so huge.
So you're printing it to look legit, it's a skank, man.
This is exactly what can be tracked based on current batches and exp.dates. Look, our production team is not ignorant, those are not school boys with no knowledge and experience. First of all, the worst thing possible to happen is deviation in dosages.
We would not risk peoples lives and our reputation producing some doubtful shit.
Pfizer also has huge batches as well as lot of other manufacturers, so what?
Why would we change the batch numbers on vials for nothing if we still use raws from the same batch of raws supplier?
Finally, I get daily dozens of questions like where is the check code on the vial, my amps are not like they were when i bought last time, etc. Do you really think people read anything? Never. No one from hundreds of people continually asking me about these things has never spent a minute of his time to open the news page and read it.
Look, think whatever you want. There were never any global problems with the quality of our products. You can make up in your mind whatever you want. I`d better spend time helping people with real issues.
@Pharmacom Labs , Christ! I read your entire post that time. Once again you've taken a wide berth when addressing legitimate concerns and issues your customers have.
It's taking longer for you to respond and when you do your response has much to do about nothing. You've got some half wIt helping you craft these shit responses. Dontcha?
Your drivvle about batch numbers is meaningless. You feel as though you can say anything and it should be taken as truth? Not happening here any longer.
So, what's the official response as to what the contaminate may be in our members vial? Didn't see you tackle that issue? Just business as usual, huh?
You're a cocky Fuck. You curse and insult your customers and our members when finally getting around to responding to them. You exude contempt as if You're so put off by how dumb we all are and how silly it is for a guy of your intelligence to have to straighten us all out and once again answer questions you have already addressed.
What exactly are your credentials and why is it you believe yourself to be so much brighter than your customers?
I'd like to speak with your supervisor or whomever your handler is and whatever title he has, please. I'm certain he or she will have something to say to you in regards to how you speak to your customers, current and potential. Maybe some retraining? Your attitude is horrendous.
open your eyes and you will probably see better.
it`s your right, don`t wanna believe, don`t do it. think whatever you want. I am not going to yield to your speculations.
And yes, i have not insulted anybody in my post. Customers with real issues get real and polite replies, attitude and all questions solved within short time.All others launching gibberish conspiracy theories without any real issues can do whatever they want, its their business, but not my concerns.
So why not go from batch numbers of raws to production runs?
This would just ensure if a run is bad it can be identified.
Then all different products would have unique production runs and it doesn't matter if you use the same batch of raws or not.
I know this impacts labels but can create the visibility that everyone is looking for.
This is exactly what can be tracked based on current batches and exp.dates. Look, our production team is not ignorant, those are not school boys with no knowledge and experience. First of all, the worst thing possible to happen is deviation in dosages.
We would not risk peoples lives and our reputation producing some doubtful shit.
Pfizer also has huge batches as well as lot of other manufacturers, so what?
Why would we change the batch numbers on vials for nothing if we still use raws from the same batch of raws supplier?
Finally, I get daily dozens of questions like where is the check code on the vial, my amps are not like they were when i bought last time, etc. Do you really think people read anything? Never. No one from hundreds of people continually asking me about these things has never spent a minute of his time to open the news page and read it.
Look, think whatever you want. There were never any global problems with the quality of our products. You can make up in your mind whatever you want. I`d better spend time helping people with real issues.

This is what I'm talking about ya jamoke! @Pharmacom Labs , do you have any sick time available to you?
If pharmacom was your family business and your dad overheard you talking to his customers like you do he'd jackslap you and send you to your room.
Maybe it would help if you looked to me as if I was your Dad?
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