pharmacom labs/ different looking vials

I was referring back to you implying that logs and labs are only used to get discounts. I thought they were used to spread info, positive or negative
Sorry, should have clarified i wasn't refering to you. Just in the past, out of shits and giggles i looked in a few guys history that were what i call tje shill police and seen they were doing the same thing. Be honest i didn't even look to see who rob from g quoted.
It doesn't matter to me what ugl pays to
I was referring back to you implying that logs and labs are only used to get discounts. I thought they were used to spread info, positive or negative
I'm all for posting logs and labs. However, when there are reps posing as members how can we trust the logs and labs?
Reps are fine but they need to be identified. If they're known to be lurking as members they undermine the good that can come from posting logs and labs. Things have to be above board.
read back to his posts. He said that he didn't get the same feeling or gains as he did on his FIRST cycle.

He did gain and some how the gear is bunk? Without bloods? Cmon man.
Hey @Robfromga eat a fucking dick . What I said was that I saw NO results whatsoever. None. Perhaps your reading comprehension is a bit lacking so I'll try to use small words when I see you're involved in the conversation....oh, excuse me I meant talk, involved in the talk were having. Guys like you are the reason decent members keep their experiences to themselves. Maybe a lone incident(that means issue) means nothing but if a lot of guys are experiencing the same reaction then it can be looked at more closely. Either way, I've said my piece about it. You'll fit in great here rob, you're just the right amount of cocky and stupid to go far at Meso. Im done here. Fuck you and fuck meso
Hey @Robfromga eat a fucking dick . What I said was that I saw NO results whatsoever. None. Perhaps your reading comprehension is a bit lacking so I'll try to use small words when I see you're involved in the conversation....oh, excuse me I meant talk, involved in the talk were having. Guys like you are the reason decent members keep their experiences to themselves. Maybe a lone incident(that means issue) means nothing but if a lot of guys are experiencing the same reaction then it can be looked at more closely. Either way, I've said my piece about it. You'll fit in great here rob, you're just the right amount of cocky and stupid to go far at Meso. Im done here. Fuck you and fuck meso

I think blood work would have helped you manage your estrogen levels. Clearly they're a little high.
Frank, you didn't disappoint me. Pages of nonsense. So let me help you drill down to the important stuff.

If we agree so far, then the only possible explanation for the difference in appearance between the two vials of sustq is that you used a new, different batch of GSO from one vial to the next. First vial has one batch of GSO which is lighter, second vial has one batch of GSO that is darker.

If that's the explanation, fine. Stop with all the shit about how we don't understand. It's actually quite a simple explanation. However, since you don't use batch numbers to track your batches or changes from old to new GSO, it's guesswork on your part.

2. Regarding color of GSO, you claim color makes no difference. That's just wrong. The color of the oil indicates degree of saturation, oxidation, and dissolved solids content of the oil. Those properties affect the solubility of compounds in the oil. So get your story straight.

I think you switched batches of GSO. I don't think there is anything wrong with the darker oil versus the lighter oil. I do take issue with your ignorance (oil color makes no difference? Ask your chemists, they'll happily tell you that you are wrong) which you try to cover up with arrogance. Stop it. I don't care if we have to go over this 100 times, you can continue to explain it. Stop acting like your customers are a pain in the ass and that you are so put upon having to tolerate their questions. We pay your fucking bills. Lose the attitude.

Please also explain why it appears every vial pharmacom has ever shipped has the same six digit batch number on it. None of your explanations so far make sense


well, probably my english is so bad, i will try to formulate my ideas more clearly. you are absolutely right with everything. right, this is exactly what i said in my post: oil color in those two vials is different because of oil used. Here is my quotation:

Oil is a natural product. We use grape-seed oil. There are grape varieties of different colors, wine grapes, white grapes, etc. Color of seeds is also different. It only means that in those 2 vials was used oil from different barrels and even from different suppliers probably, we have agreements with several oil suppliers, i mentioned this for sure.
You are also absolutely right about different physical properties of different oils. What i meant was from the view of a customer. For a customer oil shade makes no difference or shall make no difference at least in the view of the final products and its impact/efficiency/expected quality.The question was why the shade is different and there was an opinion here that it can be a different product in one of the vial. I tried to explain that sust is in both vials and it shall not be a concern for a customer why the shade is different. You are right about different physical properties, but i even did not think from this point of view, this is a job of production team to consider all these things and they are considered with maximum discretion I am sure. So, once again, yes, if GSO barrels/batches are switched, color may vary, which is not connected with the final product quality.
Question regarding batch numbers seems also obvious. Batch numbers are not related to oils, they are related to raw materials. And yes, i mentioned this lot of times, batches are produced with a view to a year or two. You actually even don`t really need to check batch numbers, for you are important check codes and exp dates. Batch numbers are depending on our internal agreements with raws suppliers. And yes all products can have same batch if raws of all types like nandrolones, testosterones, boldenones, etc were ordered within the same agreement with raws supplier. We get decent discounts, but with all respect it has really nothing to do with what customers shall be concerned about. We do not have the same batch since the beginning of our existence, they are changing, and now for example already another batch is in production, but our customers worldwide will still receive products with same batch within several months yet because market if flooded with them.
For customers we have our policies and if products are proven to be bunk or underdosed we replace them without any questions. That`s is why i don`t really understand so many discussions regarding oil colors and similar thing.

Honestly, it looks like you have so much time in your lives to dedicate it to that board and spend it launching sometimes absurd investigations or specially looking for shortcomings. I mean it, this looks exactly like this for me. No one board is similar to meso from this point of view. Yes i know and understand, you hate shills, you are here to get truth and protect yourselves and others from unconscionable sources. But protection and in depth looking only for negative sides is not the same. For all the time being here I have the feeling that this is exactly what you mostly do here.
I am trying to understand, why meso is so different as other boards and can not. Yes, many of other boards are sponsored and there is less critic there, i agree. However we still have critic there as well, for example a thread about our dbol on ASF. I never delete any posts which i don`t like, however i have mod rights there. And members there are also... i don`t know how to say...not so meticulous. I just know if a person is not happy with something, he can leave a review and just not to use products he does not like, that is all. Here we see attacks from the very beginning, and the attitude from the very beginning was like - you are a public enemy, I remember this very good from the very first pages of our thread.
So, you can believe me or not, this is only your decision, but it still does not change the thing that our products are of the highest quality and we are ready to bear responsibility for them. If a particular product was proven bad we take responsibility for this, that`s why i am here as well, but discussion of oil colors or delivery details or how info in our servers is stored... this is kind of too much. You don`t come to a bank and don`t ask them how many security guards are on watch today, right? So, there are particular things also here, which we indeed will never disclose or discuss due to the specificity of our - say it straight - illegal business.
The quality, this is important for you. And I am here trying to be helpful in solution of different possible issues. If something is wrong we are ready to pay for testing and replace items, that is one of the reasons why I am here. And I have never deceived or stood up anyone yet, everyone who`s been promised to get reimbursed (not only on this board) was reimbursed, everyone who`s been promised to get items replaced got them replaced. I have never run away from our responsibility yet. These are true facts...But concerns about oil color... this is really not serious.
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Hey @Robfromga eat a fucking dick . What I said was that I saw NO results whatsoever. None. Perhaps your reading comprehension is a bit lacking so I'll try to use small words when I see you're involved in the conversation....oh, excuse me I meant talk, involved in the talk were having. Guys like you are the reason decent members keep their experiences to themselves. Maybe a lone incident(that means issue) means nothing but if a lot of guys are experiencing the same reaction then it can be looked at more closely. Either way, I've said my piece about it. You'll fit in great here rob, you're just the right amount of cocky and stupid to go far at Meso. Im done here. Fuck you and fuck meso

Oh, yeah...since you've got $1000 worth of their "bunk" products maybe you can give them away, or better yet, send them to Simec to be tested. But your money where your mouth is. After all, you won't be using their products anymore.
The thing that worries me about pharmacon is that they offer huge discounts to anyone who post a log or some sort of transformation... Maybe this is where all the outstanding reviews are originating from? Yet again, there are many who have had success without doing a Log or review. Not sure and obviously no ugl is perfect
Pharmacom learned that fine bit of bullshit from NAPS. Guys posting great reviews for discounts. Some will sell their souls for a dollar. Can't trust sources that do that.
Those phony positive posts are bought and help offset real posts where guys have problems to report. The problems are pushed to the side by all the sparkling positive reports that the source has paid for.
i honestly have no idea, what you mean here. I personally never offered any huge discounts for a log or transormation. The only thing i was offering is a compensation of blood work, because otherwise almost nobody does it. Even with compensations almost nobody does it. And by the way i have never ever said that only guys who posted blood works with positive results will get a store credit. Yes, this means exactly what it means, in other words, if you decided to do a blood work and it is negative, it does not mean that you don`t get your expenses compensated. Actually, there was a guy, i don`t remember whether it was on this board or not, I think yes, this happened here. He claimed our gear is bunk. I tried to convince him by any possible way to send his samples to the lab. I even offered him to pay in cash, about 2000$ if i remember right, and he still hasn`t done this, but was still claimed the gear is bad. this is, by the way, one of things, showing who are some members here and on other boards indeed. You might not like what i am going to say, but i noticed this for all this time. There were relatevely many people ready to bash us, but once it came to the real actions and we offered to send their samples to the lab on our expenses and replace items if they turned out bad, almost nobody did this, a couple of exceptions, but most of such people whether disappeared or just continued saying some gibber like i don`t need to get the shit tested to feel that it`s bunk. Everyone can say anything sitting on a couch, but not many turn out worth their words if it comes to real proves.This is a fact. I mean not meso specifically, but all boards and people (from my personal experience) generally. I only know if you was a person fighting for the quality of products and tried to do everything to make sources be always responsible for what they produce, I for sure would not hesitate to spend 20-30 minutes of my life to sent an envelope with a sample to the lab, especially if a source offers to cover expenses from its pocket. But for some reason in real life we do not see many people whose deeds match their words on board, e-mails, pms, etc... everyone is free to make his own conclusions.
well, probably my english is so bad, i will try to formulate my ideas more clearly. you are absolutely right with everything. right, this is exactly what i said in my post: oil color in those two vials is different because of oil used. Here is my quotation:

You are also absolutely right about different physical properties of different oils. What i meant was from the view of a customer. For a customer oil shade makes no difference or shall make no difference at least in the view of the final products and its impact/efficiency/expected quality.The question was why the shade is different and there was an opinion here that it can be a different product in one of the vial. I tried to explain that sust is in both vials and it shall not be a concern for a customer why the shade is different. You are right about different physical properties, but i even did not think from this point of view, this is a job of production team to consider all these things and they are considered with maximum discretion I am sure. So, once again, yes, if GSO barrels/batches are switched, color may vary, which is not connected with the final product quality.
Question regarding batch numbers seems also obvious. Batch numbers are not related to oils, they are related to raw materials. And yes, i mentioned this lot of times, batches are produced with a view to a year or two. You actually even don`t really need to check batch numbers, for you are important check codes and exp dates. Batch numbers are depending on our internal agreements with raws suppliers. And yes all products can have same batch if raws of all types like nandrolones, testosterones, boldenones, etc were ordered within the same agreement with raws supplier. We get decent discounts, but with all respect it has really nothing to do with what customers shall be concerned about. We do not have the same batch since the beginning of our existence, they are changing, and now for example already another batch is in production, but our customers worldwide will still receive products with same batch within several months yet because market if flooded with them.
For customers we have our policies and if products are proven to be bunk or underdosed we replace them without any questions. That`s is why i don`t really understand so many discussions regarding oil colors and similar thing.

Honestly, it looks like you have so much time in your lives to dedicate it to that board and spend it launching sometimes absurd investigations or specially looking for shortcomings. I mean it, this looks exactly like this for me. No one board is similar to meso from this point of view. Yes i know and understand, you hate shills, you are here to get truth and protect yourselves and others from unconscionable sources. But protection and in depth looking only for negative sides is not the same. For all the time being here I have the feeling that this is exactly what you mostly do here.
I am trying to understand, why meso is so different as other boards and can not. Yes, many of other boards are sponsored and there is less critic there, i agree. However we still have critic there as well, for example a thread about our dbol on ASF. I never delete any posts which i don`t like, however i have mod rights there. And members there are also... i don`t know how to say...not so meticulous. I just know if a person is not happy with something, he can leave a review and just not to use products he does not like, that is all. Here we see attacks from the very beginning, and the attitude from the very beginning was like - you are a public enemy, I remember this very good from the very first pages of our thread.
So, you can believe me or not, this is only your decision, but it still does not change the thing that our products are of the highest quality and we are ready to bear responsibility for them. If a particular product was proven bad we take responsibility for this, that`s why i am here as well, but discussion of oil colors or delivery details or how info in our servers is stored... this is kind of too much. You don`t come to a bank and don`t ask them how many security guards are on watch today, right? So, there are particular things also here, which we indeed will never disclose or discuss due to the specificity of our - say it straight - illegal business.
The quality, this is important for you. And I am here trying to be helpful in solution of different possible issues. If something is wrong we are ready to pay for testing and replace items, that is one of the reasons why I am here. And I have never deceived or stood up anyone yet, everyone who`s been promised to get reimbursed (not only on this board) was reimbursed, everyone who`s been promised to get items replaced got them replaced. I have never run away from our responsibility yet. These are true facts...But concerns about oil color... this is really not serious.

Thank you for this explanation of why different compounds have the same batch number - this was particularly confusing to me as my generalized understanding of a batch number was that it would have been linked to a specific brewing / production of product. From your explanation above, it appears that Pharmacom batch numbers refer to the purchase order of your raws. And, if I understand this correctly, you are ordering large quantities of various raws at the same time - thus the same batch on bottles of two completely different compounds.

So, and I'm trying to understand how this system would be beneficial to you guys, the batch number is very much an internal reference to a specific purchase order of raws and nothing else, no reference to brewing / production date, nore any specific reference to type of raw (aside from that raw being present within the specific referenced purchase order of various raws).

Is that correct frank?
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Thank you for this explanation of why different compounds have the same batch number - this was particularly confusing to me as my generalized understanding of a batch number was that it would have been linked to a specific brewing / production of product. From your explanation above, it appears that Pharmacom batch numbers refer to the purchase order of your raws. And, if I understand this correctly, you are ordering large quantities of various raws at the same time - thus the same batch on bottles of two completely different compounds.

So, and I'm trying to understand how this system would be beneficial to you guys, the batch number is very much an internal reference to a specific purchase order of raws and nothing else, no reference to brewing / production date, nore any specific reference to type of raw (aside from that raw being present within the specific referenced purchase order of various raws).

Is that correct frank?
Maybe they use the confirmation code as a form of a batch number? Idk just throwing that out there
i honestly have no idea, what you mean here. I personally never offered any huge discounts for a log or transormation. The only thing i was offering is a compensation of blood work, because otherwise almost nobody does it. Even with compensations almost nobody does it. And by the way i have never ever said that only guys who posted blood works with positive results will get a store credit. Yes, this means exactly what it means, in other words, if you decided to do a blood work and it is negative, it does not mean that you don`t get your expenses compensated. Actually, there was a guy, i don`t remember whether it was on this board or not, I think yes, this happened here. He claimed our gear is bunk. I tried to convince him by any possible way to send his samples to the lab. I even offered him to pay in cash, about 2000$ if i remember right, and he still hasn`t done this, but was still claimed the gear is bad. this is, by the way, one of things, showing who are some members here and on other boards indeed. You might not like what i am going to say, but i noticed this for all this time. There were relatevely many people ready to bash us, but once it came to the real actions and we offered to send their samples to the lab on our expenses and replace items if they turned out bad, almost nobody did this, a couple of exceptions, but most of such people whether disappeared or just continued saying some gibber like i don`t need to get the shit tested to feel that it`s bunk. Everyone can say anything sitting on a couch, but not many turn out worth their words if it comes to real proves.This is a fact. I mean not meso specifically, but all boards and people (from my personal experience) generally. I only know if you was a person fighting for the quality of products and tried to do everything to make sources be always responsible for what they produce, I for sure would not hesitate to spend 20-30 minutes of my life to sent an envelope with a sample to the lab, especially if a source offers to cover expenses from its pocket. But for some reason in real life we do not see many people whose deeds match their words on board, e-mails, pms, etc... everyone is free to make his own conclusions.

I honestly don't know the whole story it just stating MY OPINION. Honestly have nothing against you or your lab and am not trying to start a riot here.

Btw on your website there is a section that offers discounts to people who make logs using pharmacon. I saw it and am not lying what so ever, it's there

About the npp... I'm sure even you guys can admit that the vial was just scary looking. Like I said though, I'm just a spectator and do not know the whole story.

I highly doubt any of your athletes would have injected from that vial!

And... I even said you guys had amazing lab work and bloods which made me previously want to try you out, so I didn't completely just bash your lab.

I really shouldn't have posted because I haven't tried your products and really know nothing. No agenda I just wanna make some gains.

Kinda feel like mesorx is a drama/reality/mystery TV show lol
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i honestly have no idea, what you mean here. I personally never offered any huge discounts for a log or transormation. The only thing i was offering is a compensation of blood work, because otherwise almost nobody does it. Even with compensations almost nobody does it. And by the way i have never ever said that only guys who posted blood works with positive results will get a store credit. Yes, this means exactly what it means, in other words, if you decided to do a blood work and it is negative, it does not mean that you don`t get your expenses compensated. Actually, there was a guy, i don`t remember whether it was on this board or not, I think yes, this happened here. He claimed our gear is bunk. I tried to convince him by any possible way to send his samples to the lab. I even offered him to pay in cash, about 2000$ if i remember right, and he still hasn`t done this, but was still claimed the gear is bad. this is, by the way, one of things, showing who are some members here and on other boards indeed. You might not like what i am going to say, but i noticed this for all this time. There were relatevely many people ready to bash us, but once it came to the real actions and we offered to send their samples to the lab on our expenses and replace items if they turned out bad, almost nobody did this, a couple of exceptions, but most of such people whether disappeared or just continued saying some gibber like i don`t need to get the shit tested to feel that it`s bunk. Everyone can say anything sitting on a couch, but not many turn out worth their words if it comes to real proves.This is a fact. I mean not meso specifically, but all boards and people (from my personal experience) generally. I only know if you was a person fighting for the quality of products and tried to do everything to make sources be always responsible for what they produce, I for sure would not hesitate to spend 20-30 minutes of my life to sent an envelope with a sample to the lab, especially if a source offers to cover expenses from its pocket. But for some reason in real life we do not see many people whose deeds match their words on board, e-mails, pms, etc... everyone is free to make his own conclusions.
I was a guy that had good things to say about Pharmacom and darius. Before pharmacom came here I had purchased some high dosed products of pharmacom's from the VIP classifieds on another board. I was very pleased and shared some with @ironwill1951 and a couple of other friends.
When you guys got here, a member was fooled into using an imposters phony pharmacom website. He labeled you guys scammers. We gave him the business for calling you guys scammers for his mistake. I spoke with darius and he replaced the kids order after I suggested it would be great advertising as well as a gesture of goodwill. There was some back slapping and laughs and everyone went home happy. This all played out in D's pharmacom thread. Things seemed great for a long while.
Things appear to be changing. More problems. I'm not fucking with you people for no reason.
Not sure if anyone is going to think I'm some shill or something but I used their product and liked it. The scale didn't lie to me and neither did my max lifts or my ego abs horniness. I've used gen shi before and liked it more but I only used 50mg/d of tren ace and 25mg/d of test prop with the genshi. Pharmacom I went into overload pretty much. Used 75mg/d tren ace, used their anadrol injectable at 50-75/d, test prop at 50-75/d, when I began their mix 2 which included masteron at 100/d my body took off even further, little water weight, was cutting fat off my abs, still gaining weight when that was going on. Went from around 170 to 205 at my peak in that cycle. Inhad all the sides, anadrol made me feel like shit though which I've understood to be normal feeling for it. The gear was clean, I actually got a STERILE abscess because thanks to members here I learned I wasn't showing out my injection sites in my quads far enough away from each other and got some scar tissue. Honestly I found nothing wrong with it. I felt crazier and tougher/stronger on genshi's tren but that could've been a number of psychological factors at the time as these two cycles were a year apart. I wouldn't be quick to throw them under the bus though as they did me well and didn't rip me off. I'm sure there's an explanation and that explanation is being lost in the hostility among other factors such as arrogance, which has already been mentioned here.
I was a guy that had good things to say about Pharmacom and darius. Before pharmacom came here I had purchased some high dosed products of pharmacom's from the VIP classifieds on another board. I was very pleased and shared some with @ironwill1951 and a couple of other friends.
When you guys got here, a member was fooled into using an imposters phony pharmacom website. He labeled you guys scammers. We gave him the business for calling you guys scammers for his mistake. I spoke with darius and he replaced the kids order after I suggested it would be great advertising as well as a gesture of goodwill. There was some back slapping and laughs and everyone went home happy. This all played out in D's pharmacom thread. Things seemed great for a long while.
Things appear to be changing. More problems. I'm not fucking with you people for no reason.

Keep hammering at the cracks, Ben. The facade is coming off. Matter of time.