No one has better deals -- Basicstero is the direct from factory store. All others are resellers.
Somehow you have bad info or are looking at fake sites.
Be careful, there are counterfeit sites and many scammers that try to duplicate Pharmacom because our brand is so good and such a world-wide respected reputation.
The prices did not change today.
$45 USD for a vial of Test300 has been the price from intl for a LONG time (many years).
EU prices were updated at least a week ago (or more, maybe a couple weeks ago, time flys) to match old intl warehouse prices.
Prices from Basicstero are great! better prices than even some small UGL sources. Very competitive and would have to be the best price for Pharmacom products since there are no middle-men.
I actually try to make points that the prices should be raised since even some small UGLs charge more (we have the highest quality raws, real industrial production lines NOT a basement or garage lab, and HPLC testing etc -- such high quality costs more to produce; I feel we should charge more BUT i don't make the rules lol
Also, while the prices are excellent, it would not even matter if it cost a litte more since you get the peace of mind knowing you have genuine products. I rather pay more for the highest quality product than save a little and use homemade gear or counterfeits etc.
In life you usually get what you pay for -- be cheap and get crap or pay a little bit more and get quality.
But in Basicstero's case it is a WIN-WIN for customers because it is an excellent price AND excellent genuine products.