MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Hello, any estimation as to when HCG will be out of stock? I'm apparently out of the loop as you seem to be out of stock both domestic and international.

Currently, the source cannot make any specific promise regarding exact time of restock because there are factors beyond the source's control such as the postal service and governments agencies operations etc.

I think with the additional restrictions around the world, some things are proving to be more difficult than in previous years.
But you can be sure Basicstero is working hard trying to keep up with demand -- after all, sales is how sources make their income so teh source wants it restocked asap too.

Reminder, out of stock items should have a "notify" button instead of the "add to cart" button:

You can click the "notify" icon and enter you email address to get an email alert when the specific item is restocked.
You talk too much.

Lab4tox time.

Didn't you guys supposedly have an hplc machine in house?
How about your results?

Or isn't the hplc machine yours and just took a photo of one for us here to see that you are the shit?

I can get to one.

@janoshik ,what's your opinion?

I assure you,novels won't get it buried.
Is anyone experiencing difficulty tracking USPS from US Domestic warehouse. I was told by customer service that my pack was shipped Mar 24th in the AM. Yet the tracking info for my pack says "Pre-shipment, label created Mar 25th, USPS awaiting item". Was it not even shipped? Anyone with the same experience? I don't know anything about shipping...
Got the order today, really upset.

I ordered 3 Mix Ampule, only got one, the moment I realized I should have recorded the unpacking, it was too late.
Got the order today...
Oh wow, that was fast :) I remember you just recently asking about T/A time but at that moment it had only been about a week since shipping out.
Good to hear it arrived quickly.

Did tracking ever update to show any additional steps?
or was it simply a matter or tracking not updating even though the pack was in moving?

I ordered 3 Mix Ampule, only got one, the moment I realized I should have recorded the unpacking, it was too late.
Do not be too upset yet; we may still ask the source for relief.
Basicstero is pretty good about helping customers.
PM me your order number and I will also email the source to let him know you may be missing 2 amps.

Ordered many times, never happened before, who have thought to record unpacking?

Do not worry, I will explore options to try to help you.
The following info is NOT directed at you personally; it is just important genaral information for those reading along.
Important to note:

Regardless of specific outcome here, to anyone reading along please do not think it is 100% certain the source will simply send out products based upon the alleged claim something is missing. This is not to be rude or greedy or anything. Please just think logically for a moment; if the source sent items every time anyone claimed something is missing, suddenly there would be thousands of claims -- it is human nature and many will exploit sources' (or any other business) customer service and willingness to help makes things right.
Sadly, the scammers that are so greedy they use deceit to get a few cheap items ruin things for everyone else. Many sources used to be extremely generous and no questioned asked, but then people took advantage and would exploit that care to cheat for some free stuff.

Anyone may claim or say anything online and this is why the source need each of you to take a moment and film your unpacking in case there are any issues. Every business, from Amazon to Walmart to eBay to small online businesses and private sellers, has packing errors from time to time -- so it can indeed happen.
Please, simply film your unpacking if that is what the business requires as evidence so you may more easily get a resolution.

I do not make the rules; those are the terms on the source's site for these good reasons.

However, if I did make the rules, I do not think I would personally accept unpacking video as 100% perfect evidence (I would still need to do further investigation and reserve the right to decline acceptance of the claim) because, sadly, those wishing to scam would simply remove items and then reseal the pack to perform a staged "unpacking" for the video.
It is a tough business (again, I suspect most are and deal with this shit), and scammers ruin good things for the good people.

With that said, it appears Basicstero is much kinder, generous, and trusting than myself, so the source will work with customers to explore resolutions to claims which have met the source's terms and conditions (such as the unpacking video evidence of package contents required to at least try to reduce fraudulent claims).
Got the order today, really upset.

I ordered 3 Mix Ampule, only got one, the moment I realized I should have recorded the unpacking, it was too late.
Damn that's a bummer man. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will make it right. Still better than never getting your pack at payment was picked up like 8 days ago and mine still wasn't even shipped. Call it a conspiracy theory, but I think when they did warehouse revision, they found that they didn't have enough inventory to fill some paid orders(I ordered like 4 vials of Test C250 which is now out of stock after revision). Call me crazy, they told me my order was shipped 2 days ago, but tracking just says that only label has been created and that it hasn't been brought to USPS yet. It sounds like they're just buying time while they figure how to fill orders.
Damn that's a bummer man. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will make it right. Still better than never getting your pack at payment was picked up like 8 days ago and mine still wasn't even shipped. Call it a conspiracy theory, but I think when they did warehouse revision, they found that they didn't have enough inventory to fill some paid orders(I ordered like 4 vials of Test C250 which is now out of stock after revision). Call me crazy, they told me my order was shipped 2 days ago, but tracking just says that only label has been created and that it hasn't been brought to USPS yet. It sounds like they're just buying time while they figure how to fill orders.
Haha you are right, better than nothing right, I was just very looking forward to starting a new cycle, now I might have to wait.

It's always complicated to ship to UK, W2 international shipping is out of question now. Never know when UK will ask for VAT number for European shipping any time soon.
It's always complicated to ship to UK, W2 international shipping is out of question now. Never know when UK will ask for VAT number for European shipping any time soon.
I remember you just recently asking about transit time, but, if i remember correctly (I admit, I may be mistaken as I am on many boards and talk with hundreds of people each day) at that moment it had only been about a week since shipping out.
Good to hear it arrived quickly.

Did tracking ever update to show any additional steps?
or was it simply a matter or tracking not updating even though the pack was in moving?
Please, do not say any specific locartions or anything here in public, I am just currious of a "yes" or "no" in regards to if tracking ever did show you updates; or, did teh pack just suddenly arrive without any indication on tracking that it was getting close.
I remember you just recently asking about transit time, but, if i remember correctly (I admit, I may be mistaken as I am on many boards and talk with hundreds of people each day) at that moment it had only been about a week since shipping out.
Good to hear it arrived quickly.

Did tracking ever update to show any additional steps?
or was it simply a matter or tracking not updating even though the pack was in moving?
Please, do not say any specific locartions or anything here in public, I am just currious of a "yes" or "no" in regards to if tracking ever did show you updates; or, did teh pack just suddenly arrive without any indication on tracking that it was getting close.
The tracking stopped updating for 8 days, then it suddenly shows arriving to UK, then the next day at my front door.

It might have delayed for 4-5 days comparing to pre-covid times (in most of Europe, we are still in strict lockdown), which is understandable.
Call it a conspiracy theory, but I think when they did warehouse revision, they found that they didn't have enough inventory to fill some paid orders(I ordered like 4 vials of Test C250 which is now out of stock after revision).
That is not a conspiracy at all.
It is a very reasonable and logical possibility.
While I have not been told this is the case for anyone (no confirmation at this time), I personally would be surprised if this is not an issue for some orders.
I do not know what items or how much the inventory was inaccurate, but it was important enough for the source to pause for a few days and address/correct the inventory.

To be clear, I do not know if this affects you specifically, I am just saying this is exactly why it was necessary to correct the inventory.
This source is transparent, publically announced the inventory discrepency, and took pause for a few days to correct the site -- there is no conspiracy and the source has no interest in scamming anyone (the wouldn't make tranparent announcments regarding internal topics if they wished to trick anyone).
I am confident if the inventory revision effected your order, the source will find a resolution (my guess is a store-credit or offer a replacement).

Currently, I have not seen the source post anywhere confirming this is the case for anyone. But, to be fair, I am only on the English speaking boards (and one Russian board but I log on there maybe once a year just to look around).
I have not been told this is the case for anyone.
The tracking stopped updating for 8 days, then it suddenly shows arriving to UK, then the next day at my front door.

It might have delayed for 4-5 days comparing to pre-covid times (in most of Europe, we are still in strict lockdown), which is understandable.
ok, thank you for info (that way I know from people's experiences and may help others that PM me on other baords etc).
It sounds to me like tracking updates may have been delayed but the pack was moving; then, suddenly, all updates caught up.

Regardless of tracking accuracy, I am happy to hear your pack arrived to the UK :)
Got the order today, really upset.

I ordered 3 Mix Ampule, only got one, the moment I realized I should have recorded the unpacking, it was too late.
You’ll enjoy the Mixes. I just got Mix 4 tested and it’s pretty fuckin spot on.
@Aestheticstqwe98 I am currently making a list of things I need to ask Frank.
I noticed and replied to your post today.
I would like to help you and by talking to the source on your behalf.
But I need some clarification just so to make sure I accurately understand the issues.

I just need to ask and clarify and few things so I can make sure my communication with the source is clear, accurate, and efficient.

I respect if you prefer NOT listing any of your details in public posts (please be sure to leave out any specific personal info and only answer whatever you are comfortable posting).

With that said, may I ask for clarification on these points please (correct me on anything I have wrong):

•You paid using WU.

•The money transfer was delayed or difficult (because of the transfer company used) to collect and you were concerned regarding the payment confirmation taking longer than expected.

•The transfer service eventually listed the payment as collected.
The payment was collected just moments before the site revision.

•You were concerned if the payment was confirmed on the source’s end but you could not check your order status because of the US warehouse revision.

•When the revision was completed, you were able to see your order status.

Did Basicstero confirm payment was collected?

What does your order status say now?
@Aestheticstqwe98 I am currently making a list of things I need to ask Frank.
I noticed and replied to your post today.
I would like to help you and by talking to the source on your behalf.
But I need some clarification just so to make sure I accurately understand the issues.

I just need to ask and clarify and few things so I can make sure my communication with the source is clear, accurate, and efficient.

I respect if you prefer NOT listing any of your details in public posts (please be sure to leave out any specific personal info and only answer whatever you are comfortable posting).

With that said, may I ask for clarification on these points please (correct me on anything I have wrong):

•You paid using WU.

•The money transfer was delayed or difficult (because of the transfer company used) to collect and you were concerned regarding the payment confirmation taking longer than expected.

•The transfer service eventually listed the payment as collected.
The payment was collected just moments before the site revision.

•You were concerned if the payment was confirmed on the source’s end but you could not check your order status because of the US warehouse revision.

•When the revision was completed, you were able to see your order status.

Did Basicstero confirm payment was collected?

What does your order status say now?
Yes this is all correct. I paid on 3/13. After the whole warehouse revision ordeal my order was finally "confirmed and shipped" on 3/24. My order says it has been "shipped" on BT. Yet as of today(3/26) USPS has not received the item, only the label has been created, according to the tracking information. I give up man.