MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

another one issue we are going through right now is not constant site availability, in particular international warehouse. There are issues with hosting provider and it is beyond our control. We are waiting when hosting fixes all. Due to these issues and site unavailability our warehouse could not pack latest pending orders as well as we have delays with replying emails. We can hardly help without access to site.
Our admin is closely working with hosting provider to resolve this, but it depends mainly not on us.
We reply to all emails and process all orders as soon as it gets resolved. Hopefully today.
Really sorry for delays!
another one issue we are going through right now is not constant site availability, in particular international warehouse. There are issues with hosting provider and it is beyond our control. We are waiting when hosting fixes all. Due to these issues and site unavailability our warehouse could not pack latest pending orders as well as we have delays with replying emails. We can hardly help without access to site.
Our admin is closely working with hosting provider to resolve this, but it depends mainly not on us.
We reply to all emails and process all orders as soon as it gets resolved. Hopefully today.
Really sorry for delays!
Thanks for the update about the hosting services lag.
No need to appologze as it is not within your control; actually, you are suffering too and losing business/income (much bigger issues than teh small delays a customer deals with) because a service for which you pay is not being consistent.
Pisses me off here at my home when it happens; internet goes down but I am still expected to pay for it (my job depends on being online); it is frustrating.
Nonetheless, I understand it is just part of life -- even here on MESO, and other board, there are internet issues that prevent our access from time to time. It happens with every type of site in any walk of life brother.
MAybe the provider is just doing updates or physically upgrading hardware etc.. who knows. but hopefully it is all resolved soon.
2021-04-01 Update From Basicstero site:

"currently we receive many questions and complains regarding not moving packs shipped by the new shipping way from warehouse 2. Some packs did not update since February 28th and even disappeared.

USPS said one of their branch have lock-downed due to covid. This was exactly the branch our packages were going through. Packs are not lost. We are working on taking packs out from there and rerouting though another way. It may take 7-10 days.

Packs shipped later after 28th of February should not have this issue. They are routed though other ways.
Sorry for inconvenience, but we could not foresee it. it is force majeure.
In the worst case, even if some packs get lost, we reship them. No worries."

SOURCE (see link in "code" box below):
Just my 2 cents, but way too much info. Maybe send email or PMs to those inquiring.
Here are the only centralized places I know of to find multipel results (links below); however, I do not think there have been any recent tests posted on Tren-E. Customers sometimes share their own testing results on various boards but I do not know of any centralized searchable collection of customer results.

Pharmacom Labs analysis results page:

AL analysis results site: Anabolic Lab - Independent Analytical Lab Testing for Anabolic Steroid Harm Reduction

Basicstero lab analysis results page:
so you guys dont got any lab work done on the batches of tren e you guys are currently selling? cant really find any lab work done of the batches you guys are currently selling.
2021-04-01 Update From Basicstero site:

"currently we receive many questions and complains regarding not moving packs shipped by the new shipping way from warehouse 2. Some packs did not update since February 28th and even disappeared.

USPS said one of their branch have lock-downed due to covid. This was exactly the branch our packages were going through. Packs are not lost. We are working on taking packs out from there and rerouting though another way. It may take 7-10 days.

Packs shipped later after 28th of February should not have this issue. They are routed though other ways.
Sorry for inconvenience, but we could not foresee it. it is force majeure.
In the worst case, even if some packs get lost, we reship them. No worries."

SOURCE (see link in "code" box below):
Nice. Thanks for the update. Any idea if there will be tracking when they start moving again? I need to compulsively check every 5 minutes, or I start losing my mind. Haha
so you guys dont got any lab work done on the batches of tren e you guys are currently selling? cant really find any lab work done of the batches you guys are currently selling.
I do not know of any centralized 3rd-party and/or publically posted searchable collection reports other than those links I shared.
Those collections I shared are analysis by unbias 3rd-parties.
The source may have some of its own pribvate internal reports (not indpendant nor 3rd-party) which are not publically posted and they are not in English.
You may be able to find some public posts where customers paid for their own 3rd-party analysis and shared reports, but I do not know any short way to look for those other than search the board for posts (if I knew of any exact one, I would share it; but, I do not remember any myself).
Just my 2 cents, but way too much info. Maybe send email or PMs to those inquiring.
I respect that and agree with you -- I would prefer to say much less.

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of new customer recently and so much worry etc. It is not easy for me to find a middle-ground. It is not possible for me to PM everyone (I already work 8+ hours a day across many boards with communications and also a lot of time on internal consulting projects for sources) and I do not have access to private info such as orders or customer accounts etc. (I can only see what any of you here can see).

Because the source had it on their site's own news section, I made the judgement call it is already public info.
I agree with you it is not ideal and I am not 100% comfortable having to spoon-feed so much sensitive info just to calm the nervous, inexperienced, or impatient.

The source did already address the concerns with less specific info.
I addressed the concerns with less specific info.
But it did not seem to be enough for some people.
It is a balancing act -- if not enough is said, guys start speculating and doubting the source's integrity; but, if we say too much, we risk hindering all of our goals and business security.

My apology @malfeasance if it was too much sensitive information.

As a community, we do need to keep-in-mind this is NOT amazon prime or jelly beans we are buying -- we need to side with safety and security over demands of explanations -- this is a business that must keep some things unsaid.

Let’s all keep that in mind. There are risks here, some of these products are not legal in every country (it is the customer's responsibility to understanding the legality in his or her location) and if someone cannot handle waiting or risks, maybe this is not the best hobby/lifestyle for him or her.
I would just like to thank whoever reply's to the US Domestic Basicstero email for their excellent communication and customer support. I have placed multiple orders in the past and they have always been great. My most recent order I got in a hurry and ordered amps instead of vials. I noticed it after I posted my payment and I immediately emailed the sales team. I got an answer same night with instructions to fix it and by the next morning all was good. I really appreciate that level of customer service. You guys have been great to do business with!!
so you guys dont got any lab work done on the batches of tren e you guys are currently selling? cant really find any lab work done of the batches you guys are currently selling.
Hey dude, if it helps at all I tested their Pharma mix 4 last week and it came back spot on. I know it’s not tren but maybe it’ll give you some reassurance.
I have a pretty big issue currently. All of my vials of test c 250 have a strange fairly large puncture hole through the center with oil leaking out of it. I’m out and about right now but I will upload pics later. I even videoed popping the blue tops off after I discovered 2 of them with this problem. I don’t want a reship as it’s from int. Warehouse and long story short I’m sketch of int. These days. Not sure if you guys want to make this right the way I want you to... which would be ship the same currency amount of product from domestic warehouse (USA). And second issue.... a vial of test e 300 has a VERY crooked crimp job done and the rubber seal is squished. I will send the video via pm only if needed because my camera takes really nice videos and pics and my finger print is clear as day. Pics will be up later today. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time
I have a pretty big issue currently. All of my vials of test c 250 have a strange fairly large puncture hole through the center with oil leaking out of it. I’m out and about right now but I will upload pics later. I even videoed popping the blue tops off after I discovered 2 of them with this problem. I don’t want a reship as it’s from int. Warehouse and long story short I’m sketch of int. These days. Not sure if you guys want to make this right the way I want you to... which would be ship the same currency amount of product from domestic warehouse (USA). And second issue.... a vial of test e 300 has a VERY crooked crimp job done and the rubber seal is squished. I will send the video via pm only if needed because my camera takes really nice videos and pics and my finger print is clear as day. Pics will be up later today. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time
Same stuff has happened to me. I am scared to inject that stuff.
Sergey Kulaev - PRO athlete team Pharmacom Labs.

Link to Sergey's instagram profile, follow the news.

I have a pretty big issue currently. All of my vials of test c 250 have a strange fairly large puncture hole through the center with oil leaking out of it. I’m out and about right now but I will upload pics later. I even videoed popping the blue tops off after I discovered 2 of them with this problem. I don’t want a reship as it’s from int. Warehouse and long story short I’m sketch of int. These days. Not sure if you guys want to make this right the way I want you to... which would be ship the same currency amount of product from domestic warehouse (USA). And second issue.... a vial of test e 300 has a VERY crooked crimp job done and the rubber seal is squished. I will send the video via pm only if needed because my camera takes really nice videos and pics and my finger print is clear as day. Pics will be up later today. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time
Same stuff has happened to me. I am scared to inject that stuff.
Some stoppers may get distorted when the pressure changes because of cooling. This is nothing to be alarmed about but I can understand your concern if it is the first time you have ever seen it this way.

When the vial is sealed the oil is warm from manufacturing, then over time it cools but because it is air-tight the pressure drops at the temperature drop and in some rare cases the pressure change is enough to pull on the stopper causing a divot in the middle of the stopper.

I explained this detail before a few times this thread (it is rare, but not a big deal in most cases – I will add a couple older quotes below just to show this is a well understood phenomena I have seen multiple times before:
No, not my first time seeing this phenomena.
Actually, while it is rare, because I hear from thousands of customers spanning across all the different boards and online communities, I have seen it a few times (including some of my own personal items over the years).

It is simply when oil was hot from manufacturing process, air in the vial is expanded, and then the vile is sealed; when the air cools its pressure drops causing a vacuum which on rare occasion pulls strong enough to distort the septum inward (suck it down) and create a divot.

The inward pulled septum does not effect the product nor sterility at all -- if still sealed, it is no different and totally safe to use.
I have personally used mine like this without issue (other than a little annoying to try to wipe with alcohol before drawing; i simply wipe with alcohol soaked cotton ball and press it down against divot hard enough so I can contact all the surface while I rotate the vial -- then, divot has alcohol in it which takes longer to dry -- that is the annoying part).
Other customers have used theirs too without issue.

Just like with a normal flat septum, you have to make sure you get it wiped and have alcohol in the divot to sterilize outside surface each time and let completely dry (the annoying part because of the divot) before each draw.

However, none of the other customers nor myself have ever experience any oil leaking.
If you see evidence that the seal is compromised, I would not use it.
IF this is the case, please contact customer service via the "contact us" form on the basicstero site and explain what you have including an details of a leak.

I do not have the authority or ability to address the issues beyond that advice (I have no access to orders/account or ability to ship anything) so please contact the company and take things from there. IF the contact form does not allow pics etc, maybe you can include the link (url address -- just click little post number in the top right corner of you post and then copy the address to that exact post) for your post here on MESO to show more details.

I hope all that helps you brother
Some stopped do get distorted when the pressure changes because of cooling.
I explained this is much greater detail somewhere back in this thread but it would take some searching to find.
Basically, during manufacturing the oils and vials are warm/hot, then they are sealed -- when the temperature drops it is possible the pressure can be reduced enough to distort the septum (this is the case when we see the rare vial that looks "sucked inward" with a divot -- if not leaking it is still completely sealed and usable).
Without physically inspecting your example, I can not know for sure what is the case -- however, I am confident as long as there is no leaking, the contents are still sterile. IF you are worried about the seal, here is what I personally do in such cases: I pump a few cc of air (using a clean , new, sterile syringe) into the vial to create positive pressure -- then, I store the vial upside down (so stopped is at bottom with oil in contact and pressure above pushing down at the stopped from within); if by the next day there is no leaked oil, the seal is very tight and viable.

IF you have any trouble beyond this, simple contact the source directly and see if customer service may help you further to resolve your issue (this source is usually very good about taking care of any issues).

My opinion is you should get a replacement if oil is leaking out.
But please understand, this is my opinion, I do not have any authority or ability to access inventory, orders, accounts, or private info etc. or make any promises/deals (I can only see what any other customer may see) so you need someone such as Frank or Pharmacom Support to make such arrangements.

You will need to contact the source directly by using the “Contact Us” form on the source’s site. Here, below I will post a quote where I explain more details about contacting the source’s customer service (most notably, be sure to check your email “spam” folder for potential replies). Please have your order number from them and any picture etc. to help explain to them what you are talking about (English is not their first language).
I hope you get it all resolved with the source.

NOTE: it is extremely unlikely you will be offered a replacement from any warehouse otherr than the one in which the original order was placed and came from. The source is very restriced to orders and reships etc. being consistent with the warehouse in which they were originally placed (this is because of many factors including option teh system allows customer service, opperating costs / payement structure to the warehouse, and how the computer system track inventory etc.).

Please, see my post quoted below for details regarding how to contact the source directly:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)


The rest of this info below is just details and some suggestions for you and/or anyone else that reads along because this is not the first time and will not be the last time this natural phenomena resulting from temperature and pressure changes occurs.

Here is what I personally do in this case: clean the tops off with alcohol wipes until they are 100% completely clean and dry. Then pump a few cc of air (using a clean, new, sterile syringe) into the vial to create positive pressure. next, I store the vial upside down (so stopped is at bottom with oil in contact and pressure above pushing down at the stopped from within); if by the next couple days there is no leaked oil, the seal is very tight and viable (should be ok to use).

Actually, while it is very rare, because I hear from thousands of customers spanning across all the different boards and online communities over many years now, I have seen this a few other times (including some of my own personal items over the years).

The inward pulled septum does not affect the product nor sterility at all -- if still sealed, it is no different and totally safe to use.
I have personally used mine like this without issue (other than a little annoying to try to wipe with alcohol before drawing; i simply wipe with alcohol soaked cotton ball and press it down against divot hard enough so I can contact all the surface while I rotate the vial -- then, divot has alcohol in it which takes longer to dry -- that is the annoying part).
Other customers have used theirs too without issue.

Just like with a normal flat septum, you have to make sure you get it wiped and have alcohol in the divot to sterilize outside surface each time and let completely dry (a little more annoying part because of the divot) before each draw.

However, I have ever experience any oil leaking myself; if you see a leak, you need to contact the source directly.

I hope some of my experience and this information may be helpful to others.
Some stoppers may get distorted when the pressure changes because of cooling. This is nothing to be alarmed about but I can understand your concern if it is the first time you have ever seen it this way.

When the vial is sealed the oil is warm from manufacturing, then over time it cools but because it is air-tight the pressure drops at the temperature drop and in some rare cases the pressure change is enough to pull on the stopper causing a divot in the middle of the stopper.

I explained this detail before a few times this thread (it is rare, but not a big deal in most cases – I will add a couple older quotes below just to show this is a well understood phenomena I have seen multiple times before:

My opinion is you should get a replacement if oil is leaking out.
But please understand, this is my opinion, I do not have any authority or ability to access inventory, orders, accounts, or private info etc. or make any promises (I can only see what any other customer may see).

You will need to contact the source directly by using the “Contact Us” form on the source’s site. Here, below I will post a quote where I explain more details about contacting the source’s customer service (most notably, be sure to check your email “spam” folder for potential replies). Please have your order number from them and any picture etc. to help explain to them what you are talking about (English is not their first language).
I hope you get it all resolved with the source.

NOTE: it is extremely unlikely you will be offered a replacement from any warehouse otherr than the one in which the original order was placed and came from. The source is very restriced to orders and reships etc. being consistent with the warehouse in which they were originally placed (this is because of many factors including option teh system allows customer service, opperating costs / payement structure to the warehouse, and how the computer system track inventory etc.).

Please, see my post quoted below for details regarding how to contact the source directly:


The rest of this info below is just details and some suggestions for you and/or anyone else that reads along because this is not the first time and will not be the last time this natural phenomena resulting from temperature and pressure changes occurs.

Here is what I personally do in this case: clean the tops off with alcohol wipes until they are 100% completely clean and dry. Then pump a few cc of air (using a clean, new, sterile syringe) into the vial to create positive pressure. next, I store the vial upside down (so stopped is at bottom with oil in contact and pressure above pushing down at the stopped from within); if by the next couple days there is no leaked oil, the seal is very tight and viable (should be ok to use).

Actually, while it is very rare, because I hear from thousands of customers spanning across all the different boards and online communities over many years now, I have seen this a few other times (including some of my own personal items over the years).

The inward pulled septum does not affect the product nor sterility at all -- if still sealed, it is no different and totally safe to use.
I have personally used mine like this without issue (other than a little annoying to try to wipe with alcohol before drawing; i simply wipe with alcohol soaked cotton ball and press it down against divot hard enough so I can contact all the surface while I rotate the vial -- then, divot has alcohol in it which takes longer to dry -- that is the annoying part).
Other customers have used theirs too without issue.

Just like with a normal flat septum, you have to make sure you get it wiped and have alcohol in the divot to sterilize outside surface each time and let completely dry (a little more annoying part because of the divot) before each draw.

However, I have ever experience any oil leaking myself; if you see a leak, you need to contact the source directly.

I hope some of my experience and this information may be helpful to others.
you be the judge, but this doesnt look like "distortions" to me....

Edit: i Have a video of me popping the caps off... would prefer to only send this to a very select few due to fingerprints and high resolution pictures...
sorry for posting before reading your entire post (guilty) but i wanted to make sure your informed so now i will inform myself of what youve said. cheers

edit #2: oil is leaking. dont want a reship. last reship got stopped at customs for 6months and got to me out of nowhere with "testosterone" written on outside of pack in plain view (yeesh) thanks for the reply and the info. all very solid. ill contact them directly.


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It´s usually 1 week and yet order procesing?? i bouth to w1... Warehouse 1: 6 - 12days as a rule
All processing may delayed currently because the hosting datacenter is having issue and that is causing downtime with the source's site/syste.
another one issue we are going through right now is not constant site availability, in particular international warehouse. There are issues with hosting provider and it is beyond our control. We are waiting when hosting fixes all. Due to these issues and site unavailability our warehouse could not pack latest pending orders as well as we have delays with replying emails. We can hardly help without access to site.
Our admin is closely working with hosting provider to resolve this, but it depends mainly not on us.
We reply to all emails and process all orders as soon as it gets resolved. Hopefully today.
Really sorry for delays!
you be the judge, but this doesnt look like "distortions" to me....
Yes. that is exactly what I am talking about.
I used to have some pics of other examples but I think they were lost when I got a new laptop (i'm asking around to see if I can find anyone with another pic of this -- it would be nice if a had a few examples).
May I save and use a copy of your pic for teh futire in case I need to explain this again or on other boards?
I will respect your privacy of course; I just mean may I have permission to copy the pic please for an example?

Edit: i Have a video of me popping the caps off... would prefer to only send this to a very select few due to fingerprints and high resolution pictures...
sorry for posting before reading your entire post (guilty) but i wanted to make sure your informed so now i will inform myself of what youve said. cheers
I agree, do not post too much private info in public. you show plenty for us to all see what you have.
Contact the source and then they shoudl email you. You may be able to reply to the source's email with any more sensitive info or anything that shows your identity.

Best wishes -- I hope you get it all resolved
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May I save and use a copy of your pic for teh futire in case I need to explain this again or on other boards?
I will respect your privacy of course; I just mean may I have permission to copy the pic please for an example?
feel free to use my image any way you please... thanks for asking (thumbs up)
you be the judge, but this doesnt look like "distortions" to me....

Edit: i Have a video of me popping the caps off... would prefer to only send this to a very select few due to fingerprints and high resolution pictures...
sorry for posting before reading your entire post (guilty) but i wanted to make sure your informed so now i will inform myself of what youve said. cheers

edit #2: oil is leaking. dont want a reship. last reship got stopped at customs for 6months and got to me out of nowhere with "testosterone" written on outside of pack in plain view (yeesh) thanks for the reply and the info. all very solid. ill contact them directly.
Just delete exif data and you won't have to worry about who sees your pictures etc.
feel free to use my image any way you please... thanks for asking (thumbs up)
Thank you.
Tomorrow when I get home, I will also try to contact the source on your behalf as well and let Frank know you may be contacting customer service (the "Contact Us" on Basictsero's soite). I will share a link to the posts here etc and try to help bring attention to your concern.
I know the past couple days they have been having trouble with the source's website's host datacenter -- so it may cause some delays in commincation. But at least I can let them know you are trying to communicate and resolve this.
It is the best I can do to be of assistance; I hope it may help.