Just today I received my order, 25 days later, and when I open it, everything was full of winstrol ... everything was wet and oily, two of the vials have less quantity due to these "leaks", I have not removed the security seals due to if the source wants a video but I wait for a solution ...
I wonder if it’s the same issue that the other guys had with large holes in the stoppers. Pcom will take care of it.
The first thing I notice is that you’re under arrived in only 25 days. That is a good time that most guys would be happy with for INTL order. I saw you posting that your order was delayed, but it actually has arrived faster than most.
So this arrival time is good news
Is this the correct pack? You say everything is winstrol; is this what you ordered? did you get the correct items?
As for some oil, it simply sounds like a couple vials were damaged in shipping (I say a couple because you said two are missing oil).
Like with anything else in the mail, sometimes thing can get damaged -- this may happen, and does indeed happen, with all types of businesses daily.
Or, if it an issue such
@SkankHunt mentioned where the pressure in a vial is reduced when the oil cools after being sealed shortly after production and this pressure reduction pulls inward on the middle of the stopper material so much that it stretches downward to form a divot. Usually, this is not issue and does not leak (the source will not replace fro just the divot as it is not damaged and can be used without issue).
But sometimes, in rare event, we have now seen a couple guys post that theirs leaked some oil. When it leaks, I would not us it because it means the seal may be compromised.
I recently had an ammo order here not too many days ago (stocking up in case people in the USA finally have enough of the bullshit and are ready to physically defend our values and Constitution) where some of the big heavy 1000rd cases shifted in a larger box and smashed into smaller boxes of less rounds that were not into the large metal ammo-can.
The can must have hit them like a wrecking ball and there were pieces of the ammo tray from the smaller box all over the package -- rounds were spilled all out and some rounds were dented.
Normally, I wouldn't even have cared, but with the social unrest, ammo shortages, and high ammo prices, it mattered.
Clearly, I understood the seller did not want this to occur; also, I am sure the postal service did not do it on purpose -- it was no plan or conspiracy against me -- it just happen when things get shipped.
I felt bad asking because I know it was not the sellers fault (it makes a business I support and care about loss money), but I did contact them and show pictures etc., tracking showed it just arrived, and the business kindly sent out two new boxes of nice higher quality .308 to more than replace a few rounds that were too badly dented to be used.
Most people have experienced something getting damaged in the mail and most of the time businesses will eat the cost to replace items for their customers.
You will simply need to wait until the source's website is up and running so you can use the "contact us" and communicate the about your issue.
The pics will now be saved here on MESO and also you may keep your copy as example of the issue.
I strongly suggest you wait until you can communicate directly and privately with the source (via the source's "contact us" or resulting emails) -- note hat PMs on boards may not always be the most secure and unless it is
@Pharmacom Labs or
@Pharmacom Support do not give any personal details such as delivery address for replacement.
I would not give any personal details in general unless I am in direct communication with the source.
I am sure guys will post, or the source will announce, when the DDOS attack is over and the website is available again.
IF this attack continues too long, maybe the source will have explore some other options to restore business. Lets just hope the attack is blocked and all is back to normal soon.
Be safe my friend and I hope all is resolved soon