MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

let me add: if i do see any new info about that batch, such as a new results, I will be sure to post an update here regardless of which analytic lab's previous results are agreed with or not.
No matter what the result of an additional testing shows, one the trusted analytic services was wrong -- and, that is what I am most interested about.
I'll post any update I see on any boards.
Always be sure to check the News section on the source's site for recent News and Important Announcements.

For example:

"2021-04-30 19:46:07
Hi there,

our email is temporarily not working. We do not receive messages and can not reply. We are very sorry for inconvenience. We fix it as soon as possible. We will announce once email is working again."

From the source's news section linked below:
Anyone else not get tracking number on US Domestic order?? I've received 2 orders from Basicstero with no problems, but you know what they say, third time is a charm. It's been about 150 hours since shipped, still no tracking.
"For the USA Domestic section: we provide tracking number within 48 hours as a rule". -Basicstero
I am pretty sure my package has been delivered and stolen while I was at work(I live in the fucking ghetto), but I will never know. About $1000 down the shitter...Am I the only sorry bastard?
Anyone else not get tracking number on US Domestic order?? I've received 2 orders from Basicstero with no problems, but you know what they say, third time is a charm. It's been about 150 hours since shipped, still no tracking.
"For the USA Domestic section: we provide tracking number within 48 hours as a rule". -Basicstero
I am pretty sure my package has been delivered and stolen while I was at work(I live in the fucking ghetto), but I will never know. About $1000 down the shitter...Am I the only sorry bastard?
I have never received a tracking when I ordered from the US Domestic because the packs always arrived before the source can even upload tracking. Usually, my US Domestic packs arrive within one business week of the payment being confirmed.

I have never even checked to see if I have tracking uploaded on my dashboard because all orders arrived before i received tracking.

I'm going to go look now to see if any had tracking added later.
I have never received a tracking when I ordered from the US Domestic because the packs always arrived before the source can even upload tracking. Usually, my US Domestic packs arrive within one business week of the payment being confirmed.

I have never even checked to see if I have tracking uploaded on my dashboard because all orders arrived before i received tracking.

I'm going to go look now to see if any had tracking added later.
Same. Payment will be confirmed but pack shows up in 4-5 days.
I have never received a tracking when I ordered from the US Domestic because the packs always arrived before the source can even upload tracking. Usually, my US Domestic packs arrive within one business week of the payment being confirmed.

I have never even checked to see if I have tracking uploaded on my dashboard because all orders arrived before i received tracking.

I'm going to go look now to see if any had tracking added later.
Correction, I just checked my dashboard on Basicstero for the the US Domestic warehouse section and do have tracking number on my orders.

But like I said, they all arrived so fast, within days of ordering, that I never did see tracking first so I never looked again at the orders.

All has always arrived fast for me from US Domestic.

Each milliliter contains:
- Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg / ml.
- Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg / ml.
- Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg / ml.

PHARMA MIX 3 is a unique combination of drugs designed specifically for extreme muscle growth and strength. Because of its features and high efficiency, it is only suitable for experienced users and professional athletes.

Differences PHARMA MIX 3:
+ Convenient to use as frequent injections are not required.
+ Quickly increases power performance.
+ Visibly increases muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Just wanted to offer an update. Received my package from W2 in the US yesterday. All in all it was 37 days from order placed to delivery so not too shabby.
Hi, glad to hear it, thank you for your feedback.
I got everything I ordered. I also noticed one blister I didn’t order. The orange looks like the oxandrolone I ordered in the past. Does anyone know what the yellow is?

View attachment 146281
I will check the information and write to you.
Correction, I just checked my dashboard on Basicstero for the the US Domestic warehouse section and do have tracking number on my orders.

But like I said, they all arrived so fast, within days of ordering, that I never did see tracking first so I never looked again at the orders.

All has always arrived fast for me from US Domestic.
A couple weeks ago I ordered domestic USA since my February order international has been a disaster and I got the order in 4 days.. then several days later received a tracking number lol.
Correction, I just checked my dashboard on Basicstero for the the US Domestic warehouse section and do have tracking number on my orders.

But like I said, they all arrived so fast, within days of ordering, that I never did see tracking first so I never looked again at the orders.

All has always arrived fast for me from US Domestic.
I just ordered again domestic USA because still waiting for February shit show. I’ll let ya know if I get it again before tracking number arrives
Heads up for anyone ordering from Pharmacom. Make sure you videotape when you open the packages. Two out of my three orders including the most recent one that arrived yesterday has had a damaged vial. If this keeps happening to me there is a very good chance it will happen to you.

Pharmacom still hasn't replaced the first leaking vial that was sent or even given me any sort of update on the status of the replacement. Not even sure if they are making it a priority but at this point I have zero faith in this operation.

Get ready to kiss hundreds of dollars goodbye on gear you can't use. Hopefully you have better luck with customer service than I did because it is absolute garbage. Think long and hard before you order from them.
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, I am very sorry that this happened with you, but believe me, we will do our best to help. I have send this information to management, soon we will sort out the situation and do everything possible to make you happy.
I’ve ordered from int’l several times. In the past, after you get tracking it usually takes two weeks. It will sit overseas for a week or so, then come in to customs, and after it clears customs, it takes a couple days.

That is IF all goes as it should. This has been such a goddamn nightmare, i have little faith left. I have my doubts that we will even get tracking. Would be nice though.
Hi, I understand your concern, but believe me, everything will be fine in the end, we always do our best to make the customer happy.
Hi, I have an issue with my order, I received it but it is not what I purchased and my susta is expired (9-2020). How can I contact pharmacom please?
Hi, I have an issue with my order, I received it but it is not what I purchased and my susta is expired (9-2020).
The expiration date printed on the labels really has little significance (and I would also guess many small UGLs simply print up new exp dates as "needed" if/when some stock is getting older -- I wouldn't even put it past licensed "Big Pharma" Corporations do do the same, after all they have been caught in lawsuits many times for deceit and corruption). Pharmacom simply chooses to stay honest and let you know how long it has been since that batch was made, but this does not mean anything is wrong with the batch as you may see from the article linked below).

As long as these products are stored properly, the contents are good for a long time past any printed date:

check out this article from Harvard Medical School:
Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything? - Harvard Health

Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything?
FDA study gets to the heart of expired medicine and safety
Updated: August 13, 2018
Published: November, 2003
The big question is, do pills expire? With a splitting headache, you reach into your medicine cabinet for some aspirin only to find the stamped expiration date on the medicine bottle is more than a year out of date. So, does medicine expire? Do you take it or don't you? If you decide to take the aspirin, will it be a fatal mistake or will you simply continue to suffer from the headache?

This is a dilemma many people face in some way or another. A column published in Psychopharmacology Today offers some advice.

It turns out that the expiration date on a drug does stand for something, but probably not what you think it does. Since a law was passed in 1979, drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. This is the date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.

Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

So the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use. Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers. It's true the effectiveness of a drug may decrease over time, but much of the original potency still remains even a decade after the expiration date. Excluding nitroglycerin, insulin, and liquid antibiotics, most medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested by the military. Placing a medication in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help a drug remain potent for many years.

Is the expiration date a marketing ploy by drug manufacturers, to keep you restocking your medicine cabinet and their pockets regularly? You can look at it that way. Or you can also look at it this way: The expiration dates are very conservative to ensure you get everything you paid for. And, really, if a drug manufacturer had to do expiration-date testing for longer periods it would slow their ability to bring you new and improved formulations.

The next time you face the drug expiration date dilemma, consider what you've learned here. If the expiration date passed a few years ago and it's important that your drug is absolutely 100% effective, you might want to consider buying a new bottle. And if you have any questions about the safety or effectiveness of any drug, ask your pharmacist. He or she is a great resource when it comes to getting more information about your medications.

How can I contact pharmacom please?
The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues. For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Support how much BB are you guys using? My vial of test e 300 isnt even halfway done and im gonna have to throw it away because the top is disintegrating.
I do not think the surface condition of that stopper is a result of some BB or other solvent.
It most likely was that way to begin with, before even being on that vial -- my guess is that this rough surface was a result of heat or the stopper production itself or something during sterilization steps etc.

Think about it, if it was from contact with a solvent, then the entire internal side would be much worse OR even completely dissolved by now.
It does not make any logical sense that a small drop of oil gets on the top can do that, but the entire stopper on the inside is still there while being in contact with the same oil throughout shipping and maybe even for over year since production etc.

If it was from the carrier oil formula, the other stoppers would also all show this because they all have the same exposure to the carrier oil formula.

You can drop some of the carrier oil on the top of a stopper and let it sit for many days, my bet is you will not see anything happen.

That is why my guess is just that that specific stopper (and I have seen a few others like it) started out that way from heat during production, sterilization, or simply because the stopper source, like any business or producer, has some outliers in its own production line.

No need to throw it away unless you know there is a leak (from the pic, i do not see any signs of leaking). It may look different, but functionally it is the same.

If you are concerned about the seal, simply push some pressure into the vial, a couple cc of just air pressure, then flip the vial over so the oil is in contact with the edges of the stopper; let it sit this way for a day or so with all the air pressure pushing the oil against the seal.
IF there are any leaks, the oil will come out under this pressure (really, in practice we would not even have this kinda of pressure, so if there are no leaks with it like this, you can be confident there are no leaks under normal conditions).

If Frank or his assistant know more, maybe they can add something.
but those are my thoughts and I hope it helps :)
It wasnt like that when i cracked it open. And it does leak now. After drawing oil seeps out thru the top of the vial
I do not think the surface condition of that stopper is a result of some BB or other solvent.
It most likely was that way to begin with, before even being on that vial -- my guess is that this rough surface was a result of heat or the stopper production itself or something during sterilization steps etc.

Think about it, if it was from contact with a solvent, then the entire internal side would be much worse OR even completely dissolved by now.
It does not make any logical sense that a small drop of oil gets on the top can do that, but the entire stopper on the inside is still there while being in contact with the same oil throughout shipping and maybe even for over year since production etc.

If it was from the carrier oil formula, the other stoppers would also all show this because they all have the same exposure to the carrier oil formula.

You can drop some of the carrier oil on the top of a stopper and let it sit for many days, my bet is you will not see anything happen.

That is why my guess is just that that specific stopper (and I have seen a few others like it) started out that way from heat during production, sterilization, or simply because the stopper source, like any business or producer, has some outliers in its own production line.

No need to throw it away unless you know there is a leak (from the pic, i do not see any signs of leaking). It may look different, but functionally it is the same.

If you are concerned about the seal, simply push some pressure into the vial, a couple cc of just air pressure, then flip the vial over so the oil is in contact with the edges of the stopper; let it sit this way for a day or so with all the air pressure pushing the oil against the seal.
IF there are any leaks, the oil will come out under this pressure (really, in practice we would not even have this kinda of pressure, so if there are no leaks with it like this, you can be confident there are no leaks under normal conditions).

If Frank or his assistant know more, maybe they can add something.
but those are my thoughts and I hope it helps :)