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Does anyone know when Pharmacom picks up payments from money gram? WU sucks, I will try to pay by crypto next time.
I think by one business week the order status usually updated to "processing" which means the payment is confirmed.

Services such as MG/WU can run into trouble if/when the transfer company puts a hold or freeze on the transfer.
The source will make multiple attempts (I believe three) to collect funds spanning across different days/locations. But sometimes it is beyond the control of the source because the transfer company has fund-transfer blocked.
In such a case, you would need to work with the transfer company to get your funds and then use Crypto instead.
@RThoads I have pharmacom sust500 and primo100, do you see any problems with drawing both in the same shot? I plan on doing 250/100 2x/week...
No problem at with drawing both oil into the same barrel.
Both use GSO carrier and maybe only differ (potentially, I am not even sure if anything is different at all) in the amount of some EO added.
Both are the same carrier and will mix.
I did this myself by using EQ (because it is mild and no PIP) with higher conc. product such as Test-500, so the overall mix in my barrel would have less PIP.
I don't think the reship trackings are posted to the customer dashboard.
At least in my own experience, I never got a tracking for a reship; it simply was sent and then one day later a pack arrived that I opened to the happy surprise of it being all of my items that were seized months ago.
IF the source says they sent a reship, I believe they did so, but, in my case, I did not see a tracking myself.
Okay good to know. I thought we told in previous emails/threads that they were waiting for new tracking numbers for the new shipping partner.
Okay good to know. I thought we told in previous emails/threads that they were waiting for new tracking numbers for the new shipping partner.
I am speaking about in general -- my reship experience was not recent.
IF you are asking specifically about the CV19 quarantined packs from around February 2021, I only know the same things you all have seen here about that specific situation.
From the source's posts, it sounds like they treated those as lost (like when it is lost by the postal service) and did free reship those orders.

Trying to smuggle contraband is not so easy and I do not know all the complexities of the such a business (maybe I should go brush up on some old Mami Vice episodes to learn more lol).
But I do know it is dynamic and always looking for better ways etc. sometime a complex process involving having to pass origin and destination customs, and what it takes to help influence those goals etc.

I have not yet received anything from my own February order. At one point I could see tracking and was able to see the USA city that quarantined it all, but then tracking was removed from the postal system.
The quote below is the most recent info I have from the source:
Folks, there is nothing here not to believe. Earlier we had tracking numbers starting with 2 letters and ending with 2 letters. In February we started using another way with tracking numbers consisting only from numbers. I am sure lots of people here who ordered can confirm this. A few batches shipped that way have arrived fine. I think someone will confirm it too. Some batches failed due to coronavirus thing and stuck. We reshipped them. New tracking numbers were not uploaded so fat cause we ship not directly, but use an intermediary partner who should first receive goods from us and forward by his special way (which takes 4-6 days). On top of this a couple of batches did not pass export procedure an local custom and were returned back and our partner had to use another route through another customs. Look, i can not disclose details, but this all takes time. And I mentioned several times: shipping takes over a month from international warehouse now. This new way is not well tested and not so stable so far.
On the other hand we are arranging a new warehouse in a new country, which should have good delivery success towards the USA particularly.
We have issues and we admit it. No one is disappearing and no one is trying to scam you.
Okay good to know. I thought we told in previous emails/threads that they were waiting for new tracking numbers for the new shipping partner.
I got an email on the 23rd that said we will be getting an email for tracking in a few days. No tracking as of now.
I got an email on the 23rd that said we will be getting an email for tracking in a few days. No tracking as of now.
If i get a chance to catch Frank online this week, I will ask him if he has any update about those quarantined orders OR the reships.
I have not been able to talk ti him as much very recently because I have to get up earlier for other work. But I might be able to stay up late tonight and try to catch his timezone (I am in the USA but he is traveling or in Europe most of the time).

Or, maybe you guys can try to PM the Pharmacom Support assistant to see if he has any update.
I sent a PM last week sometime and it’s sounds they are still waiting for tracking #’s from the new shipping partner. I think they said within a week. Like I said before anything can be said the only thing that matters is outcome.
Sergey Kulaev - PRO athlete team Pharmacom Labs.

Link to Sergey's instagram profile, follow the news.

I placed an order from W2 to the US on March 21st. Tracking never populated but I got a reply from support on April 9th that they’re reshipping. Unfortunately haven’t gotten a tracking number yet.

Anyone place an order around the same time?
Okay good to know. I thought we told in previous emails/threads that they were waiting for new tracking numbers for the new shipping partner.
I got an email on the 23rd that said we will be getting an email for tracking in a few days. No tracking as of now.
I sent a PM last week sometime and it’s sounds they are still waiting for tracking #’s from the new shipping partner. I think they said within a week. Like I said before anything can be said the only thing that matters is outcome.
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, I understand that you are worried, but believe me, there is no reason to worry, your track numbers will be sent as soon as possible, you will definitely receive what you ordered, everything will be fine, you just need to wait longer than usual.
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That is great... I really do appreciate it. You all just need to remember we all have been patient. There are a few of us that have reordered which is additional money keeping the faith in the company.
If i get a chance to catch Frank online this week, I will ask him if he has any update about those quarantined orders OR the reships.
I have not been able to talk ti him as much very recently because I have to get up earlier for other work. But I might be able to stay up late tonight and try to catch his timezone (I am in the USA but he is traveling or in Europe most of the time).

Or, maybe you guys can try to PM the Pharmacom Support assistant to see if he has any update.
Thanks. Let us know.

is a unique water-based drug manufactured by Pharmacom Labs. Pure trenbolone, not containing an ester, with an activity of only 3-4 hours, ideal as a powerful pre-workout.

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PHARMATREN 50 is a multifunctional and very effective drug, the strongest pre-workout stimulator that increases aggression and strength, for extreme loads, at an attractively low price.

I placed an order from W2 to the US on March 21st. Tracking never populated but I got a reply from support on April 9th that they’re reshipping. Unfortunately haven’t gotten a tracking number yet.

Anyone place an order around the same time?
Coming up on 6 weeks without a tracking number. I understand these are still coming, but is it possible to get an idea of when these are expected?

8 weeks versus 10 weeks is going to be the difference between having to place another order in the interim.
Hi all. First post and I promise it’s not a complaint. :)

Just seeking advice from the community on pharmacom products.

So far I’ve done three cycles using PCom test E. Most recent was about 400mg per week (split into two shots.) These are my first cycles and have not used any other brand of injectables.

I have been very careful about good hygiene and using sterilised equipment. However, on all three cycles I have experienced increasing pain at the injection sites.

I find the first few shots into each muscle is fine, but as the weeks wear on I start to get a raised lump which is red and increasingly sore. In the last cycle I tried rotating six sites instead of four (so each muscle would only get hit once every three weeks) but the problem continued.

I have been reading about ethyl oleate and how it causes allergic reactions in some people. The symptoms I’ve read from other users on other forums match mine exactly.

I would like to know if others on this forum have experienced this issue, and what they did to combat it. Any constructive suggestions are welcome. Especially from people who had this issue and still use PComm ie. was there a different product that worked better?

Before using I did an extensive amount of research to identify PComm as a reliable source. I care very much about quality and would like to continue the same brand if possible. I also like that PComm respond to all my emails and throw in extras at times!

Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for any replies. :)
Hi all. First post and I promise it’s not a complaint. :)

Just seeking advice from the community on pharmacom products.

So far I’ve done three cycles using PCom test E. Most recent was about 400mg per week (split into two shots.) These are my first cycles and have not used any other brand of injectables.

I have been very careful about good hygiene and using sterilised equipment. However, on all three cycles I have experienced increasing pain at the injection sites.

I find the first few shots into each muscle is fine, but as the weeks wear on I start to get a raised lump which is red and increasingly sore. In the last cycle I tried rotating six sites instead of four (so each muscle would only get hit once every three weeks) but the problem continued.

I have been reading about ethyl oleate and how it causes allergic reactions in some people. The symptoms I’ve read from other users on other forums match mine exactly.

I would like to know if others on this forum have experienced this issue, and what they did to combat it. Any constructive suggestions are welcome. Especially from people who had this issue and still use PComm ie. was there a different product that worked better?

Before using I did an extensive amount of research to identify PComm as a reliable source. I care very much about quality and would like to continue the same brand if possible. I also like that PComm respond to all my emails and throw in extras at times!

Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for any replies. :)
Never had any issues with their Test E or any other high dose formulas. I have had some reactions to Primo (solvent cough), so maybe you're sensitive to a solvent? Try SubQ with a 27g insulin syringe. I have had far fewer side effects and PIP since switching to SubQ. Just my experience.
Hi all. First post and I promise it’s not a complaint. :)

Just seeking advice from the community on pharmacom products.

So far I’ve done three cycles using PCom test E. Most recent was about 400mg per week (split into two shots.) These are my first cycles and have not used any other brand of injectables.

I have been very careful about good hygiene and using sterilised equipment. However, on all three cycles I have experienced increasing pain at the injection sites.

I find the first few shots into each muscle is fine, but as the weeks wear on I start to get a raised lump which is red and increasingly sore. In the last cycle I tried rotating six sites instead of four (so each muscle would only get hit once every three weeks) but the problem continued.

I have been reading about ethyl oleate and how it causes allergic reactions in some people. The symptoms I’ve read from other users on other forums match mine exactly.

I would like to know if others on this forum have experienced this issue, and what they did to combat it. Any constructive suggestions are welcome. Especially from people who had this issue and still use PComm ie. was there a different product that worked better?

Before using I did an extensive amount of research to identify PComm as a reliable source. I care very much about quality and would like to continue the same brand if possible. I also like that PComm respond to all my emails and throw in extras at times!

Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for any replies. :)
No complaints here. I’ve tried their 500mg and 600mg blends without issue. The 500mg had some pip but nothing to the effect of swollen and redness. It could very well be your body doesn’t like the EO.
Cheers fellas. I should specify that I’m only using 300mg per ml solution. I know some people get PiP on the higher concentration oils. I don’t think it’s that.
Cheers fellas. I should specify that I’m only using 300mg per ml solution. I know some people get PiP on the higher concentration oils. I don’t think it’s that.
i do not have any issues myself and watching all the boards (not just MESO; for example, I joined ASF in 2014 etc.) I do not recall seeing others with this issue.

IF you have ruled out all other possibilities, such as inject technique (proper depth, angle, no physical damage from wiggling etc), sterilize vial tops each time before drawing, brand new needle to draw then switch to a separate brand new needle to inject (both sealed and sterile), cleaned target site well and sterilized with alcohol before application...
Then, unfortunately, it may simply be a matter of rare individual response (like with anything else in life). It may not even be the EO -- is could be the oil itself, a compound, or a reaction to any of the products used (even the needles).

So I do very much believe you, but there is no way for anyone to truly conclude to what or why you are having an undesired reaction.
We are just all different and while no one else is having an issue, you may personally have some different allergy or response.

Moving forward, logically, you have three choices:
1) keep trying and see if your body adapts
(which does happen. but, please know, it also can go the other way and people that never had an issue with something previously, can sometimes, have an issue in a future usage; for instance, i have heard of this with pure clean DNP, GH, even OTC supplements for some people).

2) try another brand with a different carrier formulation.

3) go natural
(I know, no one would want to do something this "extreme" -- we'd rather live with some discomfort than be natural ;) lol)

I hope it gets better -- best wishes to you brother.