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Hello @Pharmacom Support

I made Payment for an order more like a week ago and it has been on "Payment is being checked" since then, I contacted twice with support in the web page but hasn't received any response, why is that?

Have a nice day

Hey guys, I have a problem with my order of Test E from the domestic warehouse. Just ordered 2 bottles, took the blue cap off of one bottle and the metal center portion didn't come off. There is also oil that is in the center there, which appears it may be leaking?? I am worried about using this, if oil is leaking out and I literally just took it out of the box and popped the blue cap.
Just checked the second bottle, and the center part came off with the blue cap, but the bottle is also leaking and the rubber part looks bad.
@Pharmacom Support Ordered two vials of Test E 300 from the US warehouse. Both vials are leaking at the top. The center of the metal lid on the first vial didn't come off with the blue cap, and there is oil leaking there. On the second vial, the center portion came off with the blue cap, but it is also leaking and the rubber stopper looks distorted. What can be done about this? Thank you.
Possibly so. Still no response in email or PM. Not sure how long they usually take for these types of things. Indefinite amount of time? Lol
Hi, please don’t worry, I received your message and I'm already checking how we can help you.
Welp. I take it back..happened to me to. Just popped open my sust500. What the fuck. Lots of oil seeped through. What to do??View attachment 146503
Actually both are leaking. They look View attachment 146504like they have holes in the middle..
The top isn't even properly crimped onto the vial(normal crimp on TestC vial for reference). All I had to do was inject 1 cc of air into the vial and the whole top slid off. Resealed it as best I could. Is this shit safe to use??View attachment 146507 View attachment 146505
Guess I'll just toss them. Checked all my vials...get this, two of my Primo have busted tops just like the Sust. Alot of money down the drain

In the middle of my first cycle too...

Beginners luck?? Disappointed.
The source said that they are willing to reimburse me only 180$ store credit.

2 vials Sust500= 210$
1 vial Primo100= 95$
Shipping= 20$

Already threw the gear out...
What the fuck am I going to do with 180$ store credit, buy my PCT because my cycle was cut short? :):mad:

Absolutely wack.
I assure you it's true.

Well my whole order was around $1200. So I knew it was unlikely that they'd credit me the whole order. But, I assumed at the very least that they'd credit me for the 3 most affected vials(2xSust 1xPrimo).

Totally not gonna hang on this forever. Taking the L and moving on...

I replied by telling them I no longer want a refund, and that in the future I'd be buying my gear elsewhere.
Hi, I am very sorry that this happened to you, we apologize for the inconvenience, if you still need help, please write to me in private messages, I will do my best to help.
Hey brother, it is ok I scrolled over the new page here and not really any new topics.

All the same stuff has already been addressed in detail in the previous few pages -- the same issues (waiting for reship tracking etc. or the stoppers with divots... nothing new really so all answers are already posted).

Please understand, i am never upset with anyone here or take anything here personally. I am a customer too. I've said it before: we all want the same things.
Basicstero has always been good to me and I know Frank works hard and cares. Frank was there for me and helped me a lot when I was at a very low point in life (after major medical issue, heart failure, and lost a lot financially). I am not going to go into specific details, but Frank really did help me and may have saved me and my household.
While I know that does not help any of you, and I understand your day-to-day business related issues, concerns, complaints etc., just know that Frank has proven his character and integrity to me beyond that which most people I know in-person ever will.
I believe and trust Frank and consider him a friend.

If you guys have complaints or issues, I understand and have it all in perspective -- i know it is not anything personal; it is business, I get it.
I am not upset with any one here -- I appreciate all of you and none of us here are much different.
I try my best to explain things and help with communication etc.
It is not stress for me -- I would do it for free (and did for years) -- it gives me work; I guess if everything went perfectly all the time, maybe I would not even be needed. Your concerns create a need for my help and that gives me a job. I appreciate the community.

I was busy this weekend, and then got some bad news today about a buddy that went into the hospital last week because he was having a reaction to the CV19 shot (to each his or her own, please I hope no one lectures me either way about getting it or not because I fully support, and would even fight to defend , each persons' own individual choice to accept or decline ANY product -- take or do not take what you choose with your own fully informed consent -- same with AAS, smoking, drinking, gambling, even driving -- where there is risk there must be choice -- I stand for freedom... with that said, I will never this type of product).

Sadly, my friend just passed. He was only a little older than me (puts him in late middle aged) and a really good dude. Always so helpful to everyone. One of the old-school bodybuilders (80s and 90s were his glory years) that still had that comradery brotherhood attitude (he acted like the gym is a family -- not competing with each other or trying to be better, but trying to make everyone succeed together) -- always positive and just believing in others to push them to improve.

Honestly, his kind are getting rare nowdays -- no selfie or IG, i never ever saw him pull put a phone at the gym (he might not have even brought a phone to the gym), just hard work and love of gym and the brotherhood of others with the same life-style working on the same goals.
Lots of good tips, life-lessons, and good stories.

I don't even know what to say right now... I am a grown man, a guy people judge based on my looks and think I am just a meat-head or mean/tough-guy (totally wrong, they just judge masculine dudes as negative -- if you got to know me in-person, you would see I am always nice and the type to always step up when someone needs help), but I sit here tearing up.
Life it too short and we ALL deserve better than this fucked up corrupt system that controls and exploits us all.
Fuck the media, fuck the medical system, and above all else I hope the corrupt politicians and government go to hell.

Sorry guys, I may not even make sense, just venting.
I will scroll back over the last few pages tomorrow and see if I can collect some posts and make some kind of summary for guys.

Hi, please don’t worry, I received your message and I'm already checking how we can help you.
Hey fuckheads. Why are you no longer addressing the lost February orders? Why is there no tracking that you promised for the reships? Why are you no longer responding to emails?
Hey fuckheads. Why are you no longer addressing the lost February orders? Why is there no tracking that you promised for the reships? Why are you no longer responding to emails?
3 months since my order and payment.
Still showing old tracking info online for me and they won't answer any of my emails regarding it.
WTF is going on?
Mohamed Elemam - PRO athlete team Pharmacom Labs, received silver medal at INDY PRO 2021.

Link to Mohamed's instagram profile, follow the news.

Any ideas how I could contact basicstero shop? I have question regarding shipping befora I order but unfortunately they are not responding to emails :(
Any ideas how I could contact basicstero shop? I have question regarding shipping befora I order but unfortunately they are not responding to emails :(

Use the website or message one of the three guy's that belong to the company.

i believe all three have posted within the last five pages. Click one of their usernames and hit start conversation.
I tend to show up to the party late. The first vendor I ever purchased from ran a "sale" which was actually selling bunk gear until people realized it, at which point he closed shop. He was around for years with a decent reputation.
Is that a common reaction with primo? Sounds like it to have it’s own name?

Ive heard of subq but not tried it. I will have to do some research. Cheers. :)
It's most common with Tren. Seconds after starting the injection, nasty taste in the back of your throat and then cough like crazy for about 5 minutes. Not fun... Guess I'm just sensitive to whatever solvent they used in the Primo. I'm a big fan of SubQ though. More stable e2 levels. Less pain.