MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Yes, I also do not understand why when they communicate a defect with a batch number they do not review them or withdraw them, I have also seen what was happening with your testo order I think I remember, I do not know just wait ...
They send out expired gear. They don’t give a fuck lol.
Update: just got and uploaded many tracking numbers. Many of those packs were already delivered recently.
Finally got an email. All it says is that you guys have reached out to the shipping partner several times and have not received tracking yet. And that you will get tracking numbers in a day or two. Looks like more of the same bs to me.
Finally got an email. All it says is that you guys have reached out to the shipping partner several times and have not received tracking yet. And that you will get tracking numbers in a day or two. Looks like more of the same bs to me.
Goodness gracious..I don’t understand, nothing really makes sense with all this.
Have you gotten a response?
Nope. I assume it will be the same as yours.. I will follow up. I did personal message pharmacom support in this thread.
Yes, I also do not understand why when they communicate a defect with a batch number they do not review them or withdraw them, I have also seen what was happening with your testo order I think I remember, I do not know just wait ...
I assume it is an issue with the stoppers they used and they used all of those stoppers over all of the injectables they produced during a set time. They know it's an issue, and everyone who is buying those batches is running into that same they should pull the batches that used those stoppers and resend from newer batches. Whatever they resend that has the same batch number is most likely going to have the same leaking issue.
I assume it is an issue with the stoppers they used and they used all of those stoppers over all of the injectables they produced during a set time. They know it's an issue, and everyone who is buying those batches is running into that same they should pull the batches that used those stoppers and resend from newer batches. Whatever they resend that has the same batch number is most likely going to have the same leaking issue.
Also in my vials they put that they were manufactured in 2018 and expired in January 2022, I'm sure I'm not the first to report these leaks, I have received the same batch twice, they should solve this problem because they are supposed to be a Big laboratory and it would be sad to see how it sinks for things like that affect the quality of their products
Also in my vials they put that they were manufactured in 2018 and expired in January 2022, I'm sure I'm not the first to report these leaks, I have received the same batch twice, they should solve this problem because they are supposed to be a Big laboratory and it would be sad to see how it sinks for things like that affect the quality of their products
The Test E that I had ordered had a manufacture date of these leaky vials have been going on for 2+ years? This is the first time I've ever ordered from them, so....yea.
The Test E that I had ordered had a manufacture date of these leaky vials have been going on for 2+ years? This is the first time I've ever ordered from them, so....yea.
I had previously ordered clenbuterol, clomid, proviron and pills but never vials, but the two times the vials have come to me it was the same batch manufactured in 2018 and leaking
Regarding the damaged/leaky stoppers, pharmacom refunded the money to my account. I'm 100% satisfied. Shit happens and they made up for it completely in my book. I'll place another order and hope for the best!
Stopper Divot Info/Replies Compilation:

I've collected this information below for anyone who has concerns regarding opening a new vial with seeing a divot in the middle of the stopper.

As long as there is no leak in the seal, there is nothing wrong and the product may be used as usual (as you may learn below, it is a known and well-understood phenomenon of manufacturing and does not always mean there is a problem).
However, as the case with any new vial (not just one with a divot in the stopper), if you do have a leak, then the seal may be compromised and you should further investigate the situation before considering using the specific vial in question.
Personally, I would not use the contents of any leaking vial unless I refiltered the contents through a sterile 0.22(μm) filter into a new sealed sterile vial.
Depending upon the details of the situation, I may also consider contacting the source to ask for a replacement of the product.

[NOTE: Please understand this is not a specific reply to any one individual; all I did here was simply scroll through the thread and copy some of the information and replies related to this specific topic so I can easily give a link to this post to anyone in the future who has related questions or concerns]

"It may happen with some vials. Nobody inserted needles into it or punctured it. When vial is filled with oil, oil is hot. After this vials are closed with rubber caps and plastic tops are mounted. Oil gets colder with the time and its volume reduces. It creates negative pressure inside closed vial. Rubber caps are thinner in the middle specially for needles and in some cases if negative pressure is higher, they can be sucked in and surface punctures and deformations may appear. This all happens already in closed vials under plastic tops. There should be no throughout hole." (quote is from a customer who recently shared this reply he received from the source)

Here is a picture a customer shared of some examples of some stopper divots:

This is a well understood and known phenomenon.
Because they are leaking oil, I would not use them (the seal is compromised), and in such cases I have always seen the source offer a replacement.

Here, back in post #26714 of this thread I explain this stopper divot in more details: MESO-Rx Sponsor - Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

When there is no leaking, it is safe to use (I have had some myself and used them).

But if oil has leaked, the seal may be compromised and there is a risk sterility has been also compromised; I would not risk using anything that is not sealed. If you believe they are leaking, just contact the source and ask for a replacement.

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)

Some stoppers may get distorted when the pressure changes because of cooling. This is nothing to be alarmed about but I can understand your concern if it is the first time you have ever seen it this way.

When the vial is sealed the oil is warm from manufacturing, then over time it cools but because it is air-tight the pressure drops at the temperature drop and in some rare cases the pressure change is enough to pull on the stopper causing a divot in the middle of the stopper.

I explained this detail before a few times this thread (it is rare, but not a big deal in most cases.
Here are a couple older quotes below just to show this is a well understood phenomena I have seen multiple times before:
No, not my first time seeing this phenomenon.
Actually, while it is rare, because I hear from thousands of customers spanning across all the different boards and online communities, I have seen it a few times (including some of my own personal items over the years).

It is simply when oil was hot from manufacturing process, air in the vial is expanded, and then the vile is sealed; when the air cools its pressure drops causing a vacuum which on rare occasion pulls strong enough to distort the septum inward (suck it down) and create a divot.

The inward pulled septum does not affect the product nor sterility at all -- if still sealed, it is no different and totally safe to use.
I have personally used mine like this without issue (other than a little annoying to try to wipe with alcohol before drawing; i simply wipe with alcohol soaked cotton ball and press it down against divot hard enough so I can contact all the surface while I rotate the vial -- then, divot has alcohol in it which takes longer to dry -- that is the annoying part).
Other customers have used theirs too without issue.

Just like with a normal flat septum, you have to make sure you get it wiped and have alcohol in the divot to sterilize outside surface each time and let completely dry (the annoying part because of the divot) before each draw.

However, none of the other customers nor myself have ever experience any oil leaking.
If you see evidence that the seal is compromised, I would not use it.
IF this is the case, please contact customer service via the "contact us" form on the Basicstero site and explain what you have including an details of a leak.

I do not have the authority or ability to address the issues beyond that advice (I have no access to orders/account or ability to ship anything) so please contact the company and take things from there. IF the contact form does not allow pics etc., maybe you can include the link (url address -- just click little post number in the top right corner of you post and then copy the address to that exact post) for your post here on MESO to show more details.

I hope all that helps you brother
Some stopped do get distorted when the pressure changes because of cooling.
I explained this is much greater detail somewhere back in this thread but it would take some searching to find.
Basically, during manufacturing the oils and vials are warm/hot, then they are sealed -- when the temperature drops it is possible the pressure can be reduced enough to distort the septum (this is the case when we see the rare vial that looks "sucked inward" with a divot -- if not leaking it is still completely sealed and usable).
Without physically inspecting your example, I cannot know for sure what is the case -- however, I am confident as long as there is no leaking, the contents are still sterile. IF you are worried about the seal, here is what I personally do in such cases: I pump a few cc of air (using a clean , new, sterile syringe) into the vial to create positive pressure -- then, I store the vial upside down (so stopped is at bottom with oil in contact and pressure above pushing down at the stopped from within); if by the next day there is no leaked oil, the seal is very tight and viable.

IF you have any trouble beyond this, simple contact the source directly and see if customer service may help you further to resolve your issue (this source is usually very good about taking care of any issues).

My opinion is you should get a replacement if it is confirmed that oil is actually leaking out. Sometimes there may be condensation under the cap, but the actual vial is completed sealed off from the external environment, NOT a leak.
Please see the info and advice I added later in this post regarding how to determine if there is an actual leak.

But please understand, this is my opinion, I do not have any authority or ability to access inventory, orders, accounts, or private info etc. or make any promises/deals (I can only see what any other customer may see) so you need someone such as Frank or Pharmacom Support to make such arrangements.

You will need to contact the source directly by using the “Contact Us” form on the source’s site. Here, below I will post a quote where I explain more details about contacting the source’s customer service (most notably, be sure to check your email “spam” folder for potential replies). Please have your order number from them and any picture etc. to help explain to them what you are talking about (English is not their first language).
I hope you get it all resolved with the source.
[please see my quote early in this post regarding contacting the source directly and using the "Contact Us" form on the source's site]

NOTE: Most replacements will ship from intl W2. It is extremely unlikely you will be offered a replacement from any warehouse other than the one in which the original order was placed and came from. The source is very restricted to orders and reships etc. being consistent with the warehouse in which they were originally placed (this is because of many factors including option the system allows customer service, operating costs / payment structure to the warehouse, and how the computer system track inventory etc.).


The rest of this info below is just details and some suggestions for you and/or anyone else that reads along because this is not the first time and will not be the last time this natural phenomenon resulting from temperature and pressure changes occurs.

Here is what I personally do in this case: clean the tops off with alcohol wipes until they are 100% completely clean and dry. Then pump a few cc of air (using a clean, new, sterile syringe) into the vial to create positive pressure. next, I store the vial upside down (so stopped is at bottom with oil in contact and pressure above pushing down at the stopped from within); if by the next couple days there is no leaked oil, the seal is very tight and viable (should be ok to use).

Actually, while it is very rare, because I hear from thousands of customers spanning across all the different boards and online communities over many years now, I have seen this a few other times (including some of my own personal items over the years).

The inward pulled septum does not affect the product nor sterility at all -- if still sealed, it is no different and totally safe to use.
I have personally used mine like this without issue (other than a little annoying to try to wipe with alcohol before drawing; i simply wipe with alcohol soaked cotton ball and press it down against divot hard enough so I can contact all the surface while I rotate the vial -- then, divot has alcohol in it which takes longer to dry -- that is the annoying part).
Other customers have used theirs too without issue.

Just like with a normal flat septum, you have to make sure you get it wiped and have alcohol in the divot to sterilize outside surface each time and let completely dry (a little more annoying part because of the divot) before each draw.

However, I have never experienced any oil leaking myself; if I ever saw a leak, I would NOT use the contents until I refiltered the contents through a sterile 0.22(μm) filter into a new sealed sterile vial.

If you still need more help beyond this, you need to contact the source directly.

I hope some of my experience and this collection of information may be helpful to others.
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ok, I just jumped on to keep my promise and make this compilation post about the stopper info.

I am dealing with some things now in personal life (the passing of my gym buddy, killed by the corrupt system that exploits us all, and the overall issues we all endure because of the corrupt medical, media, and political system, are anti-freedom agenda etc. are all weighing on me -- I stand for fundamental America values, the Constitution, and Freedom -- I will never stop fighting to defend these values, at any cost, I promise you all that) and so I am feeling a lot of stress right now so going to get offline and take care of some priorities here such as my home and family.

But I wanted to least follow-through and get that info collected for everyone because I had posted earlier in the week and said I would do so.

Stay strong everyone and I pray you all enjoy a good weekend with friends and loved ones.
That is great.. no excuse for this delay. They want us to forget and move on in my opinion
For sure. Sounds like stalling to me. Maybe hoping the original packs miraculously get delivered and they don't have to reship? Making me question ordering again seeing so many negative posts.
I wonder when Pharmacom will come out with a myostatin blocker so I can look like these Russian bulls they keep posting :D