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Just opened a bottle of Pharma DroP Masteron and looks like a piece of a filter is floating around in the vial, definetly not what I would be expecting paying a premium to avoid this with dirty ug gear.
That is NOT pieces of filter nor any other impurity.

I understand some of you may be newer to AAS and not everyone is a chemist etc. so I will explain details. Feel free to ask around some experienced veterans and also do some research, you will find the same information I give here.

What you are looking at is simply pure crystals of the active agent.
It is "crashed" (recrystalized) which yield those super pure crystals of the compound (in your example drostanolone propionate).

You simply need to dissolve the crystals to return them back into solution.
There is nothing at all wrong with your product.
Recrystalzation is normal and occurs -- nothing to be alarmed about -- it is more common with the less soluble compounds such as props.

I see it often with test-prop and Masteron (Dro-prop).

re-crystallization ("crashing") actually yields an extremely pure crystal of the active substance (re-crystallization is a method chemists use to purify compound); with that specific vial you are seeing a very pure crystal of Drostanolone Propionate forming.

What occurs is that the solute collects and forms a solid crystal usually because the solution is challenging the solubility of the compound at that concentration and temperature (maybe it cooled at some point or just sat very still for a time).

Mast-Prop and Test-Prop are the ones with which I see this occur most often (in my own personal experience they are the only compounds I have this happen but it is possible with any solution/compound).

Simply warm the oil and shake until you get everything dissolved back into solution.

I use dry rice in a bowl for this (and to warm oil for smoother injection in general). I keep the same bowl of rice and use it many times. Simply heat the rice in the microwave, check that it is VERY warm but not too HOT to touch, and then push your vials down into the warm rice as pictured until the oil is very war; I also have used electric heating pads and just set vials folded in the heating pad next to me while I watch TV (some vials take a long time -- I had a mast-prop I left in a cold place during the winter and it took hours to return into solution).
Take them out and shake every couple minutes, then warm and repeat:
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@RThoads So the testing came back on the "arimdex" and it, again, tested as letro.

I know y'all have taken the mislabeled batch out of circulation, but are you planning on actually testing your raws before brewing or making tabs now that this has been brought to light?

Y'all know how to make good, accurate gear and you also charge a premium for it. If small ugls can afford and be required to test all batches of raws before brewing, you folks ought to do the same.

I'd suggest you start using @janoshik because in house testing is obviously bs.

And fuck simec too, unless you guys are also lying and making multiple brews with the same batch number. Come to think about it, it's pretty easy to figure out who the bullshitter is. You motherfucker's need to clean up your act and get your shit straight.
I just shared the results that came back from Lab4Tox in my lab testing thread. I won’t pretend like I comprehend any of the testing methods, but the adex came back as letro. You already know I’m not looking for compensation, but I am interested in how it will be addressed and fixed from this point on.
So fake VAT numbers have gone all the way through. That's good to know, thanks.
Just received my order from W2 to UK, with a fake VAT number (9 digits, whatever you put it)

Traveling time is about 4 weeks, from the moment my payment was confirmed to the point the package sitting on my door.

All products look solid, no leaking no suspicious.

By the way, thanks for the free orals.
@Pharmacom Labs

Wtf? Y'all planning on addressing your fuck up or what?

Obviously, as you folks have mentioned, this little bit of bad publicity isn't going to slow down your success too much but guys who trust and use your gear would appreciate if y'all tested before you make each batch. And you can count on word of this spreading to the other boards you pay to be at. It isn't too much to ask considering your in house testing completely missed this problem and y'all probably charge more for a vial of test than any other source on this board, including the cocksucker with the Lambo gear.

You owe it to your customers to start having your raws, and finished products to a lesser degree, tested by a third party such as janoshik or lab4tox. I understand that y'all may view doing this to be a pain in the ass, but I promise it would be less painful than what you have brought upon yourselves for not testing your raws first.

And I understand that you may not be interested in my suggestions. If that is the case, I would then politely ask that you pack your shit and GTFO of meso because y'all don't represent what we stand for around here.

On top of that, if you do plan to stick around, it would be a show of good character to apologize to the guys that you insinuated were full of shit. Own your mistakes and try to not let shit like this happen again.

I personally would be so pissed off if I bit the bullet and ordered from you overpriced dickheads only to receive a mislabeled product instead. Y'all know what you did and have been doing. It's 2021 and testing is widely available. No more half stepping bs and not testing your raws unless you're ready to have this thread torpedoed.
@Pharmacom Labs

Wtf? Y'all planning on addressing your fuck up or what?

Obviously, as you folks have mentioned, this little bit of bad publicity isn't going to slow down your success too much but guys who trust and use your gear would appreciate if y'all tested before you make each batch. And you can count on word of this spreading to the other boards you pay to be at. It isn't too much to ask considering your in house testing completely missed this problem and y'all probably charge more for a vial of test than any other source on this board, including the cocksucker with the Lambo gear.

You owe it to your customers to start having your raws, and finished products to a lesser degree, tested by a third party such as janoshik or lab4tox. I understand that y'all may view doing this to be a pain in the ass, but I promise it would be less painful than what you have brought upon yourselves for not testing your raws first.

And I understand that you may not be interested in my suggestions. If that is the case, I would then politely ask that you pack your shit and GTFO of meso because y'all don't represent what we stand for around here.

On top of that, if you do plan to stick around, it would be a show of good character to apologize to the guys that you insinuated were full of shit. Own your mistakes and try to not let shit like this happen again.

I personally would be so pissed off if I bit the bullet and ordered from you overpriced dickheads only to receive a mislabeled product instead. Y'all know what you did and have been doing. It's 2021 and testing is widely available. No more half stepping bs and not testing your raws unless you're ready to have this thread torpedoed.
I am glad to have guys like you on here that raise awareness where necessary, and really look out for the community.
Just received my order from W2 to UK, with a fake VAT number (9 digits, whatever you put it)

Traveling time is about 4 weeks, from the moment my payment was confirmed to the point the package sitting on my door.

All products look solid, no leaking no suspicious.

By the way, thanks for the free orals.
Hi, I'm glad to hear it, thank you for the information and your feedback.
It’s been a day and the results haven’t been acknowledged. I see a jacked Russian bodybuilder post, responses to other questions, but the Adex/Letro issue gets completely ignored. I gave y’all the benefit of the doubt and a chance to make right, you fucking blew it. I really hope others start to test every source and rate them by how they handle issues.