MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I just checked. out of stock.
It is even out of stock in W2.
ok, so it looks like that is a no-go for now.
Well, maybe some day in the future one of us can get some tested.

That and Test are all I have run for a couple years now -- low dosages and never come off (just like a enhanced mixed compound HRT/cruise).
I am getting low too so I really hope they still make it and it gets restocked soon. Maybe I should just grab some 100mg for backup just in case.
Trust me bro I’ve had the “notify me” on for a while haha. Once it’s in stock I’m deff grabbing some for testing.
Nice! :) good to hear you guys got your reships.

As i mentioned before, I did also get my trackings for both Feb and March reships and tracking showed a result.
I did recently get my March pack and everything is great (including nice free gifts of Var and Winny strips thrown in -- i don't use those two things myself but I can give, sell, or trade them with gym buddies).

The March reship cam very fast after I received tracking, and it was a big order so it saved the day for me over here.
I am very happy about that.

However, my Feb reship still has not arrived.
Tracking has been at the same step on the west coast for at least a week now.
I hope it updates soon -- it was also a big order so it will suck for me is the postal system snags it again.

Just to be clear, I am 100% confident and trust Basicstero sent me my Feb pack, but the postal service just has not come through for me yet ☹

I hope it arrives soon. I will post an update if/when it arrives.

But I am glad you all got your packs.
Yeah I live on the west coast so hopefully you should see it soon.
I just checked. out of stock.
It is even out of stock in W2.
ok, so it looks like that is a no-go for now.
Well, maybe some day in the future one of us can get some tested.

That and Test are all I have run for a couple years now -- low dosages and never come off (just like a enhanced mixed compound HRT/cruise).
I am getting low too so I really hope they still make it and it gets restocked soon. Maybe I should just grab some 100mg for backup just in case.
What's your dosage of Primo + Test? Ever needed PCT?
Nice! :) good to hear you guys got your reships.

As i mentioned before, I did also get my trackings for both Feb and March reships and tracking showed a result.
I did recently get my March pack and everything is great (including nice free gifts of Var and Winny strips thrown in -- i don't use those two things myself but I can give, sell, or trade them with gym buddies).

The March reship cam very fast after I received tracking, and it was a big order so it saved the day for me over here.
I am very happy about that.

However, my Feb reship still has not arrived.
Tracking has been at the same step on the west coast for at least a week now.
I hope it updates soon -- it was also a big order so it will suck for me is the postal system snags it again.

Just to be clear, I am 100% confident and trust Basicstero sent me my Feb pack, but the postal service just has not come through for me yet ☹

I hope it arrives soon. I will post an update if/when it arrives.

But I am glad you all got your packs.
First pin went fine. If anything, the new stoppers seem thicker and more durable than the old ones. I use an 18G draw needle. Fluid levels are consistent in all vials. All is well.

However, due to all of the issues the source is having, I am probly still going to jump ship. The only way I would consider ordering from them again is if I actually see that $100 store credit that @Pharmacom Labs promised a few pages back. Even then, it’s a 50/50. In fairness though, I did ultimate receive what I ordered, plus a blister of anavar.
Who has experience with Pharma Mix 3?

  • Testosterone Enanthate200 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone Decanoate200 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg/ml
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but I'm wondering about PIP with that 500 mg/ml concentration.
Who has experience with Pharma Mix 3?

  • Testosterone Enanthate200 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone Decanoate200 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg/ml
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but I'm wondering about PIP with that 500 mg/ml concentration.
Never tried myself, have a friend who did though, pip is brutal
Who has experience with Pharma Mix 3?

  • Testosterone Enanthate200 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone Decanoate200 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg/ml
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but I'm wondering about PIP with that 500 mg/ml concentration.
I’ve tried mix 4 which is 600mg and had no pip. However I also tried mix 6 which is 500mg and the pip is unbearable. Stopped it after 2 weeks. I split them into .5ml shots.

Each milliliter contains:
- Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg / ml.
- Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg / ml.
- Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg / ml.

PHARMA MIX 3 is a unique combination of drugs designed specifically for extreme muscle growth and strength. Because of its features and high efficiency, it is only suitable for experienced users and professional athletes.

Differences PHARMA MIX 3:
+ Convenient to use as frequent injections are not required.
+ Quickly increases power performance.
+ Visibly increases muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Who has experience with Pharma Mix 3?

  • Testosterone Enanthate200 mg/ml
  • Nandrolone Decanoate200 mg/ml
  • Trenbolone Enanthate100 mg/ml
I'm thinking about pulling the trigger but I'm wondering about PIP with that 500 mg/ml concentration.
Never tried myself, have a friend who did though, pip is brutal
I’ve tried mix 4 which is 600mg and had no pip. However I also tried mix 6 which is 500mg and the pip is unbearable. Stopped it after 2 weeks. I split them into .5ml shots.
Mix 6 was killing me, taking Mix 1 now, no pip whatsoever
Hi, when using highly concentrated preparations, we always recommend diluting them with other oil-based preparations.
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
I got mine today. Order is correct. They added a blister of anavar as well. Popped the cap on a vial. No leaks. Stopper is different than usual, but evidently that is not a concern. Will update after I give it a jab to see if anything comes loose. Rubber debris, etc.
First pin went fine. If anything, the new stoppers seem thicker and more durable than the old ones. I use an 18G draw needle. Fluid levels are consistent in all vials. All is well.
Hi, glad to hear it, thank you for your feedback, as I said earlier, there is no reason to worry, we always do our best to make the customer happy.
However, due to all of the issues the source is having, I am probly still going to jump ship. The only way I would consider ordering from them again is if I actually see that $100 store credit that @Pharmacom Labs promised a few pages back. Even then, it’s a 50/50. In fairness though, I did ultimate receive what I ordered, plus a blister of anavar.
Please do not worry, I will send this information to my management and you will be contacted soon.
Hi, when using highly concentrated preparations, we always recommend diluting them with other oil-based preparations.
You told me to message you about my recent leaky order, and my equally leaky re-shipment of said recent leaky order. That was well over a week ago and you still haven't responded to any (3) of my messages. Did you publicly ask me to message you just for good PR, or can you actully help me get what I paid my hard earned money for?
You told me to message you about my recent leaky order, and my equally leaky re-shipment of said recent leaky order. That was well over a week ago and you still haven't responded to any (3) of my messages. Did you publicly ask me to message you just for good PR, or can you actully help me get what I paid my hard earned money for?
Nothing new. Pharmacom is taking Mesorx for granted.

What will it take to make things right? Last I checked most sources don't send gear that leaks. Dimples I think they call it

Btw could you come up with a more difficult username? How about I just call you dickhead?
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You told me to message you about my recent leaky order, and my equally leaky re-shipment of said recent leaky order. That was well over a week ago and you still haven't responded to any (3) of my messages. Did you publicly ask me to message you just for good PR, or can you actully help me get what I paid my hard earned money for?

Because it's just a meaningless cut and paste reply. i would send that schmuck a message, then cut and paste it and send it again every 2 hours.