MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Is it too soon for us all to start posting fuck you @Pharmacom Labs everytime they bump their thread? I'm starting to feel like Pharmacom is the new Best Gear.

I honestly can't distinguish the way that they treat their customers and think their shit doesn't stink and I don't know why they should be treated any differently at this point.

Talk is cheap. It's been proven that they are full of shit on this deal. If you clowns want to continue to ignore this, you might as well pack it up here and stop bumping your thread.

And to think, all this could have been avoided, had y'all been honest and been doing real testing. Fuck it, I guess?

#LabTestedGearIsForPussies #YOLO #G2GBro
Is it too soon for us all to start posting fuck you @Pharmacom Labs everytime they bump their thread? I'm starting to feel like Pharmacom is the new Best Gear.

I honestly can't distinguish the way that they treat their customers and think their shit doesn't stink and I don't know why they should be treated any differently at this point.

Talk is cheap. It's been proven that they are full of shit on this deal. If you clowns want to continue to ignore this, you might as well pack it up here and stop bumping your thread.

And to think, all this could have been avoided, had y'all been honest and been doing real testing. Fuck it, I guess?

#LabTestedGearIsForPussies #YOLO #G2GBro
I agree that they need to respond and ensure there’s a protocol in place for testing raws. Shipping a batch of Letrazole as Arimidex doesn’t change the fact that Pharmacom has probably the best track record of any UGL as far as testing goes.
Just received my order from W2 to UK, with a fake VAT number (9 digits, whatever you put it)

Traveling time is about 4 weeks, from the moment my payment was confirmed to the point the package sitting on my door.

All products look solid, no leaking no suspicious.

By the way, thanks for the free orals.
Were the free orals " Arimidex" by any
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
When you pop the cap, that's when you see the leak, if there is one.
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
How long did it take to go from processing to shipped
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
I got mine today. Order is correct. They added a blister of anavar as well. Popped the cap on a vial. No leaks. Stopper is different than usual, but evidently that is not a concern. Will update after I give it a jab to see if anything comes loose. Rubber debris, etc.
No stock w1 pharmacom?
we are trying to restock it. Not very successful so far.
@RThoads So the testing came back on the "arimdex" and it, again, tested as letro.

I know y'all have taken the mislabeled batch out of circulation, but are you planning on actually testing your raws before brewing or making tabs now that this has been brought to light?

Y'all know how to make good, accurate gear and you also charge a premium for it. If small ugls can afford and be required to test all batches of raws before brewing, you folks ought to do the same.

I'd suggest you start using @janoshik because in house testing is obviously bs.

And fuck simec too, unless you guys are also lying and making multiple brews with the same batch number. Come to think about it, it's pretty easy to figure out who the bullshitter is. You motherfucker's need to clean up your act and get your shit straight.

@Pharmacom Labs

Wtf? Y'all planning on addressing your fuck up or what?

Obviously, as you folks have mentioned, this little bit of bad publicity isn't going to slow down your success too much but guys who trust and use your gear would appreciate if y'all tested before you make each batch. And you can count on word of this spreading to the other boards you pay to be at. It isn't too much to ask considering your in house testing completely missed this problem and y'all probably charge more for a vial of test than any other source on this board, including the cocksucker with the Lambo gear.

You owe it to your customers to start having your raws, and finished products to a lesser degree, tested by a third party such as janoshik or lab4tox. I understand that y'all may view doing this to be a pain in the ass, but I promise it would be less painful than what you have brought upon yourselves for not testing your raws first.

And I understand that you may not be interested in my suggestions. If that is the case, I would then politely ask that you pack your shit and GTFO of meso because y'all don't represent what we stand for around here.

On top of that, if you do plan to stick around, it would be a show of good character to apologize to the guys that you insinuated were full of shit. Own your mistakes and try to not let shit like this happen again.

I personally would be so pissed off if I bit the bullet and ordered from you overpriced dickheads only to receive a mislabeled product instead. Y'all know what you did and have been doing. It's 2021 and testing is widely available. No more half stepping bs and not testing your raws unless you're ready to have this thread torpedoed.
No, we do not ignore it. We sent samples from US domestic warehouse for test pretty long ago. Shipping took a while. Analysis is in process. I will have reports within couple of days. We will have reports for both that old batch and new batch in current stock. Without those reports it makes not much sense to give any input. I promise I will come back to it soon.
If domestic everything seems to be done in a week. Super fast. You just pay more so it’s really depends on how long you wanna wait.
we are trying to restock it. Not very successful so far.

No, we do not ignore it. We sent samples from US domestic warehouse for test pretty long ago. Shipping took a while. Analysis is in process. I will have reports within couple of days. We will have reports for both that old batch and new batch in current stock. Without those reports it makes not much sense to give any input. I promise I will come back to it soon.
Hahahaha!! Funny because the last update that was given when I asked was that y'all were not going to be sending out the samples that you pulled from being sold at the US warehouse and now suddenly, you already sent out these samples a while ago. Sounds like more bs and damage control for the incident that was oh so close to being swept under the rug.

I hope that you sent an unopened, sealed box for testing, or at least a sealed blister with the batch number printed on it. And I might add that your results will not be accepted unless you can provide photographic or preferably, video evidence from the third party testing facility, that the sample in question that is being tested is indeed from the same batch and not just you putting a side note of which batch number it is.

I'm sure you, of all sources, can understand our policy with regards to this stipulation. It helps to weed out reverse scamming of the customers here at Meso.
we are trying to restock it. Not very successful so far.

No, we do not ignore it. We sent samples from US domestic warehouse for test pretty long ago. Shipping took a while. Analysis is in process. I will have reports within couple of days. We will have reports for both that old batch and new batch in current stock. Without those reports it makes not much sense to give any input. I promise I will come back to it soon.
And saying without your potentially doctored testing results, that it makes no sense to give any input? You are a fucking riot, my man.

You had two separate tests, done by two separate testing facilities, and the results both came out the same and we are supposed to wait for your testing to, what? Either confirm or deny these results? LMAO!! The cat's out of the bag. Y'all fucked up and y'all got caught.

And why do you think we don't take sources sending in samples of their products too seriously? I'll give you a hint. It's because they could easily be sending in a sample that tests great or isn't what they are sending to their customers. That's why blind, customer testing, such as the two aforementioned tests, hold so much more weight.

Really, fuck you, bud. You think we are stupid and can't see the forest for the trees but more of us are onto your ass than ever before.

Fuck your test of the sample at this point, also. If you want to rectify this situation, you need to start having all of your fucking raws third party tested and then post that shit up to correspond with batch numbers.

You can make a neat, new thread, titled "Pharmacom third party tested raw results" or something similar.

Anything less than this and please just GTFO. Your fan boys can still find you at the shill boards if they still want to play Russian roulette with their gear usage.
Hahahaha!! Funny because the last update that was given when I asked was that y'all were not going to be sending out the samples that you pulled from being sold at the US warehouse and now suddenly, you already sent out these samples a while ago. Sounds like more bs and damage control for the incident that was oh so close to being swept under the rug.

I hope that you sent an unopened, sealed box for testing, or at least a sealed blister with the batch number printed on it. And I might add that your results will not be accepted unless you can provide photographic or preferably, video evidence from the third party testing facility, that the sample in question that is being tested is indeed from the same batch and not just you putting a side note of which batch number it is.

I'm sure you, of all sources, can understand our policy with regards to this stipulation. It helps to weed out reverse scamming of the customers here at Meso.
I wonder if they sent it to Simec again along with a couple of Benjamin’s in the envelope.
I received my February orders a couple days ago. It took about 12 days from the time I got the tracking number to update . Once it did it was only a couple days later for it to arrive.
They look full, no apparent leakage. I haven’t opened the cap so can’t comment yet on the rubber.
I got mine today. Order is correct. They added a blister of anavar as well. Popped the cap on a vial. No leaks. Stopper is different than usual, but evidently that is not a concern. Will update after I give it a jab to see if anything comes loose. Rubber debris, etc.
Nice! :) good to hear you guys got your reships.

As i mentioned before, I did also get my trackings for both Feb and March reships and tracking showed a result.
I did recently get my March pack and everything is great (including nice free gifts of Var and Winny strips thrown in -- i don't use those two things myself but I can give, sell, or trade them with gym buddies).

The March reship cam very fast after I received tracking, and it was a big order so it saved the day for me over here.
I am very happy about that.

However, my Feb reship still has not arrived.
Tracking has been at the same step on the west coast for at least a week now.
I hope it updates soon -- it was also a big order so it will suck for me is the postal system snags it again.

Just to be clear, I am 100% confident and trust Basicstero sent me my Feb pack, but the postal service just has not come through for me yet ☹

I hope it arrives soon. I will post an update if/when it arrives.

But I am glad you all got your packs.
I wonder if they sent it to Simec again along with a couple of Benjamin’s in the envelope.
I have seen you got a few Pharmacom products tested and they came back with great results.
Have you ever tested the Pharmacom Primo? or do you have any plans to do so?
More specifically, the Primo 200mg/mL product. I'd love to see a recent result on that.
I have seen you got a few Pharmacom products tested and they came back with great results.
Have you ever tested the Pharmacom Primo? or do you have any plans to do so?
More specifically, the Primo 200mg/mL product. I'd love to see a recent result on that.
Hasn’t been in stock or else I would’ve. Unless they restocked? I stick with the domestic warehouse.
Hasn’t been in stock or else I would’ve. Unless they restocked? I stick with the domestic warehouse.
I just checked. out of stock.
It is even out of stock in W2.
ok, so it looks like that is a no-go for now.
Well, maybe some day in the future one of us can get some tested.

That and Test are all I have run for a couple years now -- low dosages and never come off (just like a enhanced mixed compound HRT/cruise).
I am getting low too so I really hope they still make it and it gets restocked soon. Maybe I should just grab some 100mg for backup just in case.