MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

You told me to message you about my recent leaky order, and my equally leaky re-shipment of said recent leaky order. That was well over a week ago and you still haven't responded to any (3) of my messages. Did you publicly ask me to message you just for good PR, or can you actully help me get what I paid my hard earned money for?
Hi, I sent the information about your order to my management, they should have contacted you, please tell me, did you receive a message from them or not?
I was messaged by these folks here to fix my issue. Nothing came of it. It's just for show, to keep fools coming in. Beware, pharmacom is selectively scamming. A bunch of people including myself are still waiting for their orders after more than three months of being placed.


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Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
I'm guessing your answer is either more pictures of yoked Russians or a novel about why mix 2 is actually far superior to mix 3 but no worries if you still prefer mix 3 because pcom is definitely looking into it and will definitely take care of you.

But I wouldn't fret if I were you anyway...knowing these numbnut motherfuckers, you probably already have mix 3 in a mix 2 bottle.

Fuck playing Russian roulette with these guys. Many better options at more affordable price points from sources who aren't nearly as shady.

Fuck you @Pharmacom Labs. Your mama shoulda swallowed, bitch.
Yikes. Leaking vials, dried crumbling stoppers, selling letrozole as adex, sending the wrong much more can we add to the list?
@MadBret. I got a wild hair idk. I usually stick with the same 3 domestic sources all the time. Never goes wrong and cost half the price. Thought I'd buy some of these cool mixes for my next growing phase when preps over. Spent way more money and got some shit I didnt want anyway
@MadBret. I got a wild hair idk. I usually stick with the same 3 domestic sources all the time. Never goes wrong and cost half the price. Thought I'd buy some of these cool mixes for my next growing phase when preps over. Spent way more money and got some shit I didnt want anyway
These dickheads charge way too much to be having this many problems. And their fucking attitude sucks on top of it. They've went as far as saying that meso exposing bad results and bs about them is no skin off their nuts. Fuck these overrated, underperforming cocksuckers. We deserve better.
we are trying to restock it. Not very successful so far.

No, we do not ignore it. We sent samples from US domestic warehouse for test pretty long ago. Shipping took a while. Analysis is in process. I will have reports within couple of days. We will have reports for both that old batch and new batch in current stock. Without those reports it makes not much sense to give any input. I promise I will come back to it soon.
Any word on testing results??
I want to order... i live in EU
But i am not sure yet, i see many unsatisfied costumers lately, they get leaked vials, orders not shipping etc.. thats a big drawback for me, i may as well choose expresspeds, dragon ordnance, purplepandalabs, they are cheaper and according to people here they ship fast.
I want to order... i live in EU
But i am not sure yet, i see many unsatisfied costumers lately, they get leaked vials, orders not shipping etc.. thats a big drawback for me, i may as well choose expresspeds, dragon ordnance, purplepandalabs, they are cheaper and according to people here they ship fast.
It was my first order with them and got leaking vials...not a good first impression.
I want to order... i live in EU
But i am not sure yet, i see many unsatisfied costumers lately, they get leaked vials, orders not shipping etc.. thats a big drawback for me, i may as well choose expresspeds, dragon ordnance, purplepandalabs, they are cheaper and according to people here they ship fast.
I suggest you to give them a try.
Only unsatisfied customers complain here, I am sure there are hundreds more got their orders in time, and without any issues
Count me as one of them.
Yeah just compare the amount of complaining going on in this thread vs other established ones. That'll tell you if what's going on here is normal and expected or not.
I suggest you to give them a try.
Only unsatisfied customers complain here, I am sure there are hundreds more got their orders in time, and without any issues
Count me as one of them.
LMAO!! I just skimmed your posts and all but two of them is you praising pcom in this fucking single thread. You have spent your entire time here at meso in this thread shilling and you expect guys to take what you say seriously? You're gonna have to try harder than that, my little Asian buddy.

I consider this guy's bs the same as you coming in here and posting another eastern European man's Instagram other words.

Fuck you @Pharmacom Labs

Comply and test your fucking raws with third party testing like we expect from the rest of the sources here or GTFO.