MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Answer the question
@Pharmacom Labs
@Pharmacom Support
Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Answer the question
@Pharmacom Labs
@Pharmacom Support
Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Post your photos of what you got here so others can be aware of the issue when making a decision on whether to do business with them or not.
Another screw up? Perferct time for more body builder pics or you clowns can try stepping up your game and addressing your fuck ups with the sense of urgency you address favorable comments.

Possible reply coming from pcom. "Dont worry bro it was just an issue with mis labeling the vial and box. Our inhouse testers said its the exact compounds you orderd. By the way pm me your order # please....." heres more pics of Hanz and Franz sponsored athletes.
Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Hey, I just got your PM and will reply here too.

Sounds like warehouse packers just grabbed the wrong item.
Shouldn't be a big deal or hard to resolve by just contacting the source directly.

This type of inquiry would need to be directly with the source.
If you did already try to contact Basicstero directly, make sure to check email spam folder in case reply was filtered as spam (I have seen this happen in the past).

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)


Totally separate topic below that I want to touch on because I hope my perceptive may help others (I am already feeling the positive benefits of spending less time online or on electronics all together).

It looks like you PM'd me on Sunday, it is now Tuesdays morning after Memorial Day weekend (there is ZERO chance I am going to be sitting at my computer/online on a day to honor and remember those, including my family members, who gave it all for their service, country, and us).

I cannot speak for others you mentioned/tagged, but saying "you're not responding" would not be reasonable in regards to myself after such a short time (i can easily go a week without checking online, and try to do so); I am not going to be at the computer screen everyday and if Sunday to Tuesday seems long to anyone, please take my next statement seriously.

I actually put effort to try to stay off because the addiction to electronic we all suffer is not good for health, our families, or our culture as a whole -- I do NOT have any apps of anything like that on my phone, only normal phone and texting, even that I put it on airplane-mode a lot when I am trying to live life, gym, family etc -- so I only go online on my work laptop and I reject the big-tech agenda of having us all enslaved/addicted to online and electronics).

It is not easy, our world has changed a lot over my lifetime (just think of the many hours per year a person spends staring a screen and online; that used to be time that would have been spent living life and connecting in-person with loved ones etc.) and I realize we need to put actual effort into less electronics and more real-life physical interaction and quality time with friends and family.

Also know, just like anyone else, I am free to choose where or how I spend my time -- just like each of you, I am free to choose to participate here or not, and there is nothing that requires me to talk to everyone (in the past I tried to reply to everyone but it take too much away from more important priorities in life and my household); for example, if I have nothing to add to the topic/convo (maybe it has all been covered already), if the topic has already been answered by someone else, if someone is rude or immature etc. I may just scroll past their post.

To each his or her own, I respect that, but I hope some of you may consider my perspective and maybe it will help some others make some positive changes.
Last edited:
General Info in Reply to Payment Collection/Confirmation Inquires:

To the best of my understanding, usually payment is confirmed within about one business week.
But a lot depends upon the type of payment method used.

I do not know which payment type you used (I do not have any way to see private info such as your order or account -- I just see what any other customer can see). I will share the info I know:

BTC/crypto is the fastest and least issue (if you used BTC, it should already be confirmed -- see the post quoted below and contact the source directly to resolve the issue).

WU/MG sometime run into issues such as holds, blocks, freezes from the transfer company (not the source -- nothing within the source's control).

Bascistero has explained to me:
“It requires lately up to 5-6 days to check a transfer. The reason is in AML policy of these services. Many of our receivers were banned forever. Western Union, MoneyGram and similar services are designed for personal transfers only. No business allowed. Our receivers have to pick up many transfers per week, however WU and MG started banning those who pick up continuously over 2-3 transfers per week. They ask many questions, what is the purpose of the transfer, what relations between receiver and the sender, etc. We always reply it is financial help from old friends, but it does not work anymore.

They accused Basicstero receivers of commercial activity, in money laundering, in escape from taxes, whatever. They do not know obviously what these payments are for. However due to numerous frequent transfers per person they just ban our guys telling that if it is a help it should come from one or two persons maximum in large amounts and not numerous transfers from all over the world from people with different names.

This is why we had to put a minimum limit of 350$ for WU and MG. So, we have to make pauses in order not to exceed 2 transfers per person per week. Despite this many transfers are refused for release. It is a real headache, that is why we prefer bitcoin. Never have issues with it.
This is all beyond our control.”

The source has no control if the fund-transfer company has a hold/block on the payment. They will try collect funds a few times at different physical locations with day in between each try to avoid any suspicion.
However, if your payment is held/blocked by the transfer company, there is nothing the source can do to access these funds; you will need to contact the transfer company and try to get your funds back.
This is why cryptocurrency is the better option and you will see more and more source moving to only accepting crypto.

Have you already tried contacting the source directly?
If so, make sure to check email spam folder in case reply was filtered as spam (I have seen this happen in the past).

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)
Hey, I just got your PM and will reply here too.

Sounds like warehouse packers just grabbed the wrong item.
Shouldn't be a big deal or hard to resolve by just contacting the source directly.

This type of inquiry would need to be directly with the source.
If you did already try to contact Basicstero directly, make sure to check email spam folder in case reply was filtered as spam (I have seen this happen in the past).

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:


Totally separate topic below that I want to touch on because I hope my perceptive may help others (I am already feeling the positive benefits of spending less time online or on electronics all together).

It looks like you PM'd me on Sunday, it is now Tuesdays morning after Memorial Day weekend (there is ZERO chance I am going to be sitting at my computer/online on a day to honor and remember those, including my family members, who gave it all for their service, country, and us).

I cannot speak for others you mentioned/tagged, but saying "you're not responding" would not be reasonable in regards to myself after such a short time (i can easily go a week without checking online, and try to do so); I am not going to be at the computer screen everyday and if Sunday to Tuesday seems long to anyone, please take my next statement seriously.

I actually put effort to try to stay off because the addiction to electronic we all suffer is not good for health, our families, or our culture as a whole -- I do NOT have any apps of anything like that on my phone, only normal phone and texting, even that I put it on airplane-mode a lot when I am trying to live life, gym, family etc -- so I only go online on my work laptop and I reject the big-tech agenda of having us all enslaved/addicted to online and electronics).

It is not easy, our world has changed a lot over my lifetime (just think of the many hours per year a person spends staring a screen and online; that used to be time that would have been spent living life and connecting in-person with loved ones etc.) and I realize we need to put actual effort into less electronics and more real-life physical interaction and quality time with friends and family.

Also know, just like anyone else, I am free to choose where or how I spend my time -- just like each of you, I am free to choose to participate here or not, and there is nothing that requires me to talk to everyone (in the past I tried to reply to everyone but it take too much away from more important priorities in life and my household); for example, if I have nothing to add to the topic/convo (maybe it has all been covered already), if the topic has already been answered by someone else, if someone is rude or immature etc. I may just scroll past their post.

To each his or her own, I respect that, but I hope some of you may consider my perspective and maybe it will help some others make some positive changes.
You represent pharmacom. Thats what rep means. If anyone makes a mistake, thats you by default. So I'll continue to lump everyone together as pharmacom bc thats what you guys chose.
I dont mean this in disrespect just being plain and Frank. As a rep, you represent and speak for the company. You're not an individual when doing that job
Hey, I just got your PM and will reply here too.

Sounds like warehouse packers just grabbed the wrong item.
Shouldn't be a big deal or hard to resolve by just contacting the source directly.

This type of inquiry would need to be directly with the source.
If you did already try to contact Basicstero directly, make sure to check email spam folder in case reply was filtered as spam (I have seen this happen in the past).

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:


Totally separate topic below that I want to touch on because I hope my perceptive may help others (I am already feeling the positive benefits of spending less time online or on electronics all together).

It looks like you PM'd me on Sunday, it is now Tuesdays morning after Memorial Day weekend (there is ZERO chance I am going to be sitting at my computer/online on a day to honor and remember those, including my family members, who gave it all for their service, country, and us).

I cannot speak for others you mentioned/tagged, but saying "you're not responding" would not be reasonable in regards to myself after such a short time (i can easily go a week without checking online, and try to do so); I am not going to be at the computer screen everyday and if Sunday to Tuesday seems long to anyone, please take my next statement seriously.

I actually put effort to try to stay off because the addiction to electronic we all suffer is not good for health, our families, or our culture as a whole -- I do NOT have any apps of anything like that on my phone, only normal phone and texting, even that I put it on airplane-mode a lot when I am trying to live life, gym, family etc -- so I only go online on my work laptop and I reject the big-tech agenda of having us all enslaved/addicted to online and electronics).

It is not easy, our world has changed a lot over my lifetime (just think of the many hours per year a person spends staring a screen and online; that used to be time that would have been spent living life and connecting in-person with loved ones etc.) and I realize we need to put actual effort into less electronics and more real-life physical interaction and quality time with friends and family.

Also know, just like anyone else, I am free to choose where or how I spend my time -- just like each of you, I am free to choose to participate here or not, and there is nothing that requires me to talk to everyone (in the past I tried to reply to everyone but it take too much away from more important priorities in life and my household); for example, if I have nothing to add to the topic/convo (maybe it has all been covered already), if the topic has already been answered by someone else, if someone is rude or immature etc. I may just scroll past their post.

To each his or her own, I respect that, but I hope some of you may consider my perspective and maybe it will help some others make some positive changes.

General Info in Reply to Payment Collection/Confirmation Inquires:

To the best of my understanding, usually payment is confirmed within about one business week.
But a lot depends upon the type of payment method used.

I do not know which payment type you used (I do not have any way to see private info such as your order or account -- I just see what any other customer can see). I will share the info I know:

BTC/crypto is the fastest and least issue (if you used BTC, it should already be confirmed -- see the post quoted below and contact the source directly to resolve the issue).

WU/MG sometime run into issues such as holds, blocks, freezes from the transfer company (not the source -- nothing within the source's control).

Bascistero has explained to me:
“It requires lately up to 5-6 days to check a transfer. The reason is in AML policy of these services. Many of our receivers were banned forever. Western Union, MoneyGram and similar services are designed for personal transfers only. No business allowed. Our receivers have to pick up many transfers per week, however WU and MG started banning those who pick up continuously over 2-3 transfers per week. They ask many questions, what is the purpose of the transfer, what relations between receiver and the sender, etc. We always reply it is financial help from old friends, but it does not work anymore.

They accused Basicstero receivers of commercial activity, in money laundering, in escape from taxes, whatever. They do not know obviously what these payments are for. However due to numerous frequent transfers per person they just ban our guys telling that if it is a help it should come from one or two persons maximum in large amounts and not numerous transfers from all over the world from people with different names.

This is why we had to put a minimum limit of 350$ for WU and MG. So, we have to make pauses in order not to exceed 2 transfers per person per week. Despite this many transfers are refused for release. It is a real headache, that is why we prefer bitcoin. Never have issues with it.
This is all beyond our control.”

The source has no control if the fund-transfer company has a hold/block on the payment. They will try collect funds a few times at different physical locations with day in between each try to avoid any suspicion.
However, if your payment is held/blocked by the transfer company, there is nothing the source can do to access these funds; you will need to contact the transfer company and try to get your funds back.
This is why cryptocurrency is the better option and you will see more and more source moving to only accepting crypto.

Have you already tried contacting the source directly?
If so, make sure to check email spam folder in case reply was filtered as spam (I have seen this happen in the past).

The "Contact Us" form on the source's site is the most direct and efficient way to contact the source regarding personal/private, order, or account issues.
•For more information regarding how to contact the source directly, please see my quote below:

Wow that's a long way of basically saying "fuck off I don't have anything to do with your order I don't deal with the computer as my free time is valuable and I am not going to help you so contact the owner directly". Pretty standard paragraphs of useless information for his problem. Now you just need a couple more posts of jacked Russian bodybuilders and this page will be buried so it will be forgotten and nothing but positive stuff.

Oh and by the way you said last week that your alleged adex sample from the US was at the testing lab. What's the wait for? Still trying to figure out how your going to post long winded paragraphs about testing that mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the issue at hand in hopes that information overload will get people off the track of your adex being letro?
You represent pharmacom. Thats what rep means. If anyone makes a mistake, thats you by default. So I'll continue to lump everyone together as pharmacom bc thats what you guys chose.
I dont mean this in disrespect just being plain and Frank. As a rep, you represent and speak for the company. You're not an individual when doing that job
I replied genuine with the best info I have available.
If I could do more to help you, I would.
I just think the packers must have grabbed a wrong item and you need to communicate directly with the source.

I respect you are free to your views and may do/think what you choose.
Also, please note, I separated my help/answer to your inquiry from my personal thoughts and advice to everyone.

But, and I also don't mean this in disrespect, just being plain and frank too; regarding myself, let me repeat:

just like anyone else, I am free to choose where or how I spend my time -- just like each of you, I am free to choose to participate here or not, and there is nothing that requires me to talk to everyone (in the past I tried to reply to everyone but it take too much away from more important priorities in life and my household); for example, if I have nothing to add to the topic/convo (maybe it has all been covered already), if the topic has already been answered by someone else, if someone is rude or immature etc. I may just scroll past their post.

I hope some people do find my efforts helpful and I do try to help anyone when I am able.

But, to be clear, I do not owe anyone anything (and, really, if someone does not agree with me, then what? what changes? what either do about it? we each have our views and that is that -- no one can do anything to change that reality -- and, I'm ok with that).

I, like you and everyone else, am a free man NOT a slave (we are all free -- if any job tells you to contradict your values, tell them to fuck-off).

I freely choose where I put my effort and energy.
Freedom it is a fundamental value I hold, fought for, and would die to defend (I always encourage others to take a stand to defend freedom as well -- and, know that I would fight to defend your freedom even if/when you may choose to use it to make choices different than I would for myself because ANY loss of freedom is an attack against all freedom).

No job, law, threat, social pressure, media propaganda, or government agencies, etc... will ever make me compromise that value.

If someone does not like that fact, then he or she may file a complaint with against me with the better business bureau or the source or whomever???

With that said, I am happy to help you to the best of my ability (I am limited and can only see what any other customer can see, no special access to source's site, or accounts, or private info etc. but that is for good reason and people privacy/safety).
Mostly, I can share information I have learn and try to help facilitate communication with someone with access and authority to explore more details about an issue.
Wow that's a long way of basically saying "fuck off I don't have anything to do with your order I don't deal with the computer as my free time is valuable and I am not going to help you so contact the owner directly....
If that is what you took from it, so be it; but, you may have missed out on understanding some things.

I gave him the genuine information and help I have available to give.

His case sounds like warehouse packers just grabbed the wrong item.
Shouldn't be a big deal or hard to resolve by just contacting the source directly.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons).

You may wish to deny these facts, but it won't change the fact the best advice anyone can give him is to contact the source directly and try to explain some of the wrong items may have been packed in the order.

Oh and by the way you said last week that your alleged adex sample from the US was at the testing lab. What's the wait for? Still trying to figure out how your going to post long winded paragraphs about testing that mean absolutely nothing when it comes to the issue at hand in hopes that information overload will get people off the track of your adex being letro?
I did not make any statement regarding an adex sample from the US was at a testing lab. To the best of my understanding, only one customer has been getting the adex tested recently and his testing has been independent (I've had some interaction with him and he seems like a very genuine and nice guy -- I respect him).

I do not even have any adex. I have not used an AI in years (I have not run a cycle in a couple years now and just cruise on low dose Test and Primo -- no E2 issues at all).

The last info I had regarding adex samples from the US was that there was trouble to get them tested.
I still have the PMs between myself and Lab4Tox from March where I was trying to make arrangements to get some tested, but they did not accept crypto and wanted a bank-transfer so our convo hit a dead-end.

After that point, I have all the same information and updates anyone else has -- I do not have anything other than what I read posted here by Frank.

I have my own opinions and explanation regarding the old 2018 adex samples; but they are just that, opinions, I only have the same information/data any of you have. So out of respect for the source and testers etc. I choose not to share my opinion at this time.

Also, I was not even online much last week so I think you are mistake about me saying I sent in any samples for testing.
Last edited:
Yeah I live on the west coast so hopefully you should see it soon.
Good new, suddenly today I did finally get some new updates on my reship tracking. multiple updates. it is like all the updates flooded in today even though they shows scans on various days dating back over a few weeks.
Feb reship should be here this week.

And, as I posted before, March reship already arrived.

So it looks like I am all good and will soon have everything I ordered :)

Now, I just wish some Primo200 would be restocked and then I will be set.
What's your dosage of Primo + Test? Ever needed PCT?
I usually just run 200mg of each.
That puts my test at the high end of the reference range and the primo is a nice bonus that really helps hold my lean mass without any perceivable negative effect.

I never PCT because I have been on TRT (originally doc prescribed but they failed to do it right, such as never even testing estrogen levels, so I handle my own now) for years.

I think its been about 2 years or so on the Test/Primo mix.
As long as I have access to good primo, I don't think I will change a thing.

I'm getting older now, middle age, white beard, some health concerns etc... so I am not sure I will run a big cycle again.
But I look great for my age!

I am not against blasting, just haven't been in a position that it would make sense to do.
Maybe one day, if i have a really good stretch of time with no injuries or other issues in life, I will run a big one again :)
But either way, I am happy with the HRT anti-aging cruise I've been on.
If that is what you took from it, so be it; but, you may have missed out on understanding some things.

I gave him the genuine information and help I have available to give.

His case sounds like warehouse packers just grabbed the wrong item.
Shouldn't be a big deal or hard to resolve by just contacting the source directly.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons).

You may wish to deny these facts, but it won't change the fact the best advice anyone can give him is to contact the source directly and try to explain some of the wrong items may have been packed in the order.

I did not make any statement regarding an adex sample from the US was at a testing lab. To the best of my understanding, only one customer has been getting the adex tested recently and his testing has been independent (I've had some interaction with him and he seems like a very genuine and nice guy -- I respect him).

I do not even have any adex. I have not used an AI in years (I have not run a cycle in a couple years now and just cruise on low dose Test and Primo -- no E2 issues at all).

The last info I had regarding adex samples from the US was that there was trouble to get them tested.
I still have the PMs between myself and Lab4Tox from March where I was trying to make arrangements to get some tested, but they did not accept crypto and wanted a bank-transfer so our convo hit a dead-end.

After that point, I have all the same information and updates anyone else has -- I do not have anything other than what I read posted here by Frank.

I have my own opinions and explanation regarding the old 2018 adex samples; but they are just that, opinions, I only have the same information/data any of you have. So out of respect for the source and testers etc. I choose not to share my opinion at this time.

Also, I was not even online much last week so I think you are mistake about me saying I sent in any samples for testing.
@Pharmacom Labs came out and said that they had sent the samples out a while ago now even though the last update he gave before that was that testing wasn't going to happen.

Supposedly, was going to have results for it soon as well as their current batch.

@RThoads Maybe do everyone a solid and suggest your boss have lab4tox, or whoever he used, to take pics with boxes and batch numbers or at least the blisters with the batch numbers.

Him sending in a random handful of pills could be from any batch. Even though I already suggested this, I wouldn't be surprised if he has me blocked.

And considering that is basically what is required from pcom customers, it shouldn't be too much too ask.
@Pharmacom Labs came out and said that they had sent the samples out a while ago now even though the last update he gave before that was that testing wasn't going to happen.

Supposedly, was going to have results for it soon as well as their current batch.
All I currently have is the same info/data all of you can see.

That is the first I heard that more samples were sent for testing (I was under the impression the source was not successful in making additional testing arrangements).

I do have my own opinion about the situation, but out of respect for the source and testers etc. I choose not to share my speculation at this time.
At least I will say that I believe and respect @magaboss13 and all the posted results.

But I do not have any other updates other than what we all see posted here (often, a post here or on another board is the first time I hear of some update and/or how I learn, then I can relay that to other boards etc. at my own judgement call).

The last time I had a convo with him regarding trying to get some samples from the old 2018 batch tested, I was under the impression the US Warehouse was not able to send out the sample back to Europe (my opinion was it was because of security reasons and also i know there were not payment option available at that time that were compatible with both the source and the tester).

Please understand, I am physically in the USA, a customer like you guys, who took on work/projects with Basicstero (Frank helping me during a tough time in my life as I mentioned in the past) as a consultant/rep and help with communications/PR and some projects etc.

But this did not give me all-access -- I only have the same access any of guys have to the source's site etc.
I am not physically located at the production facility or any of the warehouses and I do not talk to Frank daily.
Sometime it can be a week or longer without talking and if/when I do get a chance to catch Frank, it is usually a reply to a very specific that takes up our time. Often, I may need to try multiple times on different days/weeks (I just keep a list of stuff I needed to work through).
I understand and respect Frank is super busy running the entire global sales dept, overseeing websites, all in multiple nations, traveling, and bulk customers etc.
When I do get a chance to catch him, I have a list of things to address but time is often short -- I try my best with the time we each have available.

All I can do is speak from my heart and say exactly what I believe.
If I could do more to help you guys, I would.
I hope at least some of you will understand the reality of my position, see my effort, and respect i try my best to help the best I can within my limited power.

It is ok if some of these guys don't like me or do not understand me -- it doesn't change anything in my life.
No hard feelings toward any of them and I do not take in personal.
I would be upset too if I thought something was not right.

Like I have said many times before, we all want the same things here.

@RThoads Maybe do everyone a solid and suggest your boss have lab4tox, or whoever he used, to take pics with boxes and batch numbers or at least the blisters with the batch numbers.

Him sending in a random handful of pills could be from any batch. Even though I already suggested this, I wouldn't be surprised if he has me blocked.

And considering that is basically what is required from pcom customers, it shouldn't be too much too ask.

I fully agree.
The same standards should be held on all ends.
anyone, any customer, any haters, and source etc, can send and test anything. even testing services can have corruption or mistakes (as I also mentioned multiple times before).
I support your suggestion here and will remember to share that idea with Frank.
ok, I almost got all caught up here :).
I'll try to skim the last couple pages again soon.
I did reply to all PMs and I will catch up more tomorrow or later.
Enjoy your evening everyone.