MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Answer the question
@Pharmacom Labs
@Pharmacom Support
Alright, well I messaged two of you and sent an email and youre not responding with the lightning speed you exhibit when taking my money so I'll say it here
Ordered 5 vials
2 of mix 1
3 of mix 3
All domestic.
Recieved 2 of mix 1, and 3 of mix 2
Mix 2 is cheaper, much lower miligram, has a different compound and is short ester. Nothing like mix 3.
How will you address this
@Pharmacom Support
@Pharmacom Labs
Those red ones are not what I ordered. Not what the receipt says. They are also of lesser value
View attachment 147657
You represent pharmacom. Thats what rep means. If anyone makes a mistake, thats you by default. So I'll continue to lump everyone together as pharmacom bc thats what you guys chose.
I dont mean this in disrespect just being plain and Frank. As a rep, you represent and speak for the company. You're not an individual when doing that job
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, if you wrote to our site, but did not receive a response, please write to me in private messages, your order number, I will send this information to my management and ask them to contact you directly.
I was messaged by these folks here to fix my issue. Nothing came of it. It's just for show, to keep fools coming in. Beware, pharmacom is selectively scamming. A bunch of people including myself are still waiting for their orders after more than three months of being placed.
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, I assure you that this is just a misunderstanding, I have already written to my management and asked to check the information about your order, as soon as they answer me, I or my colleague will contact you.
LMAO!! I just skimmed your posts and all but two of them is you praising pcom in this fucking single thread. You have spent your entire time here at meso in this thread shilling and you expect guys to take what you say seriously? You're gonna have to try harder than that, my little Asian buddy.

I consider this guy's bs the same as you coming in here and posting another eastern European man's Instagram other words.

Fuck you @Pharmacom Labs

Comply and test your fucking raws with third party testing like we expect from the rest of the sources here or GTFO.
What's wrong if I stick to one source?
I checked other sources on Meso, but was disappointed in communication, one said oh I will offer you a huge discount, just message me, when I messaged, the huge discount was £5, are you kidding me?

So far I only have good impression with this source, if you don't want to hear it, I suspect you have other motive as well.
Also I have been using Pharmacom for god know how long, never got an issue, product quality is right on point. Why should I go around other sources' post to comment on them? I never used them and will not.

Do I have to say negative things about them to make you happy?

@Pharmacom Labs

Wtf? Y'all planning on addressing your fuck up or what?

Obviously, as you folks have mentioned, this little bit of bad publicity isn't going to slow down your success too much but guys who trust and use your gear would appreciate if y'all tested before you make each batch. And you can count on word of this spreading to the other boards you pay to be at. It isn't too much to ask considering your in house testing completely missed this problem and y'all probably charge more for a vial of test than any other source on this board, including the cocksucker with the Lambo gear.

You owe it to your customers to start having your raws, and finished products to a lesser degree, tested by a third party such as janoshik or lab4tox. I understand that y'all may view doing this to be a pain in the ass, but I promise it would be less painful than what you have brought upon yourselves for not testing your raws first.

And I understand that you may not be interested in my suggestions. If that is the case, I would then politely ask that you pack your shit and GTFO of meso because y'all don't represent what we stand for around here.

On top of that, if you do plan to stick around, it would be a show of good character to apologize to the guys that you insinuated were full of shit. Own your mistakes and try to not let shit like this happen again.

I personally would be so pissed off if I bit the bullet and ordered from you overpriced dickheads only to receive a mislabeled product instead. Y'all know what you did and have been doing. It's 2021 and testing is widely available. No more half stepping bs and not testing your raws unless you're ready to have this thread torpedoed.
I also rolled back some pages, seems that you liked EVERY negative comments on the post, and according to what you said, you are not even a customer!!!

I also rolled back some pages, seems that you liked EVERY negative comments on the post, and according to what you said, you are not even a customer!!!

Keep reading, junior. I've been consistent. I have a problem when I see a source fucking up. Pharmacom just about had the adex/letro shit swept under the rug. Just because they have been around and are a huge operation doesn't give them a pass to fuck over members with bs. If I see this sort of behavior, I have no problems pointing it out and let you know how I really feel about it. And on that note, fuck off pharmacom shill bitch.
@Pharmacom Labs
Sent you a couple PM I haven't received anything back?
The best way to contact the source directly for order or account related issues is by using the "Contact Us" form on the source's site (linked below) to communicated directly with the source's customer service.

PMs and posts etc. on boards may not always be seen by the source (Frank "Pharmacom Labs" does not log in here very often and is extremely busy as global sales manager for this brand with thousands of orders a month world-wide as well as overseeing websites, traveling for business, and handling bulk-customers etc.) and replying to order confirmation emails or other automatic system emails will not work (those are all just emails sent out by a computer system).

• The "Contact Us" form is the most effective and efficient way to communicate with this source.
Please see my post quoted below for more details regarding contacting the source directly:
Tip/Advice for Everyone: How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.

***Be sure to check your Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).
Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful :)

I hope this may be of help.
Also, please feel free to PM me If you simply need some general information, advice, question about a product, or an inquiry that will not require access to accounts, orders, payments, or your other private info.
I can try to help to the best of my ability.
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Ya the site looks jacked up, I ordered some Test C back in April. Should be here in the next few days. I'll let everyone know what it looks like upon arrival.
I have already paid with BTC, but it seems that it has not been processed yet? And your website often fails to log in.. always

Each milliliter of PHARMATEST PH 100 contains 100 milligrams of Testosterone Phenylpropionate. This testosterone ester is active for 4-5 days, is a cross between testosterone cypionate and propionate.

Effects of PHARMATEST PH 100:
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Visibly builds muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Is the USA store currently down?
Yep...the international and US site isn't loading. Exit scam? Lol.
I doubt it but I can't log into my account either lol
The sites just plain don't load for me
I have already paid with BTC, but it seems that it has not been processed yet? And your website often fails to log in.. always
Hi, please do not worry, technical work is underway, access will be restored soon.