MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

After receiving several packages over the years I just received one with with bubble wrap and tin foil but missing all ordered contents. Anyone ever have this issue, I’m waiting for a response to get it resolved. I watched the mailman drop it off so it didn’t sit idle in my mailbox. About to go fuck this mailman up if he’s the culprit and gained 20lbs really fast.
What in the actual fuck haha
Hi there,
first of all, I do remember about the lab report of anastrozol. As said earlier, I am waiting for fresh reports of the current batch in stock. I am sure the batch we currently have is anastrozol, not letrozol, but without report my words are worth nothing here.
Secondly, we are blackmailed and our site is under a heavy DOS-attack, as well as our email service. It significantly slows down replying to emails. We are trying to get all back to normal, which is not so easy, saying it honestly.

@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Support

Hello, first let me say I have been a loyal customer for years. Orders well into 5 digits for cash spent. I have never had any issues except 1 minor one last time where my bitcoin payment was sitting there waiting to be approved for a few days. Your service on this form has been nothing less than exceptional for me.

I am concerned about all the stuff people are reporting and apprehensive on making a new order. I'm running low, and need to order.

I use domestic because the process is faster and I don't have to deal with customs. I chose to pay your prices at 80% higher for some products for convenience.

What I am seeing now are major delays in the US domestic warehouse processing payments and lack of communication.

Literally every order I have placed with you guys has been approved within 12 hrs

What I would like to know is

If I order, will you be able to process payment quickly? This Is a huge reason why customers pay 80% higher prices. If you guys can't provide service to justify the quick turnaround, why are prices so high? What are we paying for??

If not, will you be able to discount the order?

Is the adex letro? I ordered some in April and I'm afraid to use it.

Are the issues with leaking stoppers resolved?

The customer service here seems to be passing the buck to the website. It never used to be that way. If there are issues will you be able to expedite in this fourm? The website communication is poor and takes days in my past experiences.

Once again I love your product, but all these issues at once leads me to believe the company is having issues
On site there is an option to chose discreet package and get original packaging delviered separately. Could it be the case? Or your pack could be opened by custom. It should have respective tape on it in this case. We obviosuly could not ship an empty pack. If you contacted us, we will reply soon per email.
Is the website down for anyone else?
It is not functioning right now.

It is a hard time for us right now and I do not remember as many issues and complains as now for all the time being on the market. We admit it and we are really doing our best to fix all. Coronavirus, delays, DOS-attacks...Yes, its bad time. I would completely understand if someone is hesitant placing an order. Although domestic warehouse at least does not have such issues. And yes, we will sort this all out, we just need some time.
On domestic cant even log in .... and when I try to reset password it says that no account with that email which means my order count and discount for multiple orders isn’t there. What is wrong with pharmacom ????
On domestic cant even log in .... and when I try to reset password it says that no account with that email which means my order count and discount for multiple orders isn’t there. What is wrong with pharmacom ????
He just said the website is under DDOS attack. I'm inclined to believe it, since there have been issues with the site being down for days now.
Hi there,
first of all, I do remember about the lab report of anastrozol. As said earlier, I am waiting for fresh reports of the current batch in stock. I am sure the batch we currently have is anastrozol, not letrozol, but without report my words are worth nothing here.
Secondly, we are blackmailed and our site is under a heavy DOS-attack, as well as our email service. It significantly slows down replying to emails. We are trying to get all back to normal, which is not so easy, saying it honestly.

On site there is an option to chose discreet package and get original packaging delviered separately. Could it be the case? Or your pack could be opened by custom. It should have respective tape on it in this case. We obviosuly could not ship an empty pack. If you contacted us, we will reply soon per email.

It is not functioning right now.

It is a hard time for us right now and I do not remember as many issues and complains as now for all the time being on the market. We admit it and we are really doing our best to fix all. Coronavirus, delays, DOS-attacks...Yes, its bad time. I would completely understand if someone is hesitant placing an order. Although domestic warehouse at least does not have such issues. And yes, we will sort this all out, we just need some time.
No mail, but has it been delivered?
You guys have got to move to Whitehouse Market on Tor and take Monero exclusively. The site is the best solution.
Same here. I have been trying to access and login to the sites for a couple of days with no success. What's going on with @Pharmacom Labs? If you can't afford good IT guy to fix this for you, then I don't know if I can trust you as a source for my gears.

Maybe time to find a new source...
#1- Other UGL launch DDOS to slice competition.
#2- DDOS claim is smoke and mirrors...(Even lowest caliber personal routers protect against DDOS)
#3- A techsavvy Meso member ram big dick through shitty ukranian-server firewall and override off-premise mitigation system for high volume attack because he got sick of receiving leaky vials of Sustanon500 .

All bets placed now.
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