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Everyone who put the order recently should check their order on the website. I find one order I put in 2/June disappears...I just send mail to them and hope to get the response

Btw, I have another issue about the delayed order in Feb with Pharmacom. We negotiate this issue for over 4 month. Now they did not reply the mail again since 30/'s really tired indeed. I have spent over $10000 (probably close to $20000 I think) to buy their products since last year. Hope Pharmacom can sincerely solve these problems...thanks
20k? Damn I hope you look like Ronnie Coleman.
Everyone who put the order recently should check their order on the website. I find one order I put in 2/June disappears...I just send mail to them and hope to get the response

Btw, I have another issue about the delayed order in Feb with Pharmacom. We negotiate this issue for over 4 month. Now they did not reply the mail again since 30/'s really tired indeed. I have spent over $10000 (probably close to $20000 I think) to buy their products since last year. Hope Pharmacom can sincerely solve these problems...thanks
You bought $10 - 20k worth of anabolics from them? Jesus Christ, hope you're reselling them and didn't use all of that just on yourself.
What's up everyone super new here but thought I could chime in, I placed a domestic order using Bitcoin yesterday, payment was confirmed within the day, and order status is showing shipped already. So it's looking good so far
He just joined in May and that's his first post, so idk how accurate his post is...
haha...My job is helping bodybuilding competitors to get the gear and teach them how to use steroid safely (our country do not use English as mother language. on the other hand, my background is related to medicine). That's why I order so much gear from Pharmacom (I can show all my order history if necessary lol)

I do not often post discussion on the forum because most of time I'm a patient guy. I know Pharmacom suffers so many troubles during this time. I'm willing to tolerate most of situation at least I can get my stuff finally.

However, my patient is gonna gone. In Feb, I help my foreigner friends order HGH. The delivery of HGH was also affected by the terrible delay. Pharmacom asked me to wait wait and wait.....after 3 month. Nothing was arrived. They finally agreed me to pick up other stuffs as the replacement. I also mention that the shipping address should be changed because my friend will move to other country. At 30/May, Pharmacom suddenly told me they got the returned package, and they will reship the returned package to me. I feel very confused and ask them some important questions as below

1. I don't know why they insist to send "the returned HGH" to me. The HGH is without refrigerator for 4 months. I totally cannot believe it still works. I ask Pharmacom if the blood test show nothing. Could I get the refund? no reply

2. They do not tell me whether they deliver the reshipping to the new address or not. If they deliver it to the old one. No one can get the package. I have mention it again again and again since March. However, I don't know whether they really take it seriously.

3. When they agreed me to pick other stuffs for the replacement, I suddenly paid them the extra fee, because the total price of the new stuffs I pick up is over the price of the original order. However, they suddenly said they will send me "the returned HGH". Okay, they should return me the extra fee I have paid in this time. Again, NO REPLY

It makes me really disappointed and angry, so I decided to post all of it here. I spent A LOT OF money to support them, so I hope Pharmacom should do customer service more seriously to everyone including me.
Sergey Taranuho - PRO athlete team Pharmacom Labs.

Link to Sergey's instagram profile, follow the news.

Has anyone used the bold300?? I haven’t taken anything in a while and curious how long before you see any results or changes? It’s life is 14 days.
I ran their 300 last year. As with all EQ, it takes at least a month to see its benefits, which will continue to increase gradually throughout use. Honestly, for straight up mass building its not all that impressive. It’s more of a strength and endurance compound, and a somewhat mild one at that.
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So the website says it's shipping, so it's shipping, right?
Hi, I received your private message and answered it, please do not worry, I will check the information and write to you a little later, believe me, there is no reason to worry, in the end, everything will be fine, you will definitely received what you ordered.
Ordered from W2 two months ago. Still hasn't left origin country. Just says "preparing to dispatch." Usually intl orders are at least in the destination country and through customs by now... What happened to the new, better method that you guys are using after the February orders got screwed up?
Hi, please write your order number, to me in private messages, I will check it, it is possible that the information just hasn't been updated.
Everyone who put the order recently should check their order on the website. I find one order I put in 2/June disappears...I just send mail to them and hope to get the response

Btw, I have another issue about the delayed order in Feb with Pharmacom. We negotiate this issue for over 4 month. Now they did not reply the mail again since 30/'s really tired indeed. I have spent over $10000 (probably close to $20000 I think) to buy their products since last year. Hope Pharmacom can sincerely solve these problems...thanks
haha...My job is helping bodybuilding competitors to get the gear and teach them how to use steroid safely (our country do not use English as mother language. on the other hand, my background is related to medicine). That's why I order so much gear from Pharmacom (I can show all my order history if necessary lol)

I do not often post discussion on the forum because most of time I'm a patient guy. I know Pharmacom suffers so many troubles during this time. I'm willing to tolerate most of situation at least I can get my stuff finally.

However, my patient is gonna gone. In Feb, I help my foreigner friends order HGH. The delivery of HGH was also affected by the terrible delay. Pharmacom asked me to wait wait and wait.....after 3 month. Nothing was arrived. They finally agreed me to pick up other stuffs as the replacement. I also mention that the shipping address should be changed because my friend will move to other country. At 30/May, Pharmacom suddenly told me they got the returned package, and they will reship the returned package to me. I feel very confused and ask them some important questions as below

1. I don't know why they insist to send "the returned HGH" to me. The HGH is without refrigerator for 4 months. I totally cannot believe it still works. I ask Pharmacom if the blood test show nothing. Could I get the refund? no reply

2. They do not tell me whether they deliver the reshipping to the new address or not. If they deliver it to the old one. No one can get the package. I have mention it again again and again since March. However, I don't know whether they really take it seriously.

3. When they agreed me to pick other stuffs for the replacement, I suddenly paid them the extra fee, because the total price of the new stuffs I pick up is over the price of the original order. However, they suddenly said they will send me "the returned HGH". Okay, they should return me the extra fee I have paid in this time. Again, NO REPLY

It makes me really disappointed and angry, so I decided to post all of it here. I spent A LOT OF money to support them, so I hope Pharmacom should do customer service more seriously to everyone including me.
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, I received your private message and sent this information directly to my management, please do not worry, I asked them to contact you as soon as possible.
Hey @Jamaya @theseus2019 @jl0u and anyone else that was around during the February 2021 packs getting stuck (most likely CV19 quarantined on the US west coast) and having to be replaced be new reships, and then some March 2021 packs that were bounced back to Europe (returned to sender) then resent...
I just wanted to follow-up with a final update.

My February 2021 reship packs have successfully arrived.
Previously, I already posted when my March reshipped packs arrived.

All my delayed orders have arrived and I have everything I ordered.
The Feb reship took a little longer than what I usually estimate for W2, but like I have posted many times, I understand the postal service varies and that is beyond the control of any source -- I knew and trusted Basicstero did what they said they would do and sent the reship; I never had any doubt.
But the March reship moved very fast -- only a few weeks from send to arrive -- I really hope others will move that that one.
I think March reship moved so fast because it was returned to send and then just instantly forwarded back out from Europe so that means it skipped a lot of the usual W2 journey. Nonetheless, it was very fast and I hope we all get to enjoy some more transit times as fast and smooth as that one.

So to be clear and all caught up on that topic, everything I have ever order has now arrived; I'm 100% whole and back on track and look forward to placing another order as soon as this stuff gets to all my local guys in need.