MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

@Alphalfa info found on the site:

Drug expiry debate: the myth and the reality

As long as these products are stored properly, the contents are good for a long time past any printed date.

But as i said in the posts before (and I notice you never answered any of my questions there), if you know better than the info the and Harvard Medical School (the previous article I shared) has available, you should publish your findings and maybe make a lot of money as well as win some very prestigious awards for your contribution to the advancement of science and medicine.

This article is interesting:
Did you think the product suddenly went from 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?

You need to understand the dates are about legal issues and liability, NOT some magical moment the product goes "bad."
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But we don't give a fuck about your studies if we pay full price we expect to have a product not expired. Why Liska discounted his expired hilma products ?
who tell you we want to use these product immediatly
@Alphalfa info found on the site: Drug expiry debate: the myth and the reality

As long as these products are stored properly, the contents are good for a long time past any printed date.

But as i said in the posts before (and I notice you never answered any of my questions there), if you know better than the info the and Harvard Medical School (the previous article I shared) has available, you should publish your findings and maybe make a lot of money as well as win some very prestigious awards for your contribution to the advancement of science and medicine.
Do you want to play the game of laws?

Do you know what worldwide legislation is about selling expired products, especially medicines? And obviously shelf-life legislation for food products?

Is that okay? What do you have to say, any other copy paste bullshit to cover a shameful operation?
But we don't give a fuck about your studies if we pay full price we expect to have a product not expired. Why Liska discounted his expired hilma products ?
who tell you we want to use these product immediatly
Do you want to play the game of laws?

Do you know what worldwide legislation is about selling expired products, especially medicines? And obviously shelf-life legislation for food products?

Is that okay? What do you have to say, any other copy paste bullshit to cover a shameful operation?

"prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

Hence, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use."

From site:
If you go to the store and you find an expired yogurt from one day it is still edible but you're going to buy it? No it's same here
No it is not the same.
Food is ok for a little bit past the printed expiration, but with foods they are perishable; with foods that get too old there is risk of pathogens, bacteria, fungus etc.

Pharmaceuticals are sterile inert chemicals.
That is why "prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

Hence, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use."
( link).

Did you think the product suddenly went from 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?
If so, explain the science and how that works.
"prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

Hence, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use."

From site:
Selling expired products is forbidden(different of best before dates), that is all, there is no way a pharmacy or any serious business will sell expired products on purporse even if the exp date is just a random date, and if they do without knowing they have to replace the product without arguing anything, which you are not doing but covering another shitty movement with bullshit intead of assuming the fail and moving on with a replacement.
@Alphalfa @Olofmeister I have to take a break here and check PMs on other boards, and also help another source with whom I am friends reply to some questions, then call it a day and hit the gym etc.

I think we all stated our positions and each had plenty of opportunities to provide supporting info etc.
It simply looks like we do not agree on this topic.

Nonetheless, you guys may contact the source directly and maybe Basicstero will have a different perspective (never hurts to ask):

Before I take off, please know nothing here is personal; I am not upset of frustrated with either of you; I do not even feel a like I am in a debate.
Actually, I am happy to help educate and why with my academic background I found work with helping some of these sources.
I just feel like I am teaching people and helping people.

To be clear, as long as I am available (I cannot do this many replies everyday as I have family and other obligations etc), convo with you guys justifies my income :)

I few years ago I had to deal with some tough times, start over, but now I am looking to purchase a new home -- a lot of the positive opportunity is thanks to the interesting inquiries on these boards which give me the opportunity to use my background to generate income.

In others words, your inquires are what generates my income.
The opportunity to share info with you guys will also mean an opportunity for me to provide more for my household.
Without you guys, these is little need for my insight.

Therefore, please know I appreciate you.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I will try to check back here again when I am able.
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Shit like this keeps happening yet guys still order. For the price Pharmacom charges you would think you’d try non expired gear, stoppers without holes and gear within a reasonable time frame. Fuckin 80 bucks for expired test is a joke.
Shit like this keeps happening yet guys still order. For the price Pharmacom charges you would think you’d try non expired gear, stoppers without holes and gear within a reasonable time frame. Fuckin 80 bucks for expired test is a joke.
Supply/Demand is the invisible hand
Basic economics, you might not need to worry
I contacted basicstero regarding tracking for my order and was told they could not supply me tracking for 7 days after order was shipped. When did this change? It used to be posted/emailed within 24 hours. Today marks 7 days so I guess I’ll keep checking. I ordered from another domestic source which ships from Florida and they are on point with providing up to date details securely. Also in which I ordered from after my Pcom order and I received theirs 5 days ago. Just really shaking my head at all these issues lately.
Domestic prices are crazy high. Wait forever for Intl. Can justify the premium price IF the product is premium grade. The shoddy customer service and sloppy vials are making me look elsewhere. Shame cause I like their mixes. Maybe they will adjust their prices or improve the experience?
Domestic prices are crazy high. Wait forever for Intl. Can justify the premium price IF the product is premium grade. The shoddy customer service and sloppy vials are making me look elsewhere. Shame cause I like their mixes. Maybe they will adjust their prices or improve the experience?

Nope. Their marketing attracts the noobs so no need.
check out this information found on the site:

and, see the article I shared in the earlier post (quoted below) from Harvard Medical School:

How do you know the actual product is expired?
what does "expired" mean to you?

Why is it that when sources print the purity/concentration on their products it does not count as absolute unwavering proof (i understand, because they can print anything), but on the same label the date means so much?

Do you think the product suddenly went from 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?

As long as these products are stored properly, the contents are good for a long time past any printed date.

I respect you may choose to do or not do whatever you would like, but it really is a waste of a good product.

Sure, I would take them from you if you do not want them.
I just do not have a way to get them.
I hate them to go to waste but I just do not know how to get them because I don't want to give out my private address online.

Rather than waste them, you may have some gym buddies or friends that understand more about pharmaceuticals, and especially amps, that will be happy to use them.

I remember Dave Palumbo talking about how he and other guys still use some of the old original durabolin and parabolin amps (that were produced by licensed pharma manufactures for human use back when it was still legal) if/when they can get their hands on some.
Some of these things are decades old; but amps are completely sealed without any chance of pathogens or even oxygen getting into the contents.

You can give me the study that you want that does not mean that something is right, there are thousands of studies with thousands of results of things, do not come to tell me movies, my father-in-law has 2 pharmacies and has never sold a product expired for a single day, in First, second, your source is not selling pharmaceutical products, no matter how much you want to repeat it, they are underground products, with more or less quality in that I will not enter but not pharmaceuticals, even so I assure you that at least in Europe no pharmacy will ever do you to sell an expired drug so stop making excuses because the source loses enough seriousness with this type of argument, I have seen other laboratories under being crucified for much less
I'd also like to point that in the studies, while they still were effective, the medication wasn't as potent and this also depends on the compound itself.

You also can't compare raws to finished product. The raws are dry and chemically inactive. Once you mix it with carrier oils and other chemicals chemical reactions start occuring.

It's like comparing milk powder to milk powder in water lol
You can give me the study that you want that does not mean that something is right, there are thousands of studies with thousands of results of things, do not come to tell me movies, my father-in-law has 2 pharmacies and has never sold a product expired for a single day, in First, second, your source is not selling pharmaceutical products, no matter how much you want to repeat it, they are underground products, with more or less quality in that I will not enter but not pharmaceuticals, even so I assure you that at least in Europe no pharmacy will ever do you to sell an expired drug so stop making excuses because the source loses enough seriousness with this type of argument, I have seen other laboratories under being crucified for much less
Gotta remember these guys are nothing more than a dirty UGL selling leaky vials, expired gear and products labeled with the incorrect compound. A very overpriced dirty UGL at that.
Gotta remember these guys are nothing more than a dirty UGL selling leaky vials, expired gear and products labeled with the incorrect compound. A very overpriced dirty UGL at that.

Not once in this entire thread did they take any accountability either. Expired gear? Nah it’s still good. Months to receive gear? Nah that’s cause of corona. Leaky stoppers? Nah that’s common, it’s still good. No communication? Nah the website is down.

I liked Pharmacom gear. But now there’s readily other domestic sources with the same product at half price. Why would I pay $100 for primo when I can pay the same amount for 200/mg instead of 100mg. It might not have a fancy box with scratch off codes but I still know there’s Primobolan inside the vial.