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Here we go again
look... go get blood work... go get hplc testing done. we dont do that "it feels underdosed" stuff here on this forum. Doesnt matter what the source is. It would be nearly impossible to feel if your adex was 1/4 under dosed or whatver you think after you just said ITS DEF REAL. I am really not trying to be a dick but first you said the test... then the tren... now adex.

for the record there have been ZERO underdosed hplc tests on pcom.. i think mixed up adex/letro has been the only thing and instead of 4 diff types of deca in a blend there was 2 but still full dosed. has a BUNCH of tests on there for reference
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for the record there have been ZERO underdosed hplc tests on pcom.. i think mixed up adex/letro has been the only thing
Good just wake up?

Underdosed Prop
Underdosed Anadrol
Pharma mix #2 underdosed and missing tren

Never say never.

But I agree with you, that feelz are garbage.
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I guess I missed these... but 5 years ago... I havent seen any lately off I should say. Hard to believe a mix with no tren.. tren is dirt cheap lol. Also never heard of the lab that tested that one either...
Actually it was underdosed, missing tren, and wrong mast and test esters.
But no way to tell if it was legitimate Pcom product, there were fakes even back then supposedly, and lab was questionable... heres the thread.

Yeah they're old but you'll probably find more if you dig enough, I found these 3 in 30-seconds with a duckduckgo search...
Do we have any recents on Mix #2 ?
Nope. I’d test more stuff but I was ghosted when I asked for my credit. I even emailed them beforehand and asked if Jano was an acceptable lab. I haven’t seen any other labs since 2015 so I wanted to make sure it was good. The mix 4 I ran and it was fucking solid lol.
I dont trust that lab testing it after I did some digging... no way someone leaves out tren completely. I could be wrong but I dont buy it. especially when their primo is accurately dosed.
I dont trust that lab testing it after I did some digging... no way someone leaves out tren completely. I could be wrong but I dont buy it. especially when their primo is accurately dosed.
Yeah who knows. My point was that unless you're buying pharma, theres always the possibility of human error.

I talk alot of shit about pcom for a guy who has a $1500 pcom order otw, but you gotta keep these guys on their toes or they'll go walking around in their tracksuits starting cold-wars and doing other wierd eastern-european shit.
Nope. I’d test more stuff but I was ghosted when I asked for my credit. I even emailed them beforehand and asked if Jano was an acceptable lab. I haven’t seen any other labs since 2015 so I wanted to make sure it was good. The mix 4 I ran and it was fucking solid lol.
What a bummer.
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I found this one on isarms, dated 3 days after the test you posted. Shows mix 2 with Tren A and TPP but missing Mast P.

Why is the date from receipt to completed way off?
Didn’t Simec have an issue with testing for mast? I remember seeing something on AL, I’ll double check.

edit: nevermind. It was a Sciroxx product not Pcom.