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How long is a little longer? Just to know

He doesn't know. "Wait a little longer" has been a joke line in this thread for a while now. That's the goto cut and paste answer to order questions he has no real answer to.

Try asking through the website. Some people have luck there, but even that can be hit or miss.
He doesn't know. "Wait a little longer" has been a joke line in this thread for a while now. That's the goto cut and paste answer to order questions he has no real answer to.

Try asking through the website. Some people have luck there, but even that can be hit or miss.
It has been a miss for me. I tried to get in contact with them many times through the website but each time their awnser is a copy past that say "sorry we sent a request to our local shipper". It's been 1 month.
It has been a miss for me. I tried to get in contact with them many times through the website but each time their awnser is a copy past that say "sorry we sent a request to our local shipper". It's been 1 month.
Lol i thought that was the only one suffering this, seems like something common
Lol i thought that was the only one suffering this, seems like something common
More like 9/10 times you won't get response unless you pester them with it and they see you don't give up easily lol
It has been a miss for me. I tried to get in contact with them many times through the website but each time their awnser is a copy past that say "sorry we sent a request to our local shipper". It's been 1 month.
Has anyone tried Pcom’s injectable Anadrol? I can’t find any feedback on it.
@Athlete127 will be able to assist you guys and answer your questions!
See guys! He responds very quickly and is extremely helpful support
omgz I dont feel my test shot in 2 dayz its gotta be bunk and my trenz is a weird color must be bunk!!! and I feel my adex but I swear its under dosed. I will give you some advice.. make a new username. youve ruined yours

I cant help with any pcom.. never ran it besides tbol like 10 years ago. pretty good lab reports though - customer service sucks ass obviously.
Feisty. I like that
omgz I dont feel my test shot in 2 dayz its gotta be bunk and my trenz is a weird color must be bunk!!! and I feel my adex but I swear its under dosed. I will give you some advice.. make a new username. youve ruined yours

I cant help with any pcom.. never ran it besides tbol like 10 years ago. pretty good lab reports though - customer service sucks ass obviously.

And now both of you can kiss after all of that
Be very careful with Pharmacom Lab’s Letrozole. It does not have anything in it, gyno grew for me with 2.5mg/day Letrozole which would be impossible with real Letrozole.
Be very careful with Pharmacom Lab’s Letrozole. It does not have anything in it, gyno grew for me with 2.5mg/day Letrozole which would be impossible with real Letrozole.
Curious of what you were running and what your pre cycle and mid cycle estrogen was. That shouldn’t happen on letro
w1 update, after 31 days no order and no tracking number received. i'm very disappointed
Which of pharmacoms athletes would you like to see pictures of to assuage that disappointment? Big Russian Bear named Boris? No, not your style? How about the Destroyer of Infidels, Ahmed? Is he to your liking? No? Oh, man. Uh, uh. We got anymore pictures, guys? This guy isn’t falling for it. Just send him some Adex. That should make him happy.