MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

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I found this one on isarms, dated 3 days after the test you posted. Shows mix 2 with Tren A and TPP but missing Mast P.

Why is the date from receipt to completed way off?
If you bring old results, you should show the whole story and not cut it. When i posted this report I explained that Simec does not have a way to test masteron. They tested only 2 substances.
Proof: MESO-Rx Sponsor - Pharmacom Labs officials and our store
w1 update, after 31 days no order and no tracking number received. i'm very disappointed
we provide you 100$ store credit. There was an issue with one batch of orders and it was delayed. There are about 15 orders with same issue and delay from w1 from the beginning of August. I will contact you.
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Support anything in regards to this?
Okay nearly 4 weeks later my order from W1 has arrived this morning, the packaging was alright compared to what I am used but guess this is not the end of it as per the product box Exp. date is 2021-03 and we currently got 2021-09 which means it is 6 months out of date, in the listing that I double checked today there is no word about product being sold being expired.... Emailed again to see what answer I get now but @Pharmacom Support could you comeback to me about this? The only thing that checks out is the verification code on the box...
Well, I am in the same case as him
Order shipped the 10 of august, no order, no tracking, and when I ask some help from pharmacom support on this thread he never answered.
Well finally received my tracking number, but tracking said it has been shipped yesterday and was supposed to be shipped the 10th of august
Well finally received my tracking number, but tracking said it has been shipped yesterday and was supposed to be shipped the 10th of august
It’s been one month and I only got my tracking number few hours ago.
You said it was shipped but it was not
Okay nearly 4 weeks later my order from W1 has arrived this morning, the packaging was alright compared to what I am used but guess this is not the end of it as per the product box Exp. date is 2021-03 and we currently got 2021-09 which means it is 6 months out of date, in the listing that I double checked today there is no word about product being sold being expired.... Emailed again to see what answer I get now but @Pharmacom Support could you comeback to me about this? The only thing that checks out is the verification code on the box...
No need to worry; the products you have are completely good and safe to use regardless of that date.
You can confidently enjoy these products without having any additional health risks and the products will work as intended.

In the quotes below I'll share some more details I have previously posted regarding "expiration" dates:
How do you know the actual product is expired?
what does "expired" mean to you?

A source can print any date, or anything, on labels.
For instance, when a source (not just this source, any and ALL sources) prints the compound and concentration on labels, many people question it and want testing or more proof because we all know anyone can print anything on a labels.
Why is it that when sources print the purity/concentration on their products it does not count as proof (i understand, because they can print anything), but on the same label the date means so much to you?
Do you think the product suddenly went fro 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?

Did you test the product and have legitimate concerns it has degraded?

Regardless, the expiration date really has little significance (and I would also guess many small UGLs simply print up new exp dates -- I wouldn't even put it past licensed "Big Pharma" Corporations do do the same, after all they have been caught in lawsuits many times for deceit and corruption).

As long as these products are stored properly, the contents are good for a long time past any printed date:

check out this article from Harvard Medical School:
Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything? - Harvard Health

Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything?
FDA study gets to the heart of expired medicine and safety
Updated: August 13, 2018
Published: November, 2003
The big question is, do pills expire? With a splitting headache, you reach into your medicine cabinet for some aspirin only to find the stamped expiration date on the medicine bottle is more than a year out of date. So, does medicine expire? Do you take it or don't you? If you decide to take the aspirin, will it be a fatal mistake or will you simply continue to suffer from the headache?

This is a dilemma many people face in some way or another. A column published in Psychopharmacology Today offers some advice.

It turns out that the expiration date on a drug does stand for something, but probably not what you think it does. Since a law was passed in 1979, drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. This is the date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.

Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

So the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use. Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers. It's true the effectiveness of a drug may decrease over time, but much of the original potency still remains even a decade after the expiration date. Excluding nitroglycerin, insulin, and liquid antibiotics, most medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested by the military. Placing a medication in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help a drug remain potent for many years.

Is the expiration date a marketing ploy by drug manufacturers, to keep you restocking your medicine cabinet and their pockets regularly? You can look at it that way. Or you can also look at it this way: The expiration dates are very conservative to ensure you get everything you paid for. And, really, if a drug manufacturer had to do expiration-date testing for longer periods it would slow their ability to bring you new and improved formulations.

The next time you face the drug expiration date dilemma, consider what you've learned here. If the expiration date passed a few years ago and it's important that your drug is absolutely 100% effective, you might want to consider buying a new bottle. And if you have any questions about the safety or effectiveness of any drug, ask your pharmacist. He or she is a great resource when it comes to getting more information about your medications.
No it is not the same.
Food is ok for a little bit past the printed expiration, but with foods they are perishable; with foods that get too old there is risk of pathogens, bacteria, fungus etc.

Pharmaceuticals are sterile inert chemicals.
That is why "prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

Hence, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use."
( link).

Did you think the product suddenly went from 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?
If so, explain the science and how that works.
You do not have any risk using those -- they do not suddenly go bad when the clock strikes midnight on a certain day.
I have already explained "Expatriation date" in great detail.
This is sterile chemical sealed in a glass amp NOT food items.

Those Amps will be effective for many years, even decades, and will NEVER lose sterility with bacteriostatic agents in an oil sealed in a glass amp (ZERO change of any leak of air into or out of an amp).

There is no reason to waste these -- you can safely use them.

how do you know they are "expired?"
did you test the contents and have data showing an issue?

Maybe the source will give you credit or replace, I do not know and I do not have any say in that (that is matter between you and the source directly).

But regardless of what they may offer or not offer, for myself, I would still use them (as I think you will too -- I really do not believe you discarded the others either because we both know they are still safe to use).
No need to worry; the products you have are completely good and safe to use regardless of that date.
You can confidently enjoy these products without having any additional health risks and the products will work as intended.

In the quotes below I'll share some more details I have previously posted regarding "expiration" dates:
Sure why put also expiry dates on other stuff or groceries in general right? If you get a milk bottle that's 1 month out of date you shouldn't complain because you got the milk bottle in the end right?

Going by that way I shouldn't complain too if something contains less of whatever it supposed to be there too because I am getting at least something of it in the end right?

If you start letting a source get away with a thing or two here and there then they will start doing it as normal practice or keep pushing it on more to see what the limit they can get away with.

My issue here is that the products advertised have 0 word mention about possibility of being out of date and in that case I would of expected them to be sold at discounted price rather than a full price? You put the expiry date for a reason in the end on products right?

btw. was granted store credit in the end but I am just making a point here that things like that shouldn't be let off as easily as you make it
Where do you ordered from? Which warehouse? And can you post your tracking process? Of course without the location.
Order from w1 to EU
Bought the 6 of august and shipped the 10th
There is nothing to see on the tracking page since it has been handled to the postal service yesterday.
Also, can @Pharmacom Labs or @Pharmacom Support tell me why it has taken so long to actually ship my package and why you told me 1 month ago it has been shipped but was not ?
Order from w1 to EU
Bought the 6 of august and shipped the 10th
There is nothing to see on the tracking page since it has been handled to the postal service yesterday.
Also, can @Pharmacom Labs or @Pharmacom Support tell me why it has taken so long to actually ship my package and why you told me 1 month ago it has been shipped but was not ?

Cuz if I wanted to to get from W1 it was because it is supposedly faster than w2. If I wanted to buy from W2 and enjoy this big promo I wouldn’t have bought from w1. So why did I choose w1 over W2 if the shipping time is the same or longer
domestic package arrived 8 days after order was placed, although I think they should have at least used some bubble wrap even tho package was not damaged.

Each milliliter of PHARMATEST PH 100 contains 100 milligrams of Testosterone Phenylpropionate. This testosterone ester is active for 4-5 days, is a cross between testosterone cypionate and propionate.

Effects of PHARMATEST PH 100:
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Visibly builds muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.

Sure why put also expiry dates on other stuff or groceries in general right? If you get a milk bottle that's 1 month out of date you shouldn't complain because you got the milk bottle in the end right?
As I explained to previous complaints, this is not at all the same as perishable food items.
IF you do not understand the difference between sterile pharma product vs perishable food items, you may not be educated enough to use such products appropriately -- keep reading and learning so you will have a better understanding of chemistry and biology etc.
No it is not the same.
Food is ok for a little bit past the printed expiration, but with foods they are perishable; with foods that get too old there is risk of pathogens, bacteria, fungus etc.

Pharmaceuticals are sterile inert chemicals.
That is why "prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

Hence, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use."
( link).

Did you think the product suddenly went from 100% good one day, then the clock stuck midnight the next day and it suddenly went bad?
If so, explain the science and how that works.

Less honest underground sources simply avoid any of this by printing up new batches of labels as needed.
Pharmacom has more integrity and labels the batch when it was produced.
Sadly, this honesty causes ignorant customers to actual have more complaints with the honest sources than the manipulative sources.

As you mentioned, you have a resolution from the source so all is settled.

No worries, I do not have any access or authority nor can I set any polices, just sharing ideas like anyone else here is free to do.
Just like you, I am just making a point here that things like this shouldn't be considered an issue; I mean, if the source didn't offer you a resolution, you could always go file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau regarding your steroid purchase, right? ;)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the products you received and I am confident you will still use them or sell them.
Congrats on getting a bonus -- I hope you enjoy them and are at least kind enough to give positive feedback if you like the products.

Frank (the Basicstero global sales manager) is a very nice guy and always tries to go above and beyond to makes things good for customers.
PHAMRA NAN D300: Nandrolone Decanoate 300 from Pharmacom

Summary: The sample is an ampoule in which the Nandrolone Decanoate DV of 300 mg / ml is stated.


1. Qualitative analysis: the sample contains the active ingredient - Nandrolone Decanoate.

2. Quantitative analysis: the actual content of the active substance is 287.2 mg / ml.

3. Unknown impurities: Not found.


SOURCE: results were found on Тесты препаратов. Хромо (all I have done is translate the content to English and repost) and all credit goes to the original poster/author.
As I explained to previous complaints, this is not at all the same as perishable food items.
IF you do not understand the difference between sterile pharma product vs perishable food items, you may not be educated enough to use such products appropriately -- keep reading and learning so you will have a better understanding of chemistry and biology etc.
So only your oils are not getting getting rancid, BA somehow stops spontaneously decomposing and degradation of AAS is a myth, especially with the more sensitive compounds. All that while trying to pass expired products as an virtue. Got it.

I really am sorry for chiming in this thread, but I really dislike the dripping arrogance towards members that you are showing when making these kind of posts, while being shamefully wrong. I'll be happily proved wrong with a short, concise rebuttal.

But as you youself said:
sharing ideas like anyone else here is free to do.
So I took it by the word.

Have a good day.

Well finally received my tracking number, but tracking said it has been shipped yesterday and was supposed to be shipped the 10th of august
It’s been one month and I only got my tracking number few hours ago.
You said it was shipped but it was not
Order from w1 to EU
Bought the 6 of august and shipped the 10th
There is nothing to see on the tracking page since it has been handled to the postal service yesterday.
Also, can @Pharmacom Labs or @Pharmacom Support tell me why it has taken so long to actually ship my package and why you told me 1 month ago it has been shipped but was not ?
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, we are doing our best to send orders as soon as possible, unfortunately, for security reasons, there are sometimes delays, but please do not worry, in the end you will definitely receive what you ordered, just it may take a little longer than usual.
Okay nearly 4 weeks later my order from W1 has arrived this morning, the packaging was alright compared to what I am used but guess this is not the end of it as per the product box Exp. date is 2021-03 and we currently got 2021-09 which means it is 6 months out of date, in the listing that I double checked today there is no word about product being sold being expired.... Emailed again to see what answer I get now but @Pharmacom Support could you comeback to me about this? The only thing that checks out is the verification code on the box...
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, I sent this information directly to my management and asked them to contact you as soon as possible.