MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

So, I have no dog in this fight, but expired product being shipped out is a problem for Pcom fairly frequently. Often enough that it might really work out well for them to gather up all their old expired lots and fire sale them rather than issue store credit.

People who know they are buying expired lots and are doing so becasue they get them at a discount are usually happy. People who get expired lots unexpectedly and then have to complain until they are taken care of are usually *not* happy. When pcom has to issue store credit for expired lots, my guess is *they* are not happy. Going the fire sale route Pcom would get to make *something* back on expired lots and would also have happy, happy customers.

Dunno, just a thought.

Or they could give their expired or soon to be expired gear to their sponsored athletes that get everything for free or better yet, drop the expiry date all together if it has such little meaning.

Ok guys and gals, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.
As always, no hard feeling toward any of you, and actually our discussion was a nice break/distraction from the real issue some of us are enduring -- unfortunately, I must get off the computer go back to "real life" now.

I guess if people do not like my position or posts, they may file a complaint against me with the appropriate regulatory agency.

But I will still be here and I will still give it my all to do whatever is within my power to help everyone and anyone who is not rude to me (which is 99% of you).

i still remember the days when you weren't such a condescending prick. See what all that expired gear has done to you?
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If you order from W2 expect to wait 6 weeks. I saw people on this thread talking about 6-8 weeks.
But you know what ? Let me answer for them :
« Sorry for the inconvenience. we sent a request to our local shipper and update you asap !».
And no, you package as not been shipped. Wait 1-2 months before they do.
You can also ask them for the 100 dollars and hope they see you message but they give it only to a few that has been picked randomly.
To be honest, do not hope more than the copy past « support message » they sent to all customers in regards of there order.
I am very disappointed with the extra long shipping but the thing that bother me the most is this how shitty the customer service is. At least, tell me what is really happening, they said it on this thread so stop copy pasting the same shit over and over for a month. Cuz man, if I show you the emails they sent to me are a fucking joke.
Yeah I know, 6 weeks I waited last year for my order. However they were sent immediately after payment. Now I wrote an email directly form the basicstero page and someone replied immediately. In the email was my tracking number. Hmm, the tracking is like last year. After 4 weeks the package arrives in destination country and then the "real" tracking works... I'll let you guys know what's going on. I hope they had sent my package already. I would wonder if not, why wouldn't they do?
So I don't know why I should wait 1-2 months before they send it, as you said. We'll see. If the package arrives after 6-8 weeks everything will be ok and I'll continue to order from them. If not it was the 3rd time and last time!
In addition, my own educational background contributes to my position and opinions.
No one ever made any claim regarding the “active compound levels unchanged through the eons.”
It's called a hyperbole. Did your education not include that by chance?

"rancid" oil simply means an oil that has some oxidation.
Oxidation of oil may occur with every product from every brand (and often may have occurred before an AAS source even has possession of the oil), but this does NOT compromise sterility.
I don't see any other brands bolding out text insinuating that their oils are good for use for 15 years or longer (15 years + expiration date minus manufacture date). You do.

Are not not insinuating exactly what I described in the above paragraph with the bolded text?

All that, while while quoting a study, that concludes that it best applies to solid oral dosage forms, which, are not quite injectable solutions, while not talking about oil solutions at all. But I'll get to that later.

(note: Pharmacom vials are under negative pressure, which causes the stopper to be pulled inward as we sometime see, which means there is much less available oxygen to oxidize the carrier oil).

These are not food products in open systems with microbial contents.
Oils don't go rancid only through contact with atmospheric oxygen or through microbial contamination - there's something called autooxidation of fatty acids too, so the above things being mostly eliminated don't really stop the oil from going rancid. Which produces free radicals which make it all go even faster. Are you not aware of this process?

AAS vials are sealed, sterilized, inert chemicals.
Do benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate spontaneously decompose?
Yes they do.

Do oils suffer from autooxidation?
Yes they do.

Do even AAS break down spontaneously, some faster than others (hello trenbolone)?
Yes they do.

Which of the above properties do exactly fall into the "inert" bracket?

Do commonplace solid oral dosage forms usually contain any of those chemicals, so that you feel that the article you quote can be well applied to injectable AAS oils?

Please, specify, otherwise I will have to judge you have literally no idea what inert means.

So in short:
1. You have posted literally one single article, which talks about something else and literally no other source of your claims.

(While you claim you have posted multiple? Did I miss something or did you lie? Because all I see are two different links for the same article. ) 1631129488068.png

2. you misunderstand basic concepts, such as chemical inertness

3. You somehow fail to mention fatty acid autooxidation.

4. You are are smug and arrogant towards members while all of the above: 1631129289107.png

5. You waste my time by reposting your copy pastas and useless ballast info about FDA and pharma lawsuits nobody cares about and that are not the topic of the discussion, just a strawman of yours.

Plenty enough?


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Because I know you are educated, without a doubt you are able to read a few paragraphs -- literally it would be maybe a page or too in a publication or book. Actually, it is very likely you did read it (after all, you even mock phrases I used) -- but, it was not convenient for you to interact with someone who is at, or maybe above, your educational level. So you appeal to the less educated crowd with a shallow statement which offer nothing of substance to our discourse.

You're slipping my friend and treading on Ad Hominem and personal insults.

While shallow statement may be popular among the ignorant masses, the crowd cheer will have no effect upon the reality at hand.

Therefore, I will take your comment here as a concession, albeit less graceful of which than I would expect from you.

Nonetheless, i appreciate you, your work, and do like engaging with you in conversation because you do read what I say and I know you are intelligent enough to understand the more intellectually mature dialogue.
In other words, I enjoy our discussion.

Enjoy the rest of your day my friend.
It's not me who has to post walls of text and pretentious courtesy to appeal the people who can't see through that, my friend.

Pot calling the kettle black.
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Okok, expired gear sill have the good quality. How about the gear with the floaters ? I post it two weeks ago, but no official staffs told me whether it’s contaminated or not. I don’t want the credit. I just want to know the truth.


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Or they could give their expired or soon to be expired gear to their sponsored athletes that get everything for free

Sure. Or add free expired shit to orders over $200 or something. Whatever it takes to clear it out of their regular distribution channels. Having people post "got expired shit from pcom" every few pages is a bad look for them.
Okok, expired gear sill have the good quality. How about the gear with the floaters ? I post it two weeks ago, but no official staffs told me whether it’s contaminated or not. I don’t want the credit. I just want to know the truth.

Looks crashed, but then again my screen isn't the fanciest. Did you try warning it up?
Looks crashed, but then again my screen isn't the fanciest. Did you try warning it up?
I just use hairdryer to heat it up. The floater disappears, but the oil looks not as clear as normal Tren. Anyway I still decide to throw it away.

I have no idea why the official staffs cannot explain it to me clearly within 2 weeks.
Just curious, when did Pcom turn to shit? I remember around 2017 they were still solid AF. Seem far from it now.

I haven't had a single issue with them, TBH. How they package things to mail domestically fucking sucks, but I haven't gotten anything crashed or expired or leaky.
looks like crashed gear

Does it? I've only had a few things lightly crash on me ever so I'm definitely no expert, but IME "crashed" looks like crystals dropping out of solution. Kind of like rock candy crystals stuck to the bottom of the vials. To me that looks like some kind of nasty cloudy sludge at the bottom of those vials.
Does it? I've only had a few things lightly crash on me ever so I'm definitely no expert, but IME "crashed" looks like crystals dropping out of solution. Kind of like rock candy crystals stuck to the bottom of the vials. To me that looks like some kind of nasty cloudy sludge at the bottom of those vials.
It can look like sludge too. Ive seen it both ways. The longer it has been crashed the more it tends to settle at the bottom and look like sludge.
Does it? I've only had a few things lightly crash on me ever so I'm definitely no expert, but IME "crashed" looks like crystals dropping out of solution. Kind of like rock candy crystals stuck to the bottom of the vials. To me that looks like some kind of nasty cloudy sludge at the bottom of those vials.
Same with you. I only saw the crush gear with the crystal form. “Sludge” is very accurate. I like it lol.
Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience, we are doing our best to send orders as soon as possible, unfortunately, for security reasons, there are sometimes delays, but please do not worry, in the end you will definitely receive what you ordered, just it may take a little longer than usual.
What about that guy a while back that ordered anastrozole and was sent letrozole that was labeled as anastrozole? Did he get what he ordered in the end, or should it be said that he is still waiting?
Okok, expired gear sill have the good quality. How about the gear with the floaters ? I post it two weeks ago, but no official staffs told me whether it’s contaminated or not. I don’t want the credit. I just want to know the truth.
Looks to me like a Bad batch of raws, some of the tren molecule is not "attached" to the Ester and therefore you have some tren suspension/base in your vials. That would also explain the different color of the other vials(different grade of Oxidation of raws), if you have alot of These vials and you are really worried about bacterial contamination, you could use a pre sterilized Petri dish with agar and drop a couple Drops of oil (just make Sure to use sterile Routine so you get accurate results). If theres bacterial growth on the dishes, you know its Contaminated. Hope this helps.
Oh btw speaking of expired gear.Wasn't there a discount section on basicstero like a month ago where expired gear was offered at a discount? I swear ive seen it for a couple hours before it got taken down for some reason.
Hi. Any special promos right now and if so what date do they end?

Second question - and this is open to anyone - have you ever had reactions* to test E but found that switching to test C solved it? I’ve read that this can happen but I find it hard to believe a change in ester could make that much difference?

*My reactions I believe are allergy based rather than just bad PIP. Large swollen red welt, hot to touch, lasts over a week. I suspect it is the EO in pcom products but now I’m wondering if the ester might make a difference…