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There you have it everyone, a picture of Vlad and a continuing theme of everything will be fine soon.

mickey mouse happy dance GIF by hoppip
There you have it everyone, a picture of Vlad and a continuing theme of everything will be fine soon.

mickey mouse happy dance GIF by hoppip
I can only guess that for our friend, @RThoads, it is not convenient to interact with someone who is at, or maybe above, his educational level, so he better left that be for now...

It might even be that he won't be trying to pass expired products as a virtue, make nonsensical claims and insult people for a while!
I can only guess that for our friend, @RThoads, it is not convenient to interact with someone who is at, or maybe above, his educational level, so he better left that be for now...

It might even be that he won't be trying to pass expired products as a virtue, make nonsensical claims and insult people for a while!

Arrived today my package. Order Paid 7th and more than a month after is finally here. Everything is okay excep for all the gear exp date is under 2020 xdxdxd probably the last time y use this source.
@Pharmacom Labs here's a wild idea. seeing as you seem to have a shit load of product that is years past expiry and despite your best efforts to tell everyone its fine you're slowly killing the reputation you've built over the past few years. why not just offer the expired gear with a discount like every other source does and then the cheap ass's will gobble it up and the perfectionists will stop trashing your brand?
@Pharmacom Labs here's a wild idea. seeing as you seem to have a shit load of product that is years past expiry and despite your best efforts to tell everyone its fine you're slowly killing the reputation you've built over the past few years. why not just offer the expired gear with a discount like every other source does and then the cheap ass's will gobble it up and the perfectionists will stop trashing your brand?
Please, bcs selling expired gear as a new brand one is very awfull
Another pack in.
30-day T/A to US from W2.
No hiccups, got what I paid for, and they hooked me up with some freebies aswell.
Before someone opens their dumb mouth, this isn't a fucking shill post. Just sharing my experience.
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Another pack in.
30-day T/A to US from W2.
No hiccups, got what I paid for, and they hooked me up with some freebies aswell.
View attachment 153801
Before someone opens their dumb mouth, this isn't a fucking shill post. Just sharing my experience.
All that masteron your dick must be THICK.

Why did they send you yiur stuff in zip lock bags don't they have blister packs?