MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Been a Pharmacom customer for the last 5 years, and have always been very impressed with the quality you guys offer! Blood tests have always come back as genuine product, and sterility and quality have always been top notch. That is why I wanted to bring to the attention that there is a pretty significant problem with the new tops you guys have started using this year on your multidose vials.

You can see the attached picture, the old style is on the left and the new one on the right. It is significantly harder to puncture, requiring a lot of effort to pierce. Most concerning though is that, when pierced, the stopper breaks off little pieces of rubber that get into the syringe!

Definitely don't want to inject that! This was drawn with a brand new sharp 18g 1" needle. Never happened before with the old stopper! Do you guys have any plans to address this issue?
Im not trying to defend the source because im not a fan of these stoppers aswell and would like to see the old high quality silica stoppers back but i think in this case youre using a cheap needle brand that has alot of blunt needles and is pushing out the rubber instead of penetrating it. Ive had this when i started peds and used the cheapest needles and ruined quite alot of vials that way. Since then i only used high quality terumo agani or bd microlance needles and never had a problem with these stoppers until now.But as you say theres alot of resistance when penetrating these stoppers and i still inspect them all the time,thats why i wish the old stoppers would come back.
Im not trying to defend the source because im not a fan of these stoppers aswell and would like to see the old high quality silica stoppers back but i think in this case youre using a cheap needle brand that has alot of blunt needles and is pushing out the rubber instead of penetrating it. Ive had this when i started peds and used the cheapest needles and ruined quite alot of vials that way. Since then i only used high quality terumo agani or bd microlance needles and never had a problem with these stoppers until now.But as you say theres alot of resistance when penetrating these stoppers and i still inspect them all the time,thats why i wish the old stoppers would come back.
I get monoject stuff from work, they also work well and are cheaper if I'm not mistaken.
Been a Pharmacom customer for the last 5 years, and have always been very impressed with the quality you guys offer! Blood tests have always come back as genuine product, and sterility and quality have always been top notch.
Hi, thank you for your feedback.
That is why I wanted to bring to the attention that there is a pretty significant problem with the new tops you guys have started using this year on your multidose vials.

You can see the attached picture, the old style is on the left and the new one on the right. It is significantly harder to puncture, requiring a lot of effort to pierce. Most concerning though is that, when pierced, the stopper breaks off little pieces of rubber that get into the syringe!

Definitely don't want to inject that! This was drawn with a brand new sharp 18g 1" needle. Never happened before with the old stopper! Do you guys have any plans to address this issue?
We apologize for the inconvenience, perhaps in the future the situation with rubber stoppers will change, unfortunately there is no exact information about this yet. Please try using other needles, most likely it will help solve this problem.
Hey gang!

Posting a W-3 (US domestic) timeline for my recent order:

Paid: Jan 9th 2022
Shipped: Jan 11th 2022
Received: Jan 18th 2022.

Time to hit it hard :)

View attachment 159360
Mixes are a good option when you can get several drugs with one injection. Mix 2 is a good option for strength training during the competitive period, a combination of short esters TEST-TREN-DRO. But STAN is very dangerous for me in terms of the effect on the ligaments
Mixes are a good option when you can get several drugs with one injection. Mix 2 is a good option for strength training during the competitive period, a combination of short esters TEST-TREN-DRO. But STAN is very dangerous for me in terms of the effect on the ligaments
I try to only add STAN for about 4 weeks at a time at the end of the blast.
Anyone had any issues with Chicago customs? My package has been in customs since jan 14th
In my opinion, Chicago customs is the worst -- even when it does pass, it often takes a long time, and the seizure rate seems higher than other locations.

There is always a chance of seizure -- so the longer it sits with no update, the more worried i get. I would sit tight -- it has not been very long for yours yet. Here is a pic of an example from one of my own personal packs last year that sat for a month in customs and then successfully arrived (image below):

But with that said, yours sounds like it has only been in the USA for a little over a week; they might not even have gotten to it yet (I am sure they have huge bins of thousands of packs piled up).

It is very difficult to estimate how long the postal system and customs can take -- it just varies greatly.Packs from the same order have come at much different speeds and can take up to weeks or even month difference. For example, the pic below is from one of my order that had the first half arrive from W2 to USA in only 25 days, while the other pack in the order took 57 days -- same order with both shipping out at the same exact time and landing in the USA (image below).

If it does get seized, you will get a letter from homeland security or US Customs and Border patrol.Do NOT reply to any seizure letters and you will have no trouble. This letter simply means your package was seized. But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

If you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues. For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent something to a wrong address. You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

Seizure risk is just part of this lifestyle -- you must accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept there are potential losses.
The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):

Please see my post quoted below for more details regarding contacting Basicstero directly:
How to Contact the Source Directly

For specific account and order related inquiries please use the "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website for the most direct and efficient communication with the company's customer service.
Replying to automated emails etc. will not work to contact the source.
The way to contact the source is by using the "Contact Us" page on the Basicstero site.

***Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Board reps, posts, even PMs are not as efficient nor direct - may get overlooked or take time to be relayed to the appropriate personnel.
This is a big World-Wide company; Reps/PR/Marketing people are mostly busy relaying information/news/announcements and may not even have the ability, access, nor authority to see private account and order information.
(it is a good thing though, that the company only allows specific person ability to access private info for customer security reasons :) ).
Also, please, for your own safety never state any personal information in a public post.

The "Contact Us" form on the Basicstero website is the most direct form of communication regarding accounts and orders.

NOTE regarding tracking (which is a common inquiry I see daily across various boards and PMs):
In my experience, usually tracking is NOT uploaded until a pack leaves the warehouse country and passes outgoing (origin nation's) customs.
In my opinion this usually takes approx a couple weeks for intl packs.
Please be patient and try not to ask customer service for tracking info -- tracking will be uploaded to your dashboard when it is available and authorized to be given out (the source does not authorize it to be given out until a point, such as when it passes outgoing customs, when the source feels it is safe from the source's warehouse, staff, and mailers).

A source has no control over the postal service nor if packs are accurately scanned/updated within the postal system (once the pack is shipped, a source can only see what tracking shows you -- just like if/when you mail something to someone).

Keep in mind you can check the status of your order on the Basicstero site by loging into the warehouse where you placed the order and navigating to your
dashboard >> orders >> select the order you would like to see.
IF tracking has been uploaded to your account it will appear there in the order details section.

When contacting the source, please provide your order number and please have verifiable evidence if you are making any claims such as a lost or damaged pack (evidence would including a video of opening the sealed pack to show the condition of contents upon arrival or tracking status or seizure letter to show a pack is lost etc.).

I hope these tips and information are helpful
got an email some days ago from basicstero that package has been handed over to postal service but tracking number says shipping label was created yesterday at 1am and postal service is awaiting the item still. I know all of this takes time but why email me days ago saying its been shipped and today it says usps hasn't even received the package lol. Unless there is just some massive delay in the tracking update process but don't really see how. Not mad at all, just can be very confusing to people.
In my opinion, Chicago customs is the worst -- even when it does pass, it often takes a long time, and the seizure rate seems higher than other locations.

There is always a chance of seizure -- so the longer it sits with no update, the more worried i get. I would sit tight -- it has not been very long for yours yet. Here is a pic of an example from one of my own personal packs last year that sat for a month in customs and then successfully arrived (image below):

But with that said, yours sounds like it has only been in the USA for a little over a week; they might not even have gotten to it yet (I am sure they have huge bins of thousands of packs piled up).

It is very difficult to estimate how long the postal system and customs can take -- it just varies greatly.Packs from the same order have come at much different speeds and can take up to weeks or even month difference. For example, the pic below is from one of my order that had the first half arrive from W2 to USA in only 25 days, while the other pack in the order took 57 days -- same order with both shipping out at the same exact time and landing in the USA (image below).

If it does get seized, you will get a letter from homeland security or US Customs and Border patrol.Do NOT reply to any seizure letters and you will have no trouble. This letter simply means your package was seized. But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

If you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues. For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent
Better to not talk at all. Lying or misleading a federal agent is a crime in itself

something to a wrong address. You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

Seizure risk is just part of this lifestyle -- you must accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept there are potential losses.
The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):

Please see my post quoted below for more details regarding contacting Basicstero directly:
170 dollars for a bottle of primo 200 on the dragon pharma website is an armed robbery, even if you get 15% off bitcoin it is still a scam
Didn't pay that. But that's close to what pharmacom domestic was anyway.

I think dragon pharma is as legit as any other larger international UGL. It's a top tier UGL too. Their testing has always been fine.
I try to only add STAN for about 4 weeks at a time at the end of the blast.
When I tried to use it for strength training in preparation for competitions, the ligaments started to hurt very straight and I also used it for about 4 weeks. Somewhere in the second week I already felt it. And two friends were injured. But I know a lot of positive reviews.
Anyone else having trouble with their website? Cant seem to get through
I just tried the Basicstero site (approximately 5pm EST) and it currently loaded without issue for me.

But it does get hindered from time to time from DDoS attacks and various reasons. Such issues are usually resolved within a few hours to a day; simply try again later or the next day.