MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Basicstero is the only direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.

Basicstero is the site to purchase genuine Pharmacom Labs products directly from the manufacturer.
Basicstero is Pharmacom Labs, NOT a reseller.

Important: There are multiple FAKE sites and scammers pretending to be Pharmacom Labs. Only use the address/link in the "code" box above for the genuine site. Also, please know that this source does not take orders via email. If anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email or any way / site other than the genuine Basicstero site listed in the "code" box above, it may be a scam.
placed first two orders to try pharma out. used 2 different wh to compare experience, shipping & processing times. Will update with touchdowns and details on each.
25 days on the clock now for the international wh order, hasnt moved from NL in 16 days. Whats interesting is ive received 3 other orders from different international srcs placed over a week after this one. Hopefully next update will be a TD
25 days on the clock now for the international wh order, hasnt moved from NL in 16 days. Whats interesting is ive received 3 other orders from different international srcs placed over a week after this one. Hopefully next update will be a TD
stop bitching about stuff that's out of the source's control. you're clogging up the thread that is supposed to be discussing their products and customer service.
25 days on the clock now for the international wh order, hasnt moved from NL in 16 days. Whats interesting is ive received 3 other orders from different international srcs placed over a week after this one. Hopefully next update will be a TD
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about delays, unfortunately the speed depends on the work of the delivery services and with all our desire we cannot influence this. I hope you will receive your order soon, if you have any questions - do not hesitate, you can ask them right here, also you can write to me in private messages. Take care of yourself and have a good day.
25 days on the clock now for the international wh order, hasnt moved from NL in 16 days. Whats interesting is ive received 3 other orders from different international srcs placed over a week after this one. Hopefully next update will be a TD
W2 is a middle-point. Your order is not stuck there; most likely, is awaiting to arrival there and then it will be forwarded to the final destination.

W2 is not like W3 or W1. With W3 or W1 the stock listed for sale is physically at the W3 or W1 location (this is why stock is limited and many items go out of stock quickly after restocking from people that were waiting for the restock; but, W2 almost always has stock).

However, W2 does not have stock locally; with W2 the items are shipped to the EU middle-point as needed for orders (for example, all items needed for orders in a week are collected and shipped from the manufacturing facility to the W2 warehouse middle-point).
Then the packs moves from there to the final destination.
Warehouse 2 is located outside of Europe, however we ship it a way that packages are routed through one of the European countries. Tracking number will show delivery from one of the European countries, without mentioning the origin country it was sent from....
This means, you have to add the time it takes from the manufacturer to W2 (that is the waiting time some of you mention) then the typical time from EU to final destination.

Most of my own W2 packs take a few weeks on the "at shippers warehouse" step (while it is physically traveling from manufacture facility to the W2 EU middle-point). During this time, you will see a tracking status like you have mentioned.

But do not worry, I have never seen a pack stuck in the EU middle-point; if you have tracking, the order is in progress on its path

Keep in mind, international postal service varies greatly; and, once packs are in the postal system, no one except the postal service has any control.
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stop bitching about stuff that's out of the source's control. you're clogging up the thread that is supposed to be discussing their products and customer service.
Updating my original post, which was to compare shipping speeds, process & product from domestic and international locations.

I expect a minimum of 40days till arrival, as such i have no complaints about either the source or shipper.

Just observations compared with other experiences.

If you are inconvenienced that 7 posts from me in the past 26 days are clogging this thread, i would encourage you to try some chamomile and a warm bath.

If that doesnt work i suggest kindly fucking off.

Hi there!
We restocked our Domestic Warehouse today! Many items are back in stock now.
Thanks for your purchases and have a nice day!
Hi there!
We restocked our Domestic Warehouse today! Many items are back in stock now.
Thanks for your purchases and have a nice day!
nice! :) that is great news.
thank you for the update.
I needed some Test asap. I will go check the site later tonight after i get some food.
Finally received part of my reship from an order I made on Christmas Day lmao

I lost hope for a while considering the drop ship point of w2 is considered one of the drug capitols of Europe.

I can say the stealth shipping method passed even though it was inspected by customs. They opened one of the satchels and tested to no avail.
Am I reading this right? $78 for test e 10ml?
Tren e 10ml $110???? Unless I read that completely wrong, that's 2* and 3* more than anyone else on meso.
Finally received part of my reship from an order I made on Christmas Day lmao

I lost hope for a while considering the drop ship point of w2 is considered one of the drug capitols of Europe.

I can say the stealth shipping method passed even though it was inspected by customs. They opened one of the satchels and tested to no avail.
Good to hear that you at least received part of your reship.
Customs has been tough lately -- seems much more strict since covid.
Am I reading this right? $78 for test e 10ml?
Tren e 10ml $110???? Unless I read that completely wrong, that's 2* and 3* more than anyone else on meso.
All products, availability, and prices are listed on the Basicstero site.
The different warehouses have different pricing because of different operational costs.

W2 has lower costs but the customer is accepting the risks involved with international shipment such as longer travel times and chance of seizure by customs.

With W3 you do not have to deal with trying to import the pack and pass customs because the products from W3 are already physically located in the USA. But, this convenience comes at higher operational costs etc. for the source and as a result the products are higher priced from W3.

In other words, products from W3 are at a higher price for items but no risk associated with importing the items into the country, and a much faster shipping time because W3 stock is already physically in the US.
Hello, on my 'orders' page it says it has been shipped but there is no tracking number available. I emailed asking for a tracking number to be provided a few days ago but did not receive a reply yet.
Hello, on my 'orders' page it says it has been shipped but there is no tracking number available. I emailed asking for a tracking number to be provided a few days ago but did not receive a reply yet.
Most likely, the source simply has not yet uploaded the batch of tracking numbers that your shipment is in. It sounds like your order may have only very recently been shipped (correct me if I am wrong) in the past week or two.
When the source uploads the tracking numbers for your order, you will be able to see the tracking info on the order status/details page.

This usually takes from a few days (very rare) to a few weeks (more common) depending upon the postal service situation.
In my experience the source prefers to wait until packs have passed the country of origin so that the warehouse staff and shippers etc. may enjoy as much anonymity and safety as possible.

In the past, an automatic email would be generated by the computer system; however, recently there have been technical issues preventing this feature from working for everyone.
I have not received any of the automatic emails for my past few orders.
Since the DDoS attacks etc, I think there has been some changes to the computer system and a technical issue that is failing to send the automatic emails. The source is working on resolving this issue.

Nonetheless, when the tracking in uploaded, it will be manually accessible on the order details page.
Any one have any feedback on Pharmacom Test P? I was running Deus 12+ weeks & decided to give Pharmacom Test P a try. I had some normal back acne on Deus, also some gyno symptoms that I had under control with Arimidex which usually happens whenever I go over 250+ a week.

I been on 3 weeks with the Pharmacom Test P 100mg EOD now & was going to wait until about week 8 to run bloods. However my acne has cleared up, my normal gyno sensitivity sides are gone, & I feel like I am on PCT! I am so sleepy & tired all day now all of a sudden. I am starting to think think it's not does right or its sh*t.

I purchased it from WH#3 Domestic. I am thinking to go run some bloods this week to verify, but in the meantime wanted to see if anyone had any feedback.