MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Over two weeks from NL to UK... sounds like there is a realistic chance the postal service lost the pack or it may be seized by customs.

When a pack entering the UK is seized, is a seizure letter issued?
or any notification to confirm, without a doubt, it has been seized?
Are there any fines or others legal trouble involved?

Here in the USA we get a letter from a government agency -- as long as we do NOT reply to the letter (just ignore it and make zero claim to knowing anything about the package) there are no additional issues or trouble.
Don’t know mate cuz never add anything seized!
Don’t know mate cuz never add anything seized!
please, just be careful and keep your self safe from any legal trouble -- don't make any claim that the pack was intended for you, that you have any knowledge of it, or that you ordered it.

Anyone one may have something accidentally mailed to their address (just think if a drug cartel mailed you a kilo of cocaine on accident because they typed the wrong address), so as long as it cannot be proven you ordered it and you have not had it in your possession, you shouldn't face any legal problem.

As much as it may be frustrating to have a cycle delays, gym goals delayed, or even the loss of money, none of it comes close to the seriousness of legal trouble -- the main priority is making sure you are safe from any law enforcement consequences.

I do not know the laws there, so maybe this is not even an issue; but, I just worry about people and wanted to take a moment so that these things may be considered.

Please be smart, and stay safe brother.
Is Test 500 restocking?
It shows as in-stock from W2 right now (see link in the "code" box below):
Warehouse W1 is currently closed.

W3 (US Domestic) currently shows out-of-stock for Test-E500. W3 just had an overall restock about a week ago but maybe they did not get any Test-E500 in that restock.

I don't have any info regarding restock of specific items at this time.
The source usually does not say anything until the actual restock complete and confirmed (it is difficult to make predictions and promises ahead of time about restocks because of factors, such as postal service delays, global issues, seizure risk etc, beyond anyone's control).
If I see the source post an announcement about a restock, I will be sure to share it here.
Same here - 100 tabs no box.
Crammed into a tiny envelope to save shipping costs. I’m disappointed when the site boasts about ‘special protection in the form of a unique code’.
I am totally lost words ordered from you lot seven times not once seized but coincidence promo seized!..
Item Leaving overseas
Netherlands Monday 16 May 2022…. I am very sceptical done on purpose because I’ve made bigger bigger orders with other sources
The owner please enlighten me I paid £700 you give me an extra 600 to spend on promo,my order hasn’t turned up other peoples orders haven’t turned up are you are scamming People oh shit I forgot you send me expired products before you send me leaking bottles before!…. Because telling you no one happy no more!, sending people products without boxes sending people products was expired!
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Same here - 100 tabs no box.
Crammed into a tiny envelope to save shipping costs. I’m disappointed when the site boasts about ‘special protection in the form of a unique code’.
They sell expired shit for a discount. Box has a date. They probably just pitched the box and sold us their shit full price lol
I’ve been taking their test P from warehouse 3 for about 6 months straight. Other than a leaky vial or two, no issues, only positive effects. I love test P.
Hi, thanks for taking the time to leave a review, glad to hear that you are satisfied with the quality of our products. Take care and have a great day.
Paid the ridiculous prices so I wouldn’t have to overthink for my contest prep. I ordered directly from basicstero. Sent me my orals with no fucking box. How can you “guarantee batch numbers” when you don’t even have the box? This company is known for giving discounts on expired gear. There is no expiration date for me to verify, this could easily be their expired shit. Who do I contact to make this right? I don’t even want Unlabeled fucking mystery pills.
Hi, this is probably just some kind of mistake. Have you tried contacting our website about this issue? If you've already written there but haven't received an answer, you can send me a private message with your order number and I'll see what we can do with this problem.
@Pharmacom Support I personally believe & other people believe you fucked us over on promo,let me tell you something now ive add other orders this week not once! Stopped by customs one my parcels contained lot more than my previous order from you!…Be fucking honest over the years your company is fucking yourself up with your stupid fucking post times with you stupid expired gear leaking fucking bottles you can’t carry on like this
Hi, this is probably just some kind of mistake. Have you tried contacting our website about this issue? If you've already written there but haven't received an answer, you can send me a private message with your order number and I'll see what we can do with this problem.
I’m having the exact same issue as @Quick2004. My order has been stuck for over 2 weeks in customs. It was part of the promo. I sent you a pm with my order number. I wrote an email to the source yesterday with no response.
parcel tracking 'The item is being processed by customs'
Does this mean the parcel has been seized?
What happens now?
parcel tracking 'The item is being processed by customs'
Does this mean the parcel has been seized?
What happens now?
No, that status does not guarantee it has been seized; it means it is in customs for inspection -- I may pass or it may be seized.
If you get another tracking update (such as at a regional distribution point) it means it passed inspection.
If you do not get any update for a few weeks and/or get a letter from a government agency, it means it has been seized.
Below I will post my example from one of my own packs that sat in the customs step for a month before moving and successfully arriving (that is why the seizure letter is the real confirmation that it truly has been seized and not just a delay in the government system).

It is very difficult to estimate how long the postal system and customs can take -- it just varies greatly.Packs from the same order have come at much different speeds and can take up to weeks or even month difference. For example, the pic below is from one of my order that had the first half arrive from W2 to USA in only 25 days, while the other pack in the order took 57 days -- same order with both shipping out at the same exact time and landing in the USA (image below).

If it does get seized, you will get a letter from homeland security or US Customs and Border patrol.Do NOT reply to any seizure letters and you will have no trouble. This letter simply means your package was seized. But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

If you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues. For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent something to a wrong address. You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do NOT talk to anyone at all about the pack because nothing you say help you and everything can and will be used against you if the situation escalates to a court of law (5th amendment right to remain silent -- and ask for your attorney).
That is what I meant; do NOT reply to the letter.

Do not worry, Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

Seizure risk is just part of this lifestyle -- you must accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept there are potential losses.
The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
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I’m having the exact same issue as @Quick2004. My order has been stuck for over 2 weeks in customs. It was part of the promo. I sent you a pm with my order number. I wrote an email to the source yesterday with no response.
Same issue here. USPS also shows my acceptance date and time as being exactly the same as another user on here. Literally to the minute. Coincidence?
Source's do not have control over the postal system, law enforcement, or government agencies, -- and, sources do not benefit in any way if packs are seized.

No one want seizures. Government agencies steal the pack and both the customer and source endure a loss -- if anyone is upset about seizures, maybe that frustration should be directed at demanding politicians, law-enforcement, and governments (the one's that seized your property) stop the anti-freedom agenda.

Source's are not the one's seizing (stealing) your property -- we can complain to each other, but until we actually pressure those that infringe upon our freedoms (corrupt politicians, LE, and governments), losses of freedom will continue.

Seizures hurt sources as much, if not more, than individual customers (an individual just loses his or her pack, but a source may have to endure the costs of giving reships to multiple customers, many thousands of dollars cost and products, and the potential loss of future business if the customer decides to stop ordering, etc).

For many real sources and their staff (sources that have been around for many years, even decade+), this is their full-time job and sole income -- this is our job and how we pay for our need such as rent/mortgage, food, children's needs, utilities, phone, gas, just life -- a one-and-done sale to someone (such as what a scam site will do) is not a sustainable way to support one's household and future; real sources need consistent long-term business success.

Clearly sources, like any other business, want customers to be happy and continue making orders; a source's goal is to have packs arrive to customers and to continue to be a successful business.

Unfortunately, seizure is always a risk when importing/exporting anything from other countries (international shipping) -- each individual must evaluate if he or she can accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept there are potential losses.
If an individual prefers to avoid such a risk, he or she may simply order domestic.

Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items (NOT bonus items or promo extras) in an order.
So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because a customer can get one more try for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
***Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.
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I’m having the exact same issue as @Quick2004. My order has been stuck for over 2 weeks in customs. It was part of the promo. I sent you a pm with my order number. I wrote an email to the source yesterday with no response.
Hi, I received your message and replied to it. Unfortunately sometimes there are delays and sometimes orders are seized, I am very sorry to hear that you encountered this, I understand that it is very unpleasant. We do our best to make sure our customers get their orders, but try as we might, we can't control postal service and custom, part of the reason delivery success always depends on luck, sometimes orders get through without any problems, sometimes they are seized, in rare cases this can happen several times in a row.
parcel tracking 'The item is being processed by customs'
Does this mean the parcel has been seized?
What happens now?
Hi, it is possible that the package is seized, but it is possible that it is just a delay, this also happens sometimes. In this case you should wait some time, if everything is ok, the parcel will clear customs and you will get your order without problem, if it will be seized, you should write to support service of our store through our site.
Same issue here. USPS also shows my acceptance date and time as being exactly the same as another user on here. Literally to the minute. Coincidence?
Hi, most likely yes, it is unlikely that it has anything to do with each other.

