47 days and i received a package containing 3 empty boxes and a seizure letter (as I suspected). Not surprising as it has a giant shipping label stating "import goods from china" in a flimsy white shipping envelope.
Before i get some bullshit response about how "blah blah blah isnt under our control" what is under the sources control is how you choose to package and ship a pack. Why you dont do everything stealth from the get go is beyond me.
Regardless i am glad
@Quick2004 received his order before his show and to
@RThoads @PHL Official @Pharmacom Support I will not be seeking a reship as your international shipping protocol is neither safe nor trustworthy. I would have asked for credit to be used at the domestic site, but i also had a negative experience from that source as well.
As stated previously this was what I consider a lesson i paid for, and its no fault except my own for not doing more research before proceeding.
Good luck all and
@steckdose0 can kiss my left nut.