MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Hey there!​

The powerful players of the Domestic Warehouse are BACK IN STOCK!​

A multi-season trio of forwards - Test E, Primo and Oxan. Don't miss a pitch from them!​

Their team also includes the Tren brothers, bro Cyp, and as well as other significant players in the PRO league!​

This stock update isn't a big one, but it's very HYPE and PUNCHY!​

nice :) it is always good news to hear W3, the US Domestic warehouse, is restocked.
Basicstero is the only direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.

Basicstero is Pharmacom Labs, NOT a reseller.
Please understand, other dealers, including official dealers, are retailers/resellers. Pharmacom Labs may have/had business arrangements with retailers/resellers but Basicstero is the direct from manufacturer store to purchase genuine Pharmacom Labs products.

Important: This source does not take orders via email.
If anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email or a site/link other than that which is listed above (in the "code" box), it is a scam.
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And how are you going to handle the reship when the boogeymans mr o cycle gets seized?
Clearly sources, like any other business, want customers to be happy and continue making orders; a source's goal is to have packs arrive to customers and to continue to be a successful business.

Basicstero gives a free reship attempt for all paid items (not bonus items or promo extras) in an order.
So all is not yet lost with a seizure letter because a customer can get one more try for free from the source.

If a order is seized, please contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is the best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
***Be sure to Check Your Email Spam Folder after contacting customer service because in the past some people complain they did not get a reply when in fact their email service filtered the reply to spam.

Source's do not have control over the postal system, law enforcement, or government agencies, -- and, sources do not benefit in any way if packs are seized.

No one want seizures. If government agencies steal a pack, both the customer and source endure a loss -- if anyone is upset about seizures, maybe that frustration should be directed at demanding politicians, law-enforcement, and governments (the one's that seized your property) stop the anti-freedom agenda.

Source's are not the one's seizing (stealing) your property -- we can complain to each other, but until we actually pressure those that infringe upon our freedoms (corrupt politicians, LE, and governments), losses of freedom will continue.

Unfortunately, seizure is always a risk when importing/exporting anything from other countries (international shipping) -- each individual must evaluate if he or she can accept the risk that comes with trying to import illegal things and accept there are potential losses.
If an individual prefers to avoid such a risk, he or she may simply order domestic.
The only way to get stronger is to compete with a stronger opponent.

Hi. pharmacom. US domestic warehouse - still ok to order? how many days does delivery take?
By the way, I have shorts of your brand. very good quality. but they have deteriorated and I thought if I could buy shorts of your brand from you ?!
Hi. pharmacom. US domestic warehouse - still ok to order? how many days does delivery take?
Yes, warehouse W3 is the US Domestic warehouse; it is still going strong and open for business as usual.
The source just posted about a domestic restock a few days ago (quoted below).

Hey there!​

The powerful players of the Domestic Warehouse are BACK IN STOCK!​

A multi-season trio of forwards - Test E, Primo and Oxan. Don't miss a pitch from them!​

Their team also includes the Tren brothers, bro Cyp, and as well as other significant players in the PRO league!​

This stock update isn't a big one, but it's very HYPE and PUNCHY!​

@BazzBeat simply make sure to select the products all from W3 to ship from the US Domestic warehouse.

In my experience my most recent W3 order status updated to "shipped" about a few business days, to a week at most, after payment was confirmed.
Then, once in the postal system, it took about a week to cross a lot of the country and successfully arrive.
How long does it take in the USA when package is "Inbound to Customs"?

Does this mean it is seized?
I have never seen this before and it has been in this stage for 10 days.
How long does it take in the USA when package is "Inbound to Customs"?

Does this mean it is seized?
I have never seen this before and it has been in this stage for 10 days.
From my won experience, the majority of packs have taken a few days to about a week at the tracking status you mention.

However, yours sitting longer on that status does not guarantee it has been seized; it means it is in customs for inspection -- I may pass or it may be seized.

If you get another tracking update (such as at a regional distribution point) it means it passed inspection.
If you do not get any update for a few weeks and/or get a letter from a government agency, it means it has been seized.

Below I will post my example from one of my own packs that sat in the customs step for a month before moving and successfully arriving (that is why the seizure letter is the real confirmation that it truly has been seized and not just a delay in the government system).

It is very difficult to estimate how long the postal system and customs can take -- it just varies greatly.Packs from the same order have come at much different speeds and can take up to weeks or even month difference. For example, the pic below is from one of my order that had the first half arrive from W2 to USA in only 25 days, while the other pack in the order took 57 days -- same order with both shipping out at the same exact time and landing in the USA (image below).

If it does get seized, you will get a letter from homeland security or US Customs and Border patrol.Do NOT reply to any seizure letters and you will have no trouble. This letter simply means your package was seized. But you do not yet have any legal trouble as long as you do NOT claim that pack (do NOT reply to the letter in any way).

If you reply or make any claim to ownership of the pack, you may face serious legal issues. For all you know, the pack was not yours and you have no idea what this letter is all about -- if anyone asks, you know nothing and it must be someone sent something to a wrong address. You have never taken possession of the pack and you must not make any claim that it was intended to be yours.

Do NOT talk to anyone at all about the pack because nothing you say help you and everything can and will be used against you if the situation escalates to a court of law (5th amendment right to remain silent -- and ask for your attorney).
That is what I meant; do NOT reply to the letter.

Basicstero gives one free reship attempt for all paid items (but not promo, bonus, or other extras) in an order. So all is not lost yet just because of a seizure letter because you can get one more try, to recover the main paid items, for free from the source.

If seized contact the source by using the "Contact US" page on the Basicstero site and explain your pack was seized -- the source will offer a free reship with proof of seizure.

The "Contact Us" page on the source's site is your best and most efficient way to contact the source (see link in the "code" box below):
Literally sitting with UK Customs for one week, then started moving last night, got the package today.
Nice! :) that is very good news to hear.

If you do not mind sharing the info (no worries if you prefer to keep all details private), may I ask, did you choose the discreet shipping option?
Nice! :) that is very good news to hear.

If you do not mind sharing the info (no worries if you prefer to keep all details private), may I ask, did you choose the discreet shipping option?
No, normal shipping option. But the package is very well packed, it took me 5 mins to take stuff out.

Came untouched, I lost hope already because it showed "In Customs for Evaluation" for a week, turns out no one bothered to evaluate :cool:
No, normal shipping option. But the package is very well packed, it took me 5 mins to take stuff out.

Came untouched, I lost hope already because it showed "In Customs for Evaluation" for a week, turns out no one bothered to evaluate :cool:
Thank you for the feedback.
I am happy to hear your pack passed and arrived to you successfully.
Enjoy a good cycle and new gains my friend :)

Unfortunately for me, I am near one of the worst locations for seizure in the US so in recent month I just order from W3. But I am seeing TDs posts and it sounds like the source is trying some new methods, so I think I will give it a try to get my reship from W2 soon (I had waited until there are some new paths to try and I am seeing TD posts).
I Will ask for discreet to help increase the chance of success; hopefully discreet is an option for me with the new method.

Thanks again for your reply and I wish you all the best.
How long does it take in the USA when package is "Inbound to Customs"?

Does this mean it is seized?
I have never seen this before and it has been in this stage for 10 days.
My reship was in customs for about 11 days, including Independence Day, and is now moving again. Should be here Saturday or so. The original shipment was in customs for about two weeks, then I got a seizure letter. This was in the facility in the middle of the country. It varies for everyone, but this should give you some idea.

Each milliliter of PHARMATEST PH 100 contains 100 milligrams of Testosterone Phenylpropionate. This testosterone ester is active for 4-5 days, is a cross between testosterone cypionate and propionate.

Effects of PHARMATEST PH 100:
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Visibly builds muscle mass.

Has anyone already tried it? We will be glad to hear your opinion, feedback, suggestions or questions.
