MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

You go through the whole order there is no place to enter the code.. I guess I'm not the only one trying to get my order ahead of everyone else's haha
you have to look @ the desktop version to enter a promo code, it will be when you are looking at ur cart.

Im santas little helper now give me likes!!!!! : )
its at the very top of the checkout.. on the top of the page, youre either using a mobile device or looking too hard
You go through the whole order there is no place to enter the code.. I guess I'm not the only one trying to get my order ahead of everyone else's haha
its at the very top of the checkout.. on the top of the page, youre either using a mobile device or looking too hard

If you're using a tablet, you can still click on the small "desktop version" at the bottom of the website. I ordered successfully on my iPad mini.
Btw PSA #2.

Its not 60% off as advertised. its 50% then 10% more if using bitcoin.

(Y x 50%) x .90 = total (plus shipping)


y x 60% = total
When i proceed to checkout is says no current promotions also ive looked everywhere and cant find anywhere to put the promo code. Not even at the top of the checkout page.
after adding everything to your shopping cart, go click on the shopping cart, and it'll list everything you have in there, and there'll be a box in the upper left to put the code into
I assume you still have 5 days to deposit money to site. Anyone know?
this is correct. you can placer an order today and will have 5 days to pay for it and you still get discount.
where do you enter the promocode?
Where do you enter the promo code?
guys i did not check the mobile version, will check now. if this field is not shown there please use the desktop version. it works