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OK so I'm gonna be straight up with you guys. Before you lay into me, just please bear in mind I'm not looking for anyone's validation. I am prepared for whatever scrutiny this community has to offer. This is my story:

I'm a 28 yr old black dude. For all my life I've been the thin weak nerdy type. I'm 6'1" and I weigh approximately 160lbs on an empty stomach. I'm what they call a hardgainer -- I can easily eat a ton of food and not gain a pound.

Like many Americans, I joined the gym this year to fulfill one of my New Year's Resolutions. I also started a new high calorie diet (around 3500 cal per day) to support my new gym routine. However, January has barely drawn to a close, and I've already given up on my new diet and workout routines.

Why did I give up? It's not because I'm a quitter or because I'm lazy. It's because I recognize that my biology is working against me. I don't want to waste my time punching against the wind if there is a more effective way out there to achieve my objective.

I'm nowhere near my natural peak right now. I think for my height (6'1"), my natural peak is around 195 pounds. Yes I know it's possible for me to keep at it and eventually reach my natural peak; but that would take a gigantic investment in time, money, and sweat for me to get there. I've set a goal to hit 185 this summer and possibly 195 by the end of the year. I doubt I can get there naturally.

Because of my high metabolic rate, I'd have to spend an inordinate amount of money on food to support the kind of diet I need to gain muscle. I just don't have the time and patience to make that kind of investment only to see very little gains naturally.

That's why I've come to the decision to use anabolic steroids. It's something that I've considered carefully and I've determined that it's the right course for me. Yes I know many will tell me I am not ready for this and that I should try get more experience in the gym and achieve my natural peak first but I am not deterred.

For most of you, steroids are a way to get past your peak and become that beast you've always dream of becoming. I, on the other hand, am not looking to be a beast (at least not right now). I just want to get to my 'natural' peak. I'll be employing AAS as a vehicle to help me get there.

Yes I know that AAS by themselves won't make me muscular and ripped. I know that I have to put in the hard work at the gym and have the right diet to realize the gains from any AAS cycle. I am fully prepared for that. I am also aware of the side effects of the different steroids out there.
This is an informed adult decision that I am making.

I am already planning my first cycle which will consist of Test and Dbol. My biggest issue right now is settling on the sources. I am open to any suggestions you might have on that. I pretty much know which labs I want to get my gear from (Alpha Pharma is at the top of my list), but it's finding the right source for the lab that's holding me back right now as there is so much divergent information out there about any given source.

OK I know this is a long thread, and I hope you haven't fallen asleep by now but I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on this...

Six posts later he is making multiple posts trying to figure out how to find the promo code. Hopefully this was enough to keep anyone from taking his other post seriously.

To be fair, the guy who said that admits he is a weak, nerdy, loser who just started working out in January and then quit so now he wants to take AAS.

Just keep that in mind for anyone who reads anything he posts and takes him seriously. I would say he's a joke, but its just sad, not funny.
To be fair, the guy who said that admits he is a weak, nerdy, loser who just started working out in January and then quit so now he wants to take AAS.

Just keep that in mind for anyone who reads anything he posts and takes him seriously. I would say he's a joke, but its just sad, not funny.
And he is telling the other new guys not to listen to the guys that been doin this for YEARS .... SMFH!!!! Why cant they come here , watch and learn??? Oh well he wont be here for long !!
Don't let these vets scare can trust me...:D

TMI? You can leave off wifi password but I will need a nude picture of wife or girlfriend..what? stop being so stingy on sharing :)
What no more funny noob jokes?? If you left 24k thread once in a while you might know who i am.
You don't get it fucknut. it's not about taking away anyone's civil liberties or trying to scare anyone. Its about not spelling it out for le. You know why shit is getting harder every day? Because all you new guys or old guys for that matter don't have any common sense and tell the whole fucking world what your doing.

Thanks man. Fucking dipshits spelling every thing out, for anyone with 2 fingers and a screen to see. Common sense goes a long fucking way
Based on where they are doing business from Pharmacom's international operation is probably fairly safe but this shit should be making anyone involved with their domestic operation lose sleep.

I know sometimes things get lost in translation so Frank this has nothing to do with you or how you are running your operation. Just WAY too much being said in the open forum here which will bring unwanted and unneeded attention.

You don't need to delete anything dude. Don't listen to the paranoid freaks around here who get off on scaring the shit out of other people. This is a forum about steroids. We are all discussing obtaining steroids off the black market, so no one is innocent. There is nothing that you posted that was against forum rules in any way.

There are some people on here with an over-inflated sense of importance who feel they have to censor others to prove their worth. That's all there is to it. You gotta learn to ignore these people or tell them to fuck off. Meso would be nothing if it wasn't for free and open discussion. How would anyone find anything of value on here if everything was discussed through PM?

Interesting ;)
Easy on the noobs. Not all of us are asking dumb questions. I've been entertained reading this, especially the promo code questions. I found it just exploring the website for a few mins lol. I can understand how it's easy to get mad at the new guys who won't spend 10 mins and look for something before they ask. I'd hate to guess how many hours I spent reading here so far.....both before and after I became a member. All the answers to the "good" questions are here....if you look. Just an old fat guys observations, go easy on me.
It's actually hilarious to witness how clueless people are when it comes to procuring potentially illegal substances on an open forum.
yeah well some people need to put on their big boy pants and thinkin hats. Some of these dumbasses are going to fuck things up for everybody. think before you post. read that shit twice before you hit the reply button.
yeah well some people need to put on their big boy pants and thinkin hats. Some of these dumbasses are going to fuck things up for everybody. think before you post. read that shit twice before you hit the reply button.

These stupid fags can't even figure out a promo code. We are doomed.
I hope you are joking. I wasn't saying you were a noob at all. I was talking about the other guy saying that vets just try to scare people. ;)
My bad , thought you mistook me for one of these noobs that seem to think this is legal. Apologies[emoji4]
Yeah I said that but right after that specifically said that he ordered something illegally. That should have been a clear indication I wasn't being serious. I see wkm sarcasticly ask all the time when dumb asses complain about there t/a. I'm going to start calling them out. But I was on your side until you quoted me in the rant. We good or nah?
Of course. All good bro.
I'm popping 60 mg of tbol and anavar with my cycle split into three daily doses of 20 mg each I'm a couple days in and I can't even pit on my socks the back pumps are achy and crampy.shame on you pharmacon for making such strong orals....
The dbol @ 3o mgs a day has had my back pumped pretty serious a few times. Mainly on deadlift day and actually got really tight when I was hiking a few miles with my gf this past weekend. I've gained about 6 lbs and busted some nice pr's after only two and a half weeks on though