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The 300 I have zero pip but the 500 had me out for a week and a half
I guess everyone responds differently o_O
I was mixing the Test E 500 with the Eq 300 and all was well. Then I did a straight Test E 500 shot in my tricep (which is a site I use frequently. One of my favorite sites) I was out of the gym for a solid week. The difference between mixing it 50/50 with another compound and using it straight was night and day. So after day three I refused to believe that it could make such a difference and that it must have been the injection site. So what did I do...I did another injection in the opposing Delt. Same thing just not quite as bad. 5 days of pain. Both sites red swollen and big time hurting. I'm very used to ED injections. Ive been at this a long time. No more 500mg anything for me...ever.
I was mixing the Test E 500 with the Eq 300 and all was well. Then I did a straight Test E 500 shot in my tricep (which is a site I use frequently. One of my favorite sites) I was out of the gym for a solid week. The difference between mixing it 50/50 with another compound and using it straight was night and day. So after day three I refused to believe that it could make such a difference and that it must have been the injection site. So what did I do...I did another injection in the opposing Delt. Same thing just not quite as bad. 5 days of pain. Both sites red swollen and big time hurting. I'm very used to ED injections. Ive been at this a long time. No more 500mg anything for me...ever.
hahahhaha thats why i love EQ. best pip other benefits..
Ditto. Packs sitting longer than I imagined. I know the Intl game takes a long time but this is the longest wait ever for me. Guess I underestimated the festivities.

Today I spoke with a friend who ordered just before the Holidays. He has made multiple orders and Frank always takes care of him. He wasn't worried about when the pack was shipped but Frank got it out before the Holidays.

Unfortunately, it has now been sitting in US customs for nearly 3 weeks (not going to say where or exactly how long). He would be very happy to trade spots with those whose packs haven't left China yet.
hahahhaha thats why i love EQ. best pip other benefits..
I've had PIP from Test P and water based winny before but Jesus Christ I'm tellin you I've never hurt like this. I'm very serious when I say that normal function was interrupted. Putting on my shirt, sleeping, showering, etc... I'm not saying that 500mg compounds are bad. Just make sure you mix them with something else and don't use them straight. For those of you that used them straight and didn't have PIP. You must be carved out of stone.
Sadly I have seeN SOO MANY SOURCES get busy then bail, hopefully he handles the in flux of clients and makes the adjustments to keep communication up which is key.
I've had PIP from Test P and water based winny before but Jesus Christ I'm tellin you I've never hurt like this. I'm very serious when I say that normal function was interrupted. Putting on my shirt, sleeping, showering, etc... I'm not saying that 500mg compounds are bad. Just make sure you mix them with something else and don't use them straight. For those of you that used them straight and didn't have PIP. You must be carved out of stone.
No bro, I did first cycle Supertest 450.... LOL fuck! 15 days of labored breathing due to pain, damn near bed ridden. EQ however (2ml EQ + 1ml ST450) and i was absolutely fine.
Sadly I have seeN SOO MANY SOURCES get busy then bail, hopefully he handles the in flux of clients and makes the adjustments to keep communication up which is key.
Doubt very much pharmacoms gonna bail. Their a lot different then a couple guys brewing in their kitchen.
Only cause u a cool ass mfucker and i know youre not just putting your had out asking for spoon feeding lol
Thanks bro, i was just curious is all. Wondering why he said superman type shit!!!! Should have known it was the base mix.
Being fairly new to this sport, what is a base? For instance, what's the difference between test base and test e,c,p ?