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Actually @crossfitisgay I've seen your pic and if you're using aas, you're doing something wrong cause I'm waaaaayyy bigger than you natural with only one cycle under my belt.
Thats funny bro cool story, actually changed my life. I am on my second cycle, 25yo, 6'3" 195-205lb but atleast i know all about what i am putting into my body you dumbass
Thats funny bro cool story, actually changed my life. I am on my second cycle, 25yo, 6'3" 195-205lb but atleast i know all about what i am putting into my body you dumbass
You're statement is irrelevant. I've never used a base of any kind, hence the question. You'll have to excuse me if I can't take a guy with 15" arms seriously. You have nothing to teach me rookie. Go do some curls or something and come back at me when you hit 19 natural. I'm out, out of respect for this source. No wonder so many guys stay out of the underground. It's chock full of a holes
Has anyone run the test e 500? Just wondering how bad the pip is on this. I would expect some, just trying to see if it is doable or crippling.
I used it. Cut with sterile grape seed oil, heated prior to injection and other than the first shot, which gave me test flu and PIP from hell, it was no problem. Always used glutes.

I am going to be adding 1 ml of NPP to the syringe in addition to 0.25 ml of test E 500, will I have to worry about PIP? Would it be smart to buy a 50ml vial of sterile grape seed oil and add 0.25 ml to the syringe?
I am going to be adding 1 ml of NPP to the syringe in addition to 0.25 ml of test E 500, will I have to worry about PIP? Would it be smart to buy a 50ml vial of sterile grape seed oil and add 0.25 ml to the syringe?
I'm willing to bet that diluting 1/4cc of Test E 500 with 1cc of NPP will be fine.
I am going to be adding 1 ml of NPP to the syringe in addition to 0.25 ml of test E 500, will I have to worry about PIP? Would it be smart to buy a 50ml vial of sterile grape seed oil and add 0.25 ml to the syringe?
Sterile grapes seed oil is like $2.50 for 10 mils. If you plan on using more high concentration gear than make the investment.
Thanks bro, i was just curious is all. Wondering why he said superman type shit!!!! Should have known it was the base mix.
My personal experience is that it boosts my intensity during a workout and also lets me get through longer workouts without my energy or focus dropping off. I know that is due to the immediate reaction of the Test and Tren. I'm not sure what the Stanozolol base contributes to the equation. I've tried to find what the difference is between Stan suspension vs. base. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. If anyone knows could you post it.
Lol this shit show never fails to entertain. Give it another couple months and this thread will be indistinguishable from the old Astro thread. :D
My personal experience is that it boosts my intensity during a workout and also lets me get through longer workouts without my energy or focus dropping off. I know that is due to the immediate reaction of the Test and Tren. I'm not sure what the Stanozolol base contributes to the equation. I've tried to find what the difference is between Stan suspension vs. base. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. If anyone knows could you post it.
Just a guess, but I'd say the stanz is in there to boost DHT and reduce the likelihood that your prolactin gets out of wack from the burst of tren. DHT helps prevent/reduce nandrolone gyno.
Anyone on Tren A recently ? Iam on day 14 of 300mg test / 525 tren per week and have zero sides and just minimal strength gains. It seems alot of people experience the same eventho. anaboliclabs are posting top notch results.

Edit: Was on 600mg Test for 12 weeks before alternating to the current stack, Test E twice a week / Tren A ED
if test e and c were the same there wouldnt be 2. yes they are close but a doctor wouldnt prescribe test E once every 2 weeks as they do with test C

You should probably double check your "facts" before posting them to correct someone else:

“Testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate provide extremely comparable patterns of testosterone release. Not only are physical advantages not possible in one over the other, but actual differences in pharmacokinetic patterns are hard to notice (these two drugs are for all intents and purposes functionally interchangeable). The only key difference between the two seems to be in the area of patient comfort”

Excerpt From: Llewellyn, William. “Anabolics.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

“Testosterone enanthate is a slow-acting injectable form of the androgen testosterone. Following deep
“intramuscular injection, the drug is designed to provide a sustained release of testosterone into the bloodstream for approximately 2 to 3 weeks. In order to maintain normal physiological levels of testosterone during androgen replacement therapies, injections of testosterone enanthate are usually required at least every two weeks, although more meticulous physicians will administer the drug weekly.”

Excerpt From: Llewellyn, William. “Anabolics.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.