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What i and many vets that have been at this a while dont get is why all the questions and panic. If i were to place an order i simply order and wait and if for some odd reason i have a question about my order, i would PM Frank and wait for him to respond, all the while knowing he is VERY busy and might take a few days or more to get back to me. Its really that simple. So when you guys that are here just to score a source show up and ask stupid questions like " how long does it take to pick up pymnt" and other questions about how long for this or that, it gets very irritating because what you dont seem to get is THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE ANSWER. Could be one hour could be 2 weeks.
I hope this is easy to understand cause its the way it is and always will be.
Then of course theres the security issues but im absolutely sick of talking about that.

FINALLY!!! An informative post. So where can i meet this Elizabeth [emoji15]

Was it you who said it would take like half a day for the thread to blow up again w newbs and dumb questions?

Cause the last few pages have been a mess of sensitive info
Was it you who said it would take like half a day for the thread to blow up again w newbs and dumb questions?

Cause the last few pages have been a mess of sensitive info
Actually i said two weeks[emoji16] and @MellyMellfromhell said i was over estimating and @lightspan called me a hopeless optimistic.
Seems they were correct. [emoji53]
What kind of response are you looking for? You asked if anyone has tried it then go on to say you're not feeling much after 2 weeks and that many experience the same thing.

To answer your question; yes, people have tried the stuff.

Some sides, iam on 700mg Tren a 300mg Test and still don't have any sides, my whole family is predisposed to male pattern baldness and iam sitting here with full hair on tren. Sleeping better than on high test, no sweats, no increased libido or aggression.

Was just trying to ease my mind and looking for anecdotal reviews, would be sad if iam injecting very expensive arginin oil like some people claim.
What's your address, I call you a pussy to your face. Pussy

Every single post you make IS a whine. You whine worse than a prepubescent girl.

This clearly demonstrates a lack of intelligence on your part. Since you are dumb enough to believe it perfectly acceptable to post your address on here, you post your true & accurate name & address right here on this site, I will verify your name and address is correct, and I will at some point surprise you at your place of abode along with a video camera as once you see me I have no doubt you will run like a scared pussy cat. Really, pretty dumb challenging a guy to fight that you don't know, have never seen and have no idea what his fighting skills are. As for me, not dumb - I have a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Perhaps you should Google and read what that exactly means!
This clearly demonstrates a lack of intelligence on your part. Since you are dumb enough to believe it perfectly acceptable to post your address on here, you post your true & accurate name & address right here on this site, I will verify your name and address is correct, and I will at some point surprise you at your place of abode along with a video camera as once you see me I have no doubt you will run like a scared pussy cat. Really, pretty dumb challenging a guy to fight that you don't know, have never seen and have no idea what his fighting skills are. As for me, not dumb - I have a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Perhaps you should Google and read what that exactly means!
You are doing the opposite of helping every time you open your mouth.... sit this one out champ.

Every time you feel the need to post, tie one end of your black belt in a loop around your neck and the other end to a nice, thick, high tree branch. Then jump.
You don't help someone by being rude!
If you were not offended you wouldn't be continuing on this theme . My post to you wasn't rude. Just trying to help you. Been numerous folks in this situation and just disappear. Hence, you may not last long with thin skin. You do seem thin skinned.

This is the absolute truth right here.

What makes you think I have thin skin? Because I will stand up for myself? Because I refuse to be disrespected by someone who doesn't know me? Actually, in my profession, one of the things I do is stand up for the little person whose being taken advantage of by some corporate entity or person. I have been a member here for almost a year reading everyday and am sick and tired of the way some of the members treat other members. As I said before, treat people with respect, you get respect in return! Treat people poorly, and expect to get treated poorly!
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You are doing the opposite of helping every time you open your mouth.... sit this one out champ.

Every time you feel the need to post, tie one end of your black belt in a loop around your neck and the other end to a nice, thick, high tree branch. Then jump.

Brilliant reply. You must be very educated!

