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How about that debate a few days ago! Those bitches are disrespecting each other. Good thing Trump got thick skin. Or maybe we get back to pharmacom stuff. Sorry for helping get this thread off track myself by trying to help out. Tired of reading this guys stuff. Just want to get back to the thread topic like most of us do.
You are a moron! How do you know whether I placed an order versus asking on someone else's behalf? How do you know whether I'm making an inquiry before I even place an order? Get a life! You see you could have simply answered my question but instead you always seem to want to go blah blah blah... All fucken mouth!

Did you read the website. And Masterpowers is 100% right.
Where on this green earth are all these thin skinned newbies coming from? Calli, your not going to last long if those responses offended you. It can get WAY worse. Step away for a day or two and start again. If your still here after a few months you will understand why these things get said. In fact, you will read your old posts and flame yourself. These guys keep the heat on so as too keep the rift raft out. So take a deep breath stick around learn and you will understand.

This is so true. My first posts were ignorant, and ridiculous. This site conditions people to be wise.
Wtf, this is like 2-3 weeks worthof gear.. Also, don't post shit like this
Wtf, this is like 2-3 weeks worthof gear.. Also, don't post shit like this
No shit dude. Can you not read?!? I said I was already in a cycle. Just a few things I wanted to add to the last month or so and wanted to try out this source. I would have bought more but it's a new Source for me. Also I'm new to bit coin (dumb $200 dollar limit intant funds). No trying to challenge an "active member" but what did your dumbass post add to the thread? I thought this site was to share info on personal cycle experience, sources and gear... Or no? For the bros above that asked me respectfully not to post img... Why? really just curious as I cropped out all site and order info. The name of this thread has basicstero. com right in the title not sure what we are hiding here I guess. Figured when I leave my review it would give it more credibility but I won't post a screener again as it is obviously not taken well. Thanks again to the guys know how to get a point across with respect for others.
No shit dude. Can you not read?!? I said I was already in a cycle. Just a few things I wanted to add to the last month or so and wanted to try out this source. I would have bought more but it's a new Source for me. Also I'm new to bit coin (dumb $200 dollar limit intant funds). No trying to challenge an "active member" but what did your dumbass post add to the thread? I thought this site was to share info on personal cycle experience, sources and gear... Or no? For the bros above that asked me respectfully not to post img... Why? really just curious as I cropped out all site and order info. The name of this thread has basicstero. com right in the title not sure what we are hiding here I guess. Figured when I leave my review it would give it more credibility but I won't post a screener again as it is obviously not taken well. Thanks again to the guys know how to get a point across with respect for others.
I believe someone already answered this. By posting proof you placed an order and depending on how secure you are being, LE can now read your ip, find your home location, and wait for your package. Not saying that will happen, but.... it's more so why even take the risk. The less anyone knows about you the better
No shit dude. Can you not read?!? I said I was already in a cycle. Just a few things I wanted to add to the last month or so and wanted to try out this source. I would have bought more but it's a new Source for me. Also I'm new to bit coin (dumb $200 dollar limit intant funds). No trying to challenge an "active member" but what did your dumbass post add to the thread? I thought this site was to share info on personal cycle experience, sources and gear... Or no? For the bros above that asked me respectfully not to post img... Why? really just curious as I cropped out all site and order info. The name of this thread has basicstero. com right in the title not sure what we are hiding here I guess. Figured when I leave my review it would give it more credibility but I won't post a screener again as it is obviously not taken well. Thanks again to the guys know how to get a point across with respect for others.

I was WTF'ing your picture

All you said was that you were in the middle of a Test E cycle, why the hell would you run 1 10ml vial of tren? First, do you know anything about it it? Second, running it at a low dose for 2.5 weeks is pointless. Third, do you even have the proper ancillaries for it?

I thought this site was to share info on personal cycle experience, sources and gear... Or no?

This is the wrong thread for that, this is a source's thread. Try going to the sub forum "Steroid Forum" and post your AAS/gear questions there.

Here's the link bro
Steroid Forum | MESO-Rx Forum
You are doing the opposite of helping every time you open your mouth.... sit this one out champ.

Every time you feel the need to post, tie one end of your black belt in a loop around your neck and the other end to a nice, thick, high tree branch. Then jump.

My man brute. How you been?
I believe someone already answered this. By posting proof you placed an order and depending on how secure you are being, LE can now read your ip, find your home location, and wait for your package. Not saying that will happen, but.... it's more so why even take the risk. The less anyone knows about you the better
As a person who works in computer networking and tech I can promise you that no one can get my ip or home address from that screen cap. I use VPN for any of these types of things so I don't feel the need to worry about such things anyway. I literally cropped any information out except the products and price out. The Author of this Thread has post Screen shoots that have way more information on them. In fact just posted on of the entire shipping web page. You guys need to relax.
I was WTF'ing your picture

All you said was that you were in the middle of a Test E cycle, why the hell would you run 1 10ml vial of tren? First, do you know anything about it it? Second, running it at a low dose for 2.5 weeks is pointless. Third, do you even have the proper ancillaries for it?

This is the wrong thread for that, this is a source's thread. Try going to the sub forum "Steroid Forum" and post your AAS/gear questions there.

Here's the link bro
Steroid Forum | MESO-Rx Forum
Why would you WTF a screen shot with everything cropped out yet your fine with The author posting entire screens of the site and youtube videos of the lab at work?!? I believe the products are even displayed in the first page so will all do respect I don't get the response at all. I will agree that i may have not given as much info as i thought I had about the cycle. I have done tons of research and have leaned on the advice of many vets that I know. I have all Aux that I need and yes I only plan on doing 50mg ED For 1 1/2 to 2 months to see how my body reacts before taking the plunged next time with a proper dose. I saw threads of many people getting decent results running low doses for the first trail. Just because some is new to this site does not mean they don't have a clue.
As a person who works in computer networking and tech I can promise you that no one can get my ip or home address from that screen cap. I use VPN for any of these types of things so I don't feel the need to worry about such things anyway. I literally cropped any information out except the products and price out. The Author of this Thread has post Screen shoots that have way more information on them. In fact just posted on of the entire shipping web page. You guys need to relax.
True, but he is in China so he is a bit safer than you.
But do as you will, makes no diff to me.
Why would you WTF a screen shot with everything cropped out yet your fine with The author posting entire screens of the site and youtube videos of the lab at work?!? I believe the products are even displayed in the first page so will all do respect I don't get the response at all. I will agree that i may have not given as much info as i thought I had about the cycle. I have done tons of research and have leaned on the advice of many vets that I know. I have all Aux that I need and yes I only plan on doing 50mg ED For 1 1/2 to 2 months to see how my body reacts before taking the plunged next time with a proper dose. I saw threads of many people getting decent results running low doses for the first trail. Just because some is new to this site does not mean they don't have a clue.
Personally, i like your low dose approach. Use as little as possible to get the best results.
What up fellas, hey quick FYI if this has not already been mentioned (I checked out their insta page), and if anyone is planning on doing a big order, apparently next Big 50% off sale is March 15th. Just a quick heads up for anyone. Again not sure if this was said or not, also hope @Pharmacom Labs can confirm this????
I have to say I was a bit weary about using bitcoin. It seemed pretty confusing and I really just wanted to avoid it at all costs.

But after reading a few of @RThoads posts about the process and doing a little research, it's a piece of cake.

1. Simply download circle from the app store or use their site and register a account.

2. Go to "add money" and pick a option, I chose debit card.

3. Add your debit card # and go through the confirmation process. They send a code to your phone that you have to input. You'll also have to confirm your email account by clicking on a link.

4. Then click "add money" and add the desired amount to your circle account from your debit card.

5. You will get a text with a code to input to verify the transaction and the money will be added to your circle account.

6. Then click "send money" and add the wallet number and click enter. Add the desired amount to send and it will transfer the money in bitcoins automatically.

This way isn't anonymous but then again, WU and MG aren't either. And it's a hell of a lot faster with a lot less bullshit. I'll never use WU or MG again.
I have to say I was a bit weary about using bitcoin. It seemed pretty confusing and I really just wanted to avoid it at all costs.

But after reading a few of @RThoads posts about the process and doing a little research, it's a piece of cake.

1. Simply download circle from the app store or use their site and register a account.

2. Go to "add money" and pick a option, I chose debit card.

3. Add your debit card # and go through the confirmation process. They send a code to your phone that you have to input. You'll also have to confirm your email account by clicking on a link.

4. Then click "add money" and add the desired amount to your circle account from your debit card.

5. You will get a text with a code to input to verify the transaction and the money will be added to your circle account.

6. Then click "send money" and add the wallet number and click enter. Add the desired amount to send and it will transfer the money in bitcoins automatically.

This way isn't anonymous but then again, WU and MG aren't either. And it's a hell of a lot faster with a lot less bullshit. I'll never use WU or MG again.
I did exactly that but there's a $300 weekly limit.
^^^^^ my first use of Bitcoin i needed a quite a bit more than the initial they give you so I did exactly both but if you use Circle ($300) and then I used Coin Base (Instant amount dependent on Credit Card you use)....I Bought my Coins and sent each amount to a separate wallet on and was able to send off full amount. Kinda a hassle but worth it imo. Just an FYI if your able to send custom amounts remember to throw in a small miners fee ($1-$2 bucks extra) just an incentive for them confirming your transaction faster, was reading somewhere it someone 2 days to get their stuff out because it was a huge amount but no incentive for the miners. just saying
I did exactly that but there's a $300 weekly limit.
exactly my problem with it. I spent an hour trying to play with the total and promo item combinations until I could get the main things I needed and stay under my $200 instant limit. I had to hit $220 on the money in order to get the $90 promo and still be able to come in a hair under $200 after bit coin discount. They way the items were priced made me think I may not be able to get it done but I was able after trying enough combos and doing some math.
exactly my problem with it. I spent an hour trying to play with the total and promo item combinations until I could get the main things I needed and stay under my $200 instant limit. I had to hit $220 on the money in order to get the $90 promo and still be able to come in a hair under $200 after bit coin discount. They way the items were priced made me think I may not be able to get it done but I was able after trying enough combos and doing some math.
Then comes 3k weekly on circle after a couple weeks