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Has there been any recent bloods or testing on Pharmacom gh. Last thing I could find was the test @RThoads posted. Just got my first kit and was hoping someone has ran it recently
Frank posted simec report on the GH not that long ago. Its back there somewhere like 2 weeks ago or so, you just gotta go look.
Actually, I'm probably old enough to be your father, highly educated with multiple advanced degrees and have seriously been in the gym for 32 years! Not hurt all - I just enjoy outsmarting you guys and we here are having a huge laugh at your expense! So had you not bothered to put your two cents in, you wouldn't be getting a response from me!
Hmm, that old and yet still has the mentality of a child. Thanks for being so mature about everything. I'm done talking, I was trying to help you. Learn some humility

I read all of your posts and was going to cut and paste all of your posts that were non-contributory but you just now blocked me from viewing your profile - that shows what a pussy you are!
I have posted lab max, donated 3 times to anabolic lab, and am sending phaarmacom gear to simec. you however are but a worthless childlike troll
Has there been any recent bloods or testing on Pharmacom gh. Last thing I could find was the test @RThoads posted. Just got my first kit and was hoping someone has ran it recently
I asked the same question, but these clowns are to busy being kids that they just blow past people trying to get actual info...
Ordered from Frank before the sale everything was smooth on domestic side very impressed got some mix 1 pins smooth after warming it up
take your arguments to pm so those of us that are here for a productive reason can help each other out.
No shit dude. Can you not read?!? I said I was already in a cycle. Just a few things I wanted to add to the last month or so and wanted to try out this source. I would have bought more but it's a new Source for me. Also I'm new to bit coin (dumb $200 dollar limit intant funds). No trying to challenge an "active member" but what did your dumbass post add to the thread? I thought this site was to share info on personal cycle experience, sources and gear... Or no? For the bros above that asked me respectfully not to post img... Why? really just curious as I cropped out all site and order info. The name of this thread has basicstero. com right in the title not sure what we are hiding here I guess. Figured when I leave my review it would give it more credibility but I won't post a screener again as it is obviously not taken well. Thanks again to the guys know how to get a point across with respect for others.
Honestly the screenshot didn't bother me, I was just warning you, since there are many members on here that will blow up on you about it in a fairly "dickish" way. And it's mainly a big deal since it shows our "vitamins" that we purchase to anyone on the web...basically putting it out there. But I definitely do see where you're coming from dude and hope you enjoy it here at meso man!
I asked the same question, but these clowns are to busy being kids that they just blow past people trying to get actual info...

I haven't found there to be a positive report of there hgh. rthoads was barely above range at 10iu if I recall. And saying they posted some testing that they sent and payed for is the stupidest fucking thing you retarded inbred sister fuckers I have ever heard. Seriously you retards can't figure out how they could have fake that. And some simec test has nothing to do with the product I receive.

Multi qoute failure on my part not directed at BigBlack
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