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I will clarify this situation with Frank and give you feedback, or Frank will do it by himself
Sorry for the inconveniences

Its all good tovarsch, Im glad your around.
Its like they say, lack of planning on my part doesnt constitute an emergency on yours. Its not like I need a liver or something.

Judging from how this threads been going the past couple weeks, Id want a couple fucking days off too.
All the folks having these TA and customer service issues-

Is this an issue with Domestic? Just curious. I am in no way saying the issues aren't valid or justified on pharmacom end. I am just wondering how smooth domestic is.

I know international has it's issues EVERYWHERE. Legit shit I import takes months sometiems if it arrives at all.
All the folks having these TA and customer service issues-

Is this an issue with Domestic? Just curious. I am in no way saying the issues aren't valid or justified on pharmacom end. I am just wondering how smooth domestic is.

I know international has it's issues EVERYWHERE. Legit shit I import takes months sometiems if it arrives at all.

personally I have NOT had an issue with TA. With my last order, which was fairly recent, things went absolutely perfectly. Further, I had ordered something from ebay at the exact same time. Each followed the same route and timeline. I got my pack from frank a couple days ago, I still havent got my pack from ebay.
You cant blame Frank for the acts of the int shipping and customs gods. Anytime you order int, spend only what you are prepared to lose and you roll your dice.
communications are an issue, however one that appears to be getting sorted,kinda
All the folks having these TA and customer service issues-

Is this an issue with Domestic? Just curious. I am in no way saying the issues aren't valid or justified on pharmacom end. I am just wondering how smooth domestic is.

I know international has it's issues EVERYWHERE. Legit shit I import takes months sometiems if it arrives at all.
I had a pack land from the pre-chinese new year sale. Took a month d/t China post.
Yeah that's the one I had. I can't say for certain it was drol. But it was either drol or dbol. I got a fair amount of bloat from it.
It's good to know there's at least something in there, but I really hope it's actually drol because 100mg dbol would surpass my threshold for risk :eek: What was your daily dose?
I just meant that I'm okay taking 100mg of drol, but not 100mg of dbol (which would "surpass my threshold for risk"). When I do cycle, I will only use one or the other.
I just meant that I'm okay taking 100mg of drol, but not 100mg of dbol (which would "surpass my threshold for risk"). When I do cycle, I will only use one or the other.
I always wondered this one. So you think 100 mgs of dbol is more toxic than 100 mgs of drol. I mean is that a fact? I really have no idea. I have heard other people say that before. But I wonder how that works out. I guess the drol is less hepatotoxic?
I always wondered this one. So you think 100 mgs of dbol is more toxic than 100 mgs of drol. I mean is that a fact? I really have no idea. I have heard other people say that before. But I wonder how that works out. I guess the drol is less hepatotoxic?
Dbol is more potent per milligram. Max dbol dose is typically 50mg/day, beyond that not much more anabolic effect will be achieved and adverse effects and toxicity become much worse.

Drol is less potent per milligram, so requires higher dosage to achieve the same anabolic effect of a lower dose dbol. For example, 50mg dbol might be compared to 150mg drol when considering anabolic effect and hepatotoxicity.
Dbol is more potent per milligram. Max dbol dose is typically 50mg/day, beyond that not much more anabolic effect will be achieved and adverse effects and toxicity become much worse.

Drol is less potent per milligram, so requires higher dosage to achieve the same anabolic effect of a lower dose dbol. For example, 50mg dbol might be compared to 150mg drol when considering anabolic effect and hepatotoxicity.
Cool man. Wasn't sure if that was something that was scientifically proven or just bro science.
Hi guys,

Due to huge quantity of questions - I can miss some of them or forgot to answer. Do not hesitate to remind me.
One more - if your issue was solved - please give me feedbackm that all OK
