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@DedLift no offense bro. Buy it have seen u on multiple threads bashing ppl that actually know alot abt AAS. And you have tried to discredit them . Almost to the point to where it seems like you follow them just to try to scare them. And you just said u have only been in the game for 5 months . Come on bro just relax and don't be so quick with ur typing fingers and ask more questions / learn as much as possible , b4 you try to bash some of these guys who have alot of personal knowledge , not from reading something online. But they have been doing it for 20 plus years . And I promise you . Those vets are not going to help a guy that is a asshole. And more willing to help the guy trying to learn and is on the sidelines asking legitimate questions . You can take what u want out of this . But no one is going to take you serious either because your just as knew as the rest of the ppl ur bashing .
Oh,really? Who have I bashed ? Are you crossfits sidekick since I ignored him? Honestly, who have I bashed?
@DedLift no offense bro. Buy it have seen u on multiple threads bashing ppl that actually know alot abt AAS. And you have tried to discredit them . Almost to the point to where it seems like you follow them just to try to scare them. And you just said u have only been in the game for 5 months . Come on bro just relax and don't be so quick with ur typing fingers and ask more questions / learn as much as possible , b4 you try to bash some of these guys who have alot of personal knowledge , not from reading something online. But they have been doing it for 20 plus years . And I promise you . Those vets are not going to help a guy that is a asshole. And more willing to help the guy trying to learn and is on the sidelines asking legitimate questions . You can take what u want out of this . But no one is going to take you serious either because your just as knew as the rest of the ppl ur bashing .
Also, what on earth are you talking about? I've done 1 cycle so I'm fairly new to cycling but I don't have to live in Ohio to be able to tell someone how to get there. If I don't know something, I leave it to someone who does. I've helped plenty of guys on here and I wish they'd see your comment and chime in but not everyone spends all their time in the underground and neither do I. Reply, or don't. I won't be back in this thread unless I have an issue own to sort out. This shit with cfig was over and still you dig it up from a week ago. Get a life man and mind your own
I hope no one is that stupid.
Keep your discount and I'll keep my entire military record away from a foreign drug dealer.
No thanks
Just for information, I'm repeat - I don't know what need to do
You can ask Frank, but I think nothing secret will not request
Thats what i was thinking, I aint giving my 214 away.

@Pharmacom Helper can you relay to Frank how I can verify..i tried him on WickR but no luck
ok, I will check with him and will ask to give you feedback

And one more point, as Frank already wrote here - our sportsman Sergey Kulaev is absolute winner of 2016 AC.

We want to do interview with Sergey, if you want to ask something - send me your question in PM, if we will gather enough quantity of questions - we will do interview and then we will publish
I am the same.
First time I did tren . I got pissed because I wasn't getting any of the sides everyone was bragging abt. Then around 5 1/2 weeks I woke up in a pool of sweat and then the aggressive behavior . But I don't get them all the time . Maybe night sweats 2-3 times a week.
But I stay short of breath and I get tired easily.
Lol It seems like at 9:45pm I crash like a falling dead oak tree . And ain't worth a shit after which sucks being that I am on call every night and of course u can count on my phone ringing at 2 am to go run a service call ( 24 hrs diesel Mechanic /roadservice ) .

I feel your pain, I got twins and they keep me awake and on my toes all night too! Then again, with Tren, even few hours of sleep feels great!
Also, what on earth are you talking about? I've done 1 cycle so I'm fairly new to cycling but I don't have to live in Ohio to be able to tell someone how to get there. If I don't know something, I leave it to someone who does. I've helped plenty of guys on here and I wish they'd see your comment and chime in but not everyone spends all their time in the underground and neither do I. Reply, or don't. I won't be back in this thread unless I have an issue own to sort out. This shit with cfig was over and still you dig it up from a week ago. Get a life man and mind your own
Nope, you're just a douche
With all the sales that Frank has, why on earth would you give personal info about your military service for a pretty measly discount? I know a guy that gets a 15% discount for life, but never uses it because you cant enjoy the sales prices if you have a discount. So he had to start a new account so he could get in on the buy 300$ get 200$ free ect.
Just my opinion but its a waste of time and unnecessary risk to give up that info for something you will in all likelyhood NEVER USE!!!!
Nope, you're just a douche
Wow, still holding a grudge because I made you look like the young kid that
Nope, you're just a douche
I get it dude, I handed you some truth in your prohormones are better than injectable steroids thread and you're still mad. So you've decided to become a worthless troll because of it? That jobs been taken. Listen, everyone has the right to be an asshole sometimes, I'm guilty of it every now and then but you're abusing the privilege. Move on, keep my name out of your mouth and I won't dig up a bunch of shit that proves just how ignorant and immature you are. Capiche? Move along troll
Wow, still holding a grudge because I made you look like the young kid that

I get it dude, I handed you some truth in your prohormones are better than injectable steroids thread and you're still mad. So you've decided to become a worthless troll because of it? That jobs been taken. Listen, everyone has the right to be an asshole sometimes, I'm guilty of it every now and then but you're abusing the privilege. Move on, keep my name out of your mouth and I won't dig up a bunch of shit that proves just how ignorant and immature you are. Capiche? Move along troll

That was not at all what the argument entailed, you have 1 cycle under your belt. Please go troll somewhere else

Being fairly new to this sport, what is a base? For instance, what's the difference between test base and test e,c,p ?
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The only reason I read this thread is because I'm currently running Pharmacom gear and I'm looking for relevant info like posts from Frank, other users thoughts on quality, bloodwork, and when the sales are starting as are most of us. But I spend most of my time reading posts that are concerning nothing to do with Pharmacom at all. Keyboard warriors typing shit at each other as if any of the fucking garbage you spew means a fucking thing. None of you know each other so why do you care what anyone says or thinks. Are you less of a man because someone on a message board calls you a douche and you don't type something mean back. It doesn't matter!!!!!! No one wants to read your bullshit fighting. You all look like idiots when you do it.
Ok so go ahead, prove my point. Start typing mean shit at me now and I'll prove my point twice when I don't say a fucking thing back.
For the love of God...don't be butt hurt...think about what I said and chill the fuck out and let's all be diligent about keeping this source in check.
The only reason I read this thread is because I'm currently running Pharmacom gear and I'm looking for relevant info like posts from Frank, other users thoughts on quality, bloodwork, and when the sales are starting as are most of us. But I spend most of my time reading posts that are concerning nothing to do with Pharmacom at all. Keyboard warriors typing shit at each other as if any of the fucking garbage you spew means a fucking thing. None of you know each other so why do you care what anyone says or thinks. Are you less of a man because someone on a message board calls you a douche and you don't type something mean back. It doesn't matter!!!!!! No one wants to read your bullshit fighting. You all look like idiots when you do it.
Ok so go ahead, prove my point. Start typing mean shit at me now and I'll prove my point twice when I don't say a fucking thing back.
For the love of God...don't be butt hurt...think about what I said and chill the fuck out and let's all be diligent about keeping this source in check.


I'm not saying everyone needs to get along all the time but this every page bickering shit is ridiculous. It's no better than trolling. You guys should go back to the first pages of this thread and see how a community works a source... Then compare it to the last couple weeks. It'd be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad.
I go to the lab testing section for anything worth a shit. The underground is for dumb shit and always full of bullshit
I go to the lab testing section for anything worth a shit. The underground is for dumb shit and always full of bullshit
I agree. Most of it is bullshit. But consider this. Whether we get along or not, we are a community with a common bond. We use the word brother when we refer to each other. We may not always see eye to eye but we are united in our lifestyle. Be it powerlifter or bodybuilder we are united in iron. When I first joined Meso the anger was directed at bullshit sources and scammers, behind the curtain reps and shills. We policed our community to protect the inexperienced from being taken advantage of and teach them the ropes and they passed it on. Somewhere down the line the in fighting started to become more prevalent and the atmosphere changed. Not everywhere. I'm subb'd on many threads where the brotherhood is alive and well and the support is fantastic. But the underground is a mess. I agree crossfit, it is bullshit. Which is why this behavior must change and we go back to helping the new guys and then they become vets and so on. And to the new guys...chill the fuck out and thicken your skin. If a vet verbally slaps the shit out of you don't be so butthurt. It's being done to educate you so you don't get taken advantage of. So many scammers + so many eager AAS purchasers = people being ripped off. We are all here for the same learn about metal, learn how to feed our face, and learn how to safely use gear. So now everyone man the fuck up and act like brothers in metal united for fucking fucks sake!!!
I agree. Most of it is bullshit. But consider this. Whether we get along or not, we are a community with a common bond. We use the word brother when we refer to each other. We may not always see eye to eye but we are united in our lifestyle. Be it powerlifter or bodybuilder we are united in iron. When I first joined Meso the anger was directed at bullshit sources and scammers, behind the curtain reps and shills. We policed our community to protect the inexperienced from being taken advantage of and teach them the ropes and they passed it on. Somewhere down the line the in fighting started to become more prevalent and the atmosphere changed. Not everywhere. I'm subb'd on many threads where the brotherhood is alive and well and the support is fantastic. But the underground is a mess. I agree crossfit, it is bullshit. Which is why this behavior must change and we go back to helping the new guys and then they become vets and so on. And to the new guys...chill the fuck out and thicken your skin. If a vet verbally slaps the shit out of you don't be so butthurt. It's being done to educate you so you don't get taken advantage of. So many scammers + so many eager AAS purchasers = people being ripped off. We are all here for the same learn about metal, learn how to feed our face, and learn how to safely use gear. So now everyone man the fuck up and act like brothers in metal united for fucking fucks sake!!!
I'm down with that
I go to the lab testing section for anything worth a shit. The underground is for dumb shit and always full of bullshit
Dude you are literally at the center of every fucked up bullshit thread. You clog up the forum worse than any member I can think of. Jesus Christ do you not see you are like the leader of thread de-railing and bullshittery around here?