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I ok slippin into the wrong hole as long as she's good with it lol.
Yeah I'm right there with you
This test im running has my FSH and LH so low that it doesn't matter what hole I'm in :p
I'd rather run gear than buy plan B anyday
Okay.... Got my pack, Missing a pack of ROAS (isotretinoin) and it was sent very non discreet... so i can see how packs may be getting seized.. @Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper are you going to send me my missing product?
Come on CFG you been around here long enough to know this should be handled by PM. Also please delete that post describing your pack, this will set a bad example for the new guys and who knows what the fuck they may post.
Man they should be on it enough to send out a proper pack this is worthy of open forum discussion as it seems they have been slipping because of this promo
So frank what's the deal with the shitty packaging and leaving out products? Don't you think your customers safety and them actually receiving what they paid for is important?
I am ready to hear some shit like "well it was such a good discount he still receive promo even though it one less than what ordered" and "but if request packaging of the stealths we send betters pack but not otherwises"

Poor English and grammer intended.
I am ready to hear some shit like "well it was such a good discount he still receive promo even though it one less than what ordered" and "but if request packaging of the stealths we send betters pack but not otherwises"

Poor English and grammer intended.
I am ready to hear some shit like "well it was such a good discount he still receive promo even though it one less than what ordered" and "but if request packaging of the stealths we send betters pack but not otherwises"

Poor English and grammer intended.

You guys can be pricks you realize english is either this guys second or third language? With that said that was funny as hell haha
Question about the site.

If you pay in Bitcoin how do they connect the payment with your order? The add money option just asks for the amount you sent not what wallet it comes from.

If me and joe blow's order comes to the same amount, how do they know who is who?