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make sure you enter the transacted amount and not the amount sent too.. transacted is total less the fees. You should be able to click the transaction and get a detail.. You can always email them and give them your wallet code and they can track it back to you.. What service are you using if you don't mind me asking?
has anyone had issues with franks site? i tried to get in but my acct wasn't recognized nor was my credentials to get in....?
has anyone had issues with franks site? i tried to get in but my acct wasn't recognized nor was my credentials to get in....?

I briefly had that same problem.. Are you in the right URL? If you signed up international then you have to be in your international login wont work if you are in the US URL and vice versa..
Ahh, damn it. No fucking wonder, was looking to see if he updated the domestic side and never switched back. Thanks bros, my fault.
You do notice that nobody is answering you on this thread. Right? Since monday. Maybe there is a reason for that. they could be just PMing. I think Pharmacom helper, is not doing the helping he should lol. Very generalized answers.
The time on the website is in hh:mm:ss format.

Where I send coins from only shows hh:mm.

How does that work?
Depending on the application. I use bitcoin app from my smart phone. Had to dig in and look at the exchange block and it gave exact time.
Depending on the application. I use bitcoin app from my smart phone. Had to dig in and look at the exchange block and it gave exact time.
You found that on the circle app?

All my past transactions are listed in year/month/day/hour/minute but no seconds.
When you sent(d) your funds it has specific btc address i.e. 1sdfesr243243242324324 etc... well if you go to your wallet where you send the btc click on the address and it will tell you exactly the hh:mm:ss format or you c and p that address and go to blockchain. info and the first window that pops up has a search, put the address there and it will tell you what you need to know.

Ok this! I checked blockchain for past transactions and there it is listed all the way to the second.

10/10 advice.

i apologize in advance for anything i write that isn't acceptable in these forums as ,I'm clearly a noob at this, when i first started using gear about 3 years ago , a buddy of mine hooked me up with the original british dragon, and man was it amazing, but ever since it got shut down, i been stuck with some low quality gear, some stuff worked but not as it should, i was using valkyrie but i have heard bad things, i work out hard 6 days a week, i watch what i eat, all I'm missing is a good source to be where i wish to be especially since summer is near and I'm tired of throwing my money away on stuff that KINDA works , so my question is can i have some instructions or tips on how to go about finding a good source ,


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