MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

i apologize in advance for anything i write that isn't acceptable in these forums as ,I'm clearly a noob at this, when i first started using gear about 3 years ago , a buddy of mine hooked me up with the original british dragon, and man was it amazing, but ever since it got shut down, i been stuck with some low quality gear, some stuff worked but not as it should, i was using valkyrie but i have heard bad things, i work out hard 6 days a week, i watch what i eat, all I'm missing is a good source to be where i wish to be especially since summer is near and I'm tired of throwing my money away on stuff that KINDA works , so my question is can i have some instructions or tips on how to go about finding a good source ,
Stick around, learn the ins and outs, contribute and you'll eventually get what you're looking for. It's always a guessing game but you have to gain the tools to make an educated guess. Feel me?
wrong. you have to read the thread from the beginning
Unfortunately this is the best way to go. You eventually get good at figuring out which posts are worth reading in detail and which are just bitch fests and worth either skimming or skipping.
Been trying to get a hold of some but the way I read it was no more than 6wks because of sides. Something to tie in during last six weeks of a cycle...

What kind of sides are you refuring to? I heard that gw1516 was relatively side free minus the stomach issues that can be fixed with tribulus
@drgreenthumb628 I had looked up what the compound make up was compared to EPO and i ran across this article which states the cancerous effects it has on organs when taken in large amounts for long periods of time. When I asked someone who has this gear they advised no longer than 6weeks. Not sure the validity of GSK but i believe they and Ligand Pharma created the trials that they later abandoned.

The new EPO? — GW1516, AICAR and their use in cycling | CyclingTips
Okay.... Got my pack, Missing a pack of ROAS (isotretinoin) and it was sent very non discreet... so i can see how packs may be getting seized.. @Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper are you going to send me my missing product?
Hi, can you send more detail in PM ?
I cannot send anything, because I don't have right even to view orders. Frank and me already wrote about it, but something is not work, heh.
The only thing that I can - ask Frank to solve the problem, if it is urgent
So, if you want - send me more information
Is there a ballpark range for how long an international package will sit in US Customs for? I know there's no definitive answer to that but if I could get some anecdotal feedback, I'd appreciate it. Thanks everyone.
Is there a ballpark range for how long an international package will sit in US Customs for? I know there's no definitive answer to that but if I could get some anecdotal feedback, I'd appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

95% of mine in the last 10 years have been in there less than a day, but ymmv and depends on which location it is processed through.
hi everyone. sorry for eing not here last days. looks like our store gets more and more popular, which is good...
first i reply to some posts.
With all the sales that Frank has, why on earth would you give personal info about your military service for a pretty measly discount? I know a guy that gets a 15% discount for life, but never uses it because you cant enjoy the sales prices if you have a discount. So he had to start a new account so he could get in on the buy 300$ get 200$ free ect.
Just my opinion but its a waste of time and unnecessary risk to give up that info for something you will in all likelyhood NEVER USE!!!!
of course nobody forces you to show us any documents, whatever. This is a free option. if you want a 15% lifetime discount which you can use at any moment you can apply for this discount. as evidence i would need a photo of some military documents. you can black your face, its id, i nly need to see the name. the name of the receiver shall be the same as in this document. this is all. also its possible tho show it say in wickr, it will be deleted within a period you set say 5 minutes. there is not much to discuss here actually. if you don`t like this idea, you just don`t use it. that`s it.
The only reason I read this thread is because I'm currently running Pharmacom gear and I'm looking for relevant info like posts from Frank, other users thoughts on quality, bloodwork, and when the sales are starting as are most of us. But I spend most of my time reading posts that are concerning nothing to do with Pharmacom at all. Keyboard warriors typing shit at each other as if any of the fucking garbage you spew means a fucking thing. None of you know each other so why do you care what anyone says or thinks. Are you less of a man because someone on a message board calls you a douche and you don't type something mean back. It doesn't matter!!!!!! No one wants to read your bullshit fighting. You all look like idiots when you do it.
Ok so go ahead, prove my point. Start typing mean shit at me now and I'll prove my point twice when I don't say a fucking thing back.
For the love of God...don't be butt hurt...think about what I said and chill the fuck out and let's all be diligent about keeping this source in check.
i absolutely agree. people do not read what was written before and write the same all the time... people do not read FAQ. people do not read our confirmation emails. I get the same questions all the time... stupid questions... as example where i can track my order? i really want to reply - fuck, read the fucking email you got. when you get tracking numbers we provide at least 2 sites where tracking numbers can be checked.
or another question - may i use paypal... or many others... i will just ignore them.really.
Also we send a new part of products to Simec. I hope they test them fast this time. Also do not forget that a couple of guys are waiting for results of our high concentrated drugs. I guess they will be ready soon, cause i paid for testing, a couple of weeks ago, so from other side it`s covered.
Okay.... Got my pack, Missing a pack of ROAS (isotretinoin) and it was sent very non discreet... so i can see how packs may be getting seized.. @Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper are you going to send me my missing product?
so, regarding this thing. how to explain it without details... i can not explain this in public. i will pm you.