MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Is there a ballpark range for how long an international package will sit in US Customs for? I know there's no definitive answer to that but if I could get some anecdotal feedback, I'd appreciate it. Thanks everyone.
From my experience anywhere from 8 hours to never makes it out
just asking cause i see a lot of posts where people get there orders seized , but no one explains what exactly happens after , do they come knocking on the door of your house looking for you?

Take a look in the legal forum.I recently made a thread to answer your question.
this one is for sure not from us...
Guys i have something to show you... got first samples of our clothes. Not all of course, there will be t-shirts and more. we are also thinking abount producing lifting belts or wrest lifting strips, some gym accessories.
So, here is first samples for our team of athletes. These clothes will be also available for some of our customers. Of course back picture will be changed for international versions of this outfit.
2 more things.
1. please do not write us simultaniously in wickr, email, to Pharmacom Helper or other reps and in pms. it will only delay replying to your question. If your issue is urgent please use the contact us page on our site.
2. We have inconveniences and issues with Money Gram receivers. There is a limit, one person can receive only 12000$ per month. And, which is worse, no more than 30 payments per month. Also if a person receives payments too often he/she can be blocked by MG and WU. It`s a real pain in the ass. Now we have a situation that several of our customers paid to the first name we provided to pay to. This guy was blocked both by WU and MG. I sent emails and asked guys to contact MG or WU and change the name to another one. I provided 50$ store credit for inconvenince for everyone. And now it turned out that the second guy reached his monthly limit and can not receive payments... It`s clear customers are not guilty in this, as well as we are not. But situation needs to be solved. That is why i ask everyone to learn how to use bitcoins.
In this case
1. your payments will be picked up much faster, within several hours intead of days.
2. your transfers can not be blocked. never. if you sent bitcoins we 100% receive them.
3. bitcoin is extremely customer friendly. you can download an app like circle or coinbase, connect your bank card as in paypal. buy btcoins with several touches and send them to our wallet, which you receive at the checkout. That`s it! No need to go to somewhere and pay by cash. No embarassing situations with blocked payments or receivers. Nothing. Only advantages.

So, in order to convince you to use bitcoin the next promo will be only for bitcoin users. We will provide 40% off for absolutey all orders in our international store if ou pay with bitcoins! I will tell later when we launch it, now you have time to learn how to use bitcoins. Our manual with screenshots will help you here

I'm looking to buy my girl a fat burner i wanted to know if she could take either
sibutros or tiros and if so which would be better for her
Isn't that the tiger fitness logo?

I'm sure Mark Lobliner will be thrilled his logo is being used by a UGL lol.
actually that logo is not stolen by us. i even had no idea what is TF. There is a community in one at Russian boards, which has such logo

So we took it.
Don`t worry, these logos will not be supplied to the USA.
I'm currently in the process of making a $530 order int , i wanted to know if the discount is automatically added or am i supposed to use a code
Both mine recently sat in ny customs for 3-5 days
A couple of new things for your info.
1. We changed our ordering conditions from the international store.
I.9. Seized orders to the USA are reshipped free of charge, but not earlier than one month after the first package has been shipped unless you provide a seizure letter earlier. Orders to Australia, Canada and Europe placed in our international wareouse will be not reshipped in case of seizures! If you from one of these regions we highly recommend you to order a stealth shipping.

2. For your convenience we added a new page with all products but without extra ino and heavy pictures, where you can put all items into the shopping cart. Here is how it looks like

so you can just specify amount, put needed products into the shopping cart and chek out. This page is now active only in our US domestic warehouse. But we need to fix some things first. It does not show now which products are not in stock. We will make those items inactive. After this we implement in all 3 sections of our store.

3. We changed for your convenience our tests section, where you can see all test results.
Soon it will look like this

You can activate a search filter and look only those items you need

in the field - by type - you will be ble to choose, whether this is test for raws purity or dosage.
Date is clear. Also you will be able to choose a definite compound to see only its results.

Also we fixed lot of small mistakes in both desktop and mobile versions of our site. If you find any bugs feel free to inform us.

You will Honour your free reships to Canada and Australia that were purchased before you made these changes though?
Well just placed an international order about to go to money gram in a few hours , I really hope my order comes through with no problem , anyways what are the odds that it will get seized, I believe slim I only ordered
4 tren
2 test
1 sebutros
1 anastrazolos
All of you panicking.. Calm down. Do you realize how busy these guys can get? Leave your response.. Then wait it out. I'm sure Frank will take care of you. They're on there game.
Well just placed an international order about to go to money gram in a few hours , I really hope my order comes through with no problem , anyways what are the odds that it will get seized, I believe slim I only ordered
4 tren
2 test
1 sebutros
1 anastrazolos

Odds keep getting better...
Mine showed up with that fancy US customs tape all around it. Nice and stealthy Pharmacon we win again.