MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I fucking want The shirt and the whole outfit it's so cool. In Russian please :)

Set up a different website I would buy it no problem. Size extra small because I'm 6.0 with no muscle :(
We don't sell them (at least now), it's a present for a big orders (I don't know how big order should be and when these shirts will be in stock)

p.s. I don't have shirt too :(
Frank, any of those special deals you were talking about gonna take place soon ?
Like deal of day, or free product, or new discount codes?
"Stealth" Reship from promo confirmed to be seized. Just beware of ordering to the west coast even with stealth shipping. Hate for you all to waste money too. Probably be best to order domestic if you're on the west folks.
Whats the ideal dosage for a cutting cycle for mix 2 and also what would it be for the long esters from mix 6 along with either using either var or winny for thr last 4 weeks and throwing t3 in there? I want my test to be around 600-800mg a week to shred fat and get lean muscle. Im not sure if i should use t3 now or save it to the end of the cycle
"Stealth" Reship from promo confirmed to be seized. Just beware of ordering to the west coast even with stealth shipping. Hate for you all to waste money too. Probably be best to order domestic if you're on the west folks.

Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. My condolences...
@Daedae90 pharmacom helper is kind of useless given his limited access to stuff. You can TRY wickr, but as of right now it seems they're more concerned with incoming orders and not taking care of existing ones
Well my pack landed. Frank would you care to explain why I only recieved one product out of my entire order? The only fucking thing I recieved was the dbol. Nothing else there should have been 7 vials along with it but no. So where the fuck are the products I paid for?
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
I'm having some issues @Pharmacom Helper
Hi, if it is something urgent you can send me detail in PM.
But will be better to use "contact us" form on site
Well my pack landed. Frank would you care to explain why I only recieved one product out of my entire order? The only fucking thing I recieved was the dbol. Nothing else there should have been 7 vials along with it but no. So where the fuck are the products I paid for?
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
Stealth delivery or not ?