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No not at all. When tracking says "delivered" that gives the impression that what I ordered is in. I feel somewhat relieved. But I don't really understand why sending two packs instead of one is considered more stealthy.
To me that seems like twice the risk but hey its not me running an illegal drug business
I agree more risk of order not making it. After this recent promo I think it is safe to say paying the extra 50% up charge on products for domestic is worth it.
No not at all. When tracking says "delivered" that gives the impression that what I ordered is in. I feel somewhat relieved. But I don't really understand why sending two packs instead of one is considered more stealthy.
There are certain subtleties in customs work. I can not say more detail but it's really needed. You will receive oils without any problems I'm sure
I agree more risk of order not making it. After this recent promo I think it is safe to say paying the extra 50% up charge on products for domestic is worth it.
Yeah I'll only go international if I can handle not having the product for a month and a half
Domestic if I need it asap
Either way anything my hamster has ordered arrived in full with updated tracking info throughout the whole process so i.. I mean my hamster can't complain
I wouldn't be able to stand having the international shipping. I think I'd rather not have a tracking. Seeing it sit in one place for days on end makes one think it'll never come.
I wouldn't be able to stand having the international shipping. I think I'd rather not have a tracking. Seeing it sit in one place for days on end makes one think it'll never come.
Lmao yeah it sucks but when you see it move it's a relief
It's kind of like riding a rollercoaster :p
For stealth we divide orders by 2. 1 package for tablets and 1 package for oils. You will receive oils in other package soon
So can you explain why my reship, which was stealth, that had oils and orals was reshipped in one package? Was my reship even stealth, which I specifically asked for and told it would be?
That was my question too, they said they sent it stealth shipping, but my seizure letter listed steroids not "stealth item" had been discovered