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I heard if it takes over a week in customs its probably because it has been seized. I dont know for a fact tho, knock on wood i havent had a seizure yet

yeah this is bullshit. I just spoke to someone whose pack got hung up in nyc customs and presumed seized for 5 months. months. ordered oct 15 and just got it today
NOT a pharmacom pack btw
Im under the impression they're only supposed to hold your stuff though no longer than 10 weeks.

let all that sink in noobs
"Stealth" Reship from promo confirmed to be seized. Just beware of ordering to the west coast even with stealth shipping. Hate for you all to waste money too. Probably be best to order domestic if you're on the west folks.
So can you explain why my reship, which was stealth, that had oils and orals was reshipped in one package? Was my reship even stealth, which I specifically asked for and told it would be?
i will contact you.

@Pharmacom Labs any plans for tren base only vial?

Loving mix 5 but could do without win
now our priority is pct line. what happens next will depend on demand.
Well my pack landed. Frank would you care to explain why I only recieved one product out of my entire order? The only fucking thing I recieved was the dbol. Nothing else there should have been 7 vials along with it but no. So where the fuck are the products I paid for?
@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs
i guess you alredy gor teply to your question.

I recieved 3 tracking numbers for 3 packs they all landed but they were not stealthy at all. Orals were not shipped as the email discussed and showed how they would be so if customs opened the pack they would know exactly what the orals were within 2 minutes of opening package. As for vials they were stealthy. But it would only take one of the packs getting opened to have all 3 go to shit since amps arnt stealthy.
you don`t know how custom works. do you really think they would open packges? they don`t care about it. it`s always a game of chances, whether your package is scanned or not. if too many parcels they jsut don`t have time to scan each individual parcel separately. if it is scanned and scanner sees oil inside it most of cases it does not matter at all what drug is inside, vitamin a or whatever. nothing will get through.
@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper
You think about selling Mildronate in near future?
do you really feel some effect from it?
Problem 1 -I ordered from the guy. My pack said it was going to be shipped 24 hours ago. It was shipped 48 hours ago.
Problem 2- It was in customs for 4 days and it shipped in 7 days and hours. It was suppose to sit in customs for 3 days, and ship that same day!!!! WTF.
Problem 3- It then was in the air for 2 days. Meanwhile it was suppose to be in the air for 1 day.
Problem 4- Then customs had it again. Why is there two customs. WTF!!!!
Problem 5- My car broke down and I coudn't get home to get the pack. So they had to bring it back to post office.
Problem 6- I had to find a new mechanic to fix my car.
Problem 7- I had to eat more food to get gainz at the gym.
Problem 8- I ate to much dairy, I had diarrhea.
Problem 9- I had to wipe my own ass.
Problem 10- maybe if I "PM" someone they will take care of my liquid shit.
Problem 11- As much as you care about this story, is as much as I care about your point-less shit.

Stop posting all this pointless information. PM!!! or Private message, Pointless info, so everyone doesn't have to read it!!!
Problem 1 -I ordered from the guy. My pack said it was going to be shipped 24 hours ago. It was shipped 48 hours ago.
Problem 2- It was in customs for 4 days and it shipped in 7 days and hours. It was suppose to sit in customs for 3 days, and ship that same day!!!! WTF.
Problem 3- It then was in the air for 2 days. Meanwhile it was suppose to be in the air for 1 day.
Problem 4- Then customs had it again. Why is there two customs. WTF!!!!
Problem 5- My car broke down and I coudn't get home to get the pack. So they had to bring it back to post office.
Problem 6- I had to find a new mechanic to fix my car.
Problem 7- I had to eat more food to get gainz at the gym.
Problem 8- I ate to much dairy, I had diarrhea.
Problem 9- I had to wipe my own ass.
Problem 10- maybe if I "PM" someone they will take care of my liquid shit.
Problem 11- As much as you care about this story, is as much as I care about your point-less shit.

Stop posting all this pointless information. PM!!! or Private message, Pointless info, so everyone doesn't have to read it!!!

I feels you on the dairy
In the meantime @Pharmacom Labs you're helping all these guys resolve issues with delivered products. When there are guys like me still having fn issues with nondelivered goods. And to you other guys lm not trying to degrade your issues. I just want mine to be dealt with, with the same priority you all are receiving.....
In the meantime @Pharmacom Labs you're helping all these guys resolve issues with delivered products. When there are guys like me still having fn issues with nondelivered goods. And to you other guys lm not trying to degrade your issues. I just want mine to be dealt with, with the same priority you all are receiving.....
In the meantime @Pharmacom Labs you're helping all these guys resolve issues with delivered products. When there are guys like me still having fn issues with nondelivered goods. And to you other guys lm not trying to degrade your issues. I just want mine to be dealt with, with the same priority you all are receiving.....
You just sound like a cry baby. Do u expect someone to feel sorry for you? Send a private message and wait, as many before you have done. If it isn't responded in 7 days, send another. After another 7 days, maybe then you have the right to come here and state that you've sent two pm's over two weeks or more and no response. Until then, I can almost guarantee no one cares. You're not shopping on Amazon or Walmart dot com
yeah this is bullshit. I just spoke to someone whose pack got hung up in nyc customs and presumed seized for 5 months. months. ordered oct 15 and just got it today
NOT a pharmacom pack btw
Im under the impression they're only supposed to hold your stuff though no longer than 10 weeks.

let all that sink in noobs

Smh.. Dates
So according to Frank my stealth reship never contained the oral tabs part and only the oils because they ran out of the product. I wasn't ever made aware of this from Frank and they still haven't sent the oral part of my order for the reship. Seems like they weren't intending to send it at all. Hopefully frank will resolve and send those and maybe they'll get through. Probably not but we'll see.
This was why he wanted to speak with you via PM huh?
I guess but I find it ridiculous that if I didn't find out that stealth was in 2 shipments that he never would have told me he didn't ship half my package until I got my first reship and noticed it missing. It would then take another month to receive half my order that was placed in early 2016. Unless my order was never shipped stealth in the first place resulting in my 2nd seizure. Pharmacom seems to be getting sloppy at this point.
I've had 2 packages seized in the past month and a half. My first package was seized and I received the letter. I told Frank and showed him the letter and he sent another shipment to a different address with a different name. The 2nd package has been sitting at customs since March 5th; "processed through LA sorting facility" blah blah. Same exact message that was on my 1st shipment that got seized. I haven't received the 2nd seize letter yet, but i'm sure I'll be receiving it soon.

Frank and I went back and forth in a few emails and even though they normally don't ship out a 3rd package, he said he would ship a 3rd package to another address. I'm most likely not going to have him ship it though because I'm assuming that one will get seized as well and I don't want to get arrested. I would like my money back but I guess that won't happen.

My question is, who else has had 2 packages seized from the same source? I've never seen their packaging, but maybe they should change that up since I've had 2 packages seized in the past month and a half.