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damn this is what all the vets on here talk about, about to get some popcorn and watch the gangbang that is about to commence. lmao
damn this is what all the vets on here talk about, about to get some popcorn and watch the gangbang that is about to commence. lmao
Wrong. He didn't ask for sources, he was interested in how to research.

I would start in lab testing. You could even read through popular logs. You can read through blood works posted. Many, many options.
i appreciate the help , i chose my words carefully , wasn't trying to get hammered like i did when i wrote my first post
Read up on the underground too, besides all the bickering you maybe able to pick up some useful information
i apologize in advance for anything i write that isn't acceptable in these forums as ,I'm clearly a noob at this, when i first started using gear about 3 years ago , a buddy of mine hooked me up with the original british dragon, and man was it amazing, but ever since it got shut down, i been stuck with some low quality gear, some stuff worked but not as it should, i was using valkyrie but i have heard bad things, i work out hard 6 days a week, i watch what i eat, all I'm missing is a good source to be where i wish to be especially since summer is near and I'm tired of throwing my money away on stuff that KINDA works , so my question is can i have some instructions or tips on how to go about finding a good source ,

Dude, its like going to walmart and asking do you know where I can find discount supercenter? You are already in it!. I will make it easy, just read the this thread starting from page 390, problem solved
The eagle has landed.
another successful mission.

This is how it is done. All you noobies. You haven't ever seen this guy post, here besides good info about bloods. Not crying about shit. And look what happens. Maybe if you pussies learn to be patient a bird will fly by. All you fucking pissy pussys. God dammit!!
Have you tried contacting them by other methods of communication?
I've tried through email and here with 5 messages exchanged in almost 3 weeks.
I don't know what they're doing but I'm sure it can't be good for their business


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