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Hey guys I placed an order about 3 weeks ago , and just now got two tracking numbers , my question is if I recieved two tracking numbers does that mean my order was split up , or do they just provide two numbers for one package , one of the numbers says it's almost here while the other was last updated 3/21 and never left the country of origin , does that mean there was a problem with the package or is this normal , thanks in advance @Pharmacom Labs
Posting sensitive info.... tsk tsk
Can someone tell me why they need the time and amount for a BTC payment? Please don't tell me they are using the same wallet for every payment..
I think frank said it automatically changes wallets every so often. So i guess several orders would go to one wallet before a new one is generated.
I think frank said it automatically changes wallets every so often. So i guess several orders would go to one wallet before a new one is generated.

But that would mean LE could just place an order to get the wallet, then trace EVERYONE who paid with an unmixed BTC transfer to that wallet. It's all in the block chain.
But that would mean LE could just place an order to get the wallet, then trace EVERYONE who paid with an unmixed BTC transfer to that wallet. It's all in the block chain.
Does anyone know roughly how long it takes to ship from international store to U.S? asking because my job requires me to travel often. Thanks
THere's only 465 pages in this thread, so read biotch. Granted, the first 50 or so pages are people who haven't ordered wondering if the source is good. And another 50 pages worth are nothing more than people calling each other names. Add in another 100 or so pages worth of messages that are otherwise off-topic, and, well, there's some stuff. But, like, yeah. Read.
Problems - problems everywhere :)
I already answered for some of them by PM, please check.
Frank now is not available but I raised problems to him, I think he will respond soon
Update: Frank looked into my issue and all is good now. Apparently just an oversight.

So it turns out I do know how to use Bitcoin after all lol how bout them apples!

Now hurry up April 1st!