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^^^ Thats why its best to tumble...I.E. get more than one wallet.

That's not tumbling. Using multiple wallets won't make your transaction anonymous. @pumpingiron22 has a nice tutorial here. I think a lot of people here are putting themselves at risk transferring bits to shared wallets from wallets linked to their accounts.
That's not tumbling. Using multiple wallets won't make your transaction anonymous. @pumpingiron22 has a nice tutorial here. I think a lot of people here are putting themselves at risk transferring bits to shared wallets from wallets linked to their accounts.

How is that not tumbling? You get 3 wallets,a clearnet one and two others from darknet with the third being a is obviously more complicated than that but once set up it is pretty easy. My intent wasn't to go over it in depth but to give a keyword so people would do their due diligence and figure it out or go to the BTC thread.
How is that not tumbling? You get 3 wallets,a clearnet one and two others from darknet with the third being a is obviously more complicated than that but once set up it is pretty easy. My intent wasn't to go over it in depth but to give a keyword so people would do their due diligence and figure it out or go to the BTC thread.

With darknet and a mixer in the chain, that IS tumbling. Initially, you just said to use multiple wallets. A LOT of people here seem to be doing just that - transferring from circle to a wallet to Frank's wallet.
Ok that does sound a little off but i meant it the context of how you and I know tumbling. figured some of the bros would google the key word! ;)
With darknet and a mixer in the chain, that IS tumbling. Initially, you just said to use multiple wallets. A LOT of people here seem to be doing just that - transferring from circle to a wallet to Frank's wallet.

You're right. This was my first Bitcoin rodeo and it was a little bumpy but all is good now.

I chose what I saw as the quickest easiest option (circle) because I was out of town and didn't have a lot of time.
However I was thinking when I used circle how the hell is this more secure than MG/WU!? If anything doing it that way is less secure than MG/WU imho.

Thanks for posting the link to that tutorial. Definitely be checking that out.
Well they want to encourage bitcoins and the mark-up on AAS is really high in the first place so a 40% sale off really won't cut much profit.
if something sells for 100 dollars and cost 10 dollars to make equals 90 dollars profit, sell it at 40% discount would be 60 dollars a loss of 33.333 % ITS ALOT.
my bad, it would sell for 60 dollars but still cost 10 to make, so a profit of 50 dollars bringing their loss of profit to 40 dollars or 44.4444% ha ha
my bad, it would sell for 60 dollars but still cost 10 to make, so a profit of 50 dollars bringing their loss of profit to 40 dollars or 44.4444% ha ha
It's kind of simple marketing bro.... You have a sale you end up making more because a spike in purchases......
but unlike legal products, sometimes when UGLs have massive sales we see product quality go down, all sorts of issues with shipping etc. hopefully that won't be the case here
but unlike legal products, sometimes when UGLs have massive sales we see product quality go down, all sorts of issues with shipping etc. hopefully that won't be the case here
This is why i'm probably going to wait and order at the end of the sale. Shipments should be hitting people in the middle of the month and that'll give us time to get some reviews. Plus for the first few days they are going to be slammed.
question for those who've run their anastrozole and done bloodwork, it seems like everyone's e2 is high. Are you guys stopping the AI prior to bloods?
There's a lot of confusion regarding discussion of bitcoin wallets, wallet providers and addresses. It seems the terms are all used interchangeably while they are different concepts.

For example, you can have thousands of addresses in a single wallet and multiple wallets with a single wallet provider.

For more information, there are numerous threads in the dedicated bitcoin subforum:

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency