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Does anyone know if any of the Bitcoin providers allow PayPal payments?

Not to put you out on front street but there is a bit coin section in the forum just scroll down. We have talked extensively on bit coin here and gotten off topic. Your answers are there or you can just Google it your self and figure it out that way. Gl bro
this is why we prefer not to publish raw data, because almost nobody from people without chemical education can correctly read it.
people, for heaven`s sake, why you are always trying to find something bad?
Please don`t try judging something, what you do not really understand. Or at least contact Simec to clear it before next wave of criticism breakes out.
Here is what you need to know about this. Reply of Simec employee:

Here is ther text:

As Simec says: this is why it is not common to send all raw data to our customers - because most people cannot read chromatograms properly, because most people are no chemists (that is not criticism, it is just the truth....).

In other words those peaks have nothing to do with our drugs, those were peaks of reference samples, several at once to win time, that`s it.

People are looking for bad stuff, because that is what we are used to from other labs. But in this case, I think he was just asking for an explanation. Frank, please continue to publish the full reports. Some of us can actually read them, and your transparency is appreciated.
Has anyone used their Test P recently? First time running it and 3 weeks in my cycle of 100 EOD. Since day one it has been the same, inject, 12-24 hours later dizzy and fever of around 102 and constant light coughing (not right after jab and no metallic taste). I'm not much of a medicine man but I have been drinking Dayquil like water which I don't want to do since I am also on their Anavar (could this also be the culprit?)

Any ways just seeing if this has happened to anyone else. I am gettijg bloods next week amd have a good feeling it will show good numbers as I have already seen some good improvements.

I had a similar issue with another source, found that the culprit was too much of the oral I was on. That's when I found out my body does not respond well to orals. Try eliminated the var and see if that fixes the issue
this is why we prefer not to publish raw data, because almost nobody from people without chemical education can correctly read it.
people, for heaven`s sake, why you are always trying to find something bad?
Please don`t try judging something, what you do not really understand. Or at least contact Simec to clear it before next wave of criticism breakes out.
Here is what you need to know about this. Reply of Simec employee:

Here is ther text:

As Simec says: this is why it is not common to send all raw data to our customers - because most people cannot read chromatograms properly, because most people are no chemists (that is not criticism, it is just the truth....).

In other words those peaks have nothing to do with our drugs, those were peaks of reference samples, several at once to win time, that`s it.
I was asking a question. I wasnt making any accusastions. I was just looking for you to clear it up. I wasn't saying it was a bad batch. My post said,
"So I saw a simec lab test that was for tren E. But I think it also had primo E in it. Anyone else see this test. I can add the link if you like. I think it is actually on their website, which is what the guy said."

Was this in the vials. Or was it the powder?

So I was just trying to have you elaborate. I was not making accusastions. You indeed did answer my question. But by looking at those tests. No other lab analysis's have 2 compounds shown. So that was why I was confused. That all show just one compound. Which makes sense if an outsider was seeing that info.
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People are looking for bad stuff, because that is what we are used to from other labs. But in this case, I think he was just asking for an explanation. Frank, please continue to publish the full reports. Some of us can actually read them, and your transparency is appreciated.
Exactly this. I was not accusing any mischief. I just was asking a simple question. And I havent seen any reports show the data accumulated like this manner. So it was just a question. You are correct flesner.
Full publications are indeed important even if they are bad. Escpeially if it is the raws being used. It's simple to show messed up raws, and just as easy to not use those raws. Another pos I said was that I like you honesty. Just don;t lose it.
Frank, this whole situation worked out fine. A question was asked, and you quickly resolved it. I think it puts you in a good light
People are looking for bad stuff, because that is what we are used to from other labs. But in this case, I think he was just asking for an explanation. Frank, please continue to publish the full reports. Some of us can actually read them, and your transparency is appreciated.

Wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue also. I have ordered before from basicstero and I just received an order of 6units of C250 and I received (attached image) - 6units of Bio Facial Oil???

Can anyone shed any light on this? Order was placed on the international side.

Was the wrong product shipped? Is this miss labeled?

I was asking a question. I wasnt making any accusastions. I was just looking for you to clear it up. I wasn't saying it was a bad batch. My post said,
"So I saw a simec lab test that was for tren E. But I think it also had primo E in it. Anyone else see this test. I can add the link if you like. I think it is actually on their website, which is what the guy said."

Was this in the vials. Or was it the powder?

So I was just trying to have you elaborate. I was not making accusastions. You indeed did answer my question. But by looking at those tests. No other lab analysis's have 2 compounds shown. So that was why I was confused. That all show just one compound. Which makes sense if an outsider was seeing that info.

sorry, i overreacted. my apologies. you are just not the first one. i received a couple of emails, where peple noticed this and accused us in having primo in tren.
yes, i hope that explanation from Simec explains everything.

Guys, just for info. We restocked test e300, cyp in our US domestic warehouse. Restocking of other items is soon.

Also lately i have been asked several times, whether we are going to produce tren base and masterom enanthate. The answer is yes, both will be produced as separate compounds.
Just received my order of EQ today very excited as it was my first time ordering. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but everything showed up fast and intact. Seems most are happy with the product can't wait to try it looks like i found a safe new source.
Seemed really safe I used bitcoins to buy and I received my order in about 4 days unmarked package.

delete this comment and say nothing else. I was being sarcastic...tmi man!!!! No one cares about your pack, your just give LE more shit to go off when you post crap like this.
Did you tumble coins before you sent?...just think out of sight out of mind brother. I don't mean to bust your balls but you are one of who knows how many people get a pack...we don't care, we have established that all is well in gear heaven. You just being here like 8 days ago means shit to people who have a proven track record and have posted up for a good while. There are 476 pages for a reason, most of it good stuff but half the shit is crap like you put up. Im just trying to save you the ass raping.
What makes you think I honestly care? I didn't give enough info for anyone to go off of and if you don't care why reply to my post? All I stated was I got what I was looking for and I was thankful. You can bust my balls all you like and I know people have been on here for years and that means what it's just a internet site? If LE really cared about all this don't you think they would have done something by now? Plus who says it isn't legal where I live anyways so think about that.
Umm yeah you're right, I honestly don't fucking care about you or your post nor do I care about where you live. Which I think most will agree. With that being said good day and fuck off!
It seems that their EU warehouse isn't being restocked right now will this effect the quality of products ? So far I have been very happy with their service and the reports from Anabloic Labs j/w if this change will effect anything other than shipping times?


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