MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Are the tracking numbers usually up to date and reliable? I do not recall a package being stuck in one place for such an extended period of time obviously not Frank's fault just curious

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Are the tracking numbers usually up to date and reliable? I do not recall a package being stuck in one place for such an extended period of time obviously not Frank's fault just curious

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My tracking number didnt change pack locations once it was in the states. It changed the day i got the pack
USPS is pretty much a bunch of shitheads and they don't scan everything when it comes and goes, so sometimes packages can appear stuck at one point.
Hi guys.

I want to remind you about our current promo with 40% discount (for HGH - 15%) only for bitcoin payments !
Promo is valid until May 1 and only for international orders !
Here is our tutorial:

No promo code required. Our site will calculate discounts automaticly.
Guys, i just realized that i have never shown our catalog to you. We use it as a rule for our dealers. We send printed versions say 50-100 pieces together with some bigger bulk orders. But i have never ever shown it to our retail customers. Take a look, it is really nice.

You can download it here
Pharmacom Labs catalog.pdf (8.29MB) -
Don`t worry, no viruses there. It is a PDF file.

Also, this is actually a part, I shall not announce yet, because we have just started working on it, but still... It is in russian now, cause our main market is still in CIS countries. We will translate it into english once it is ready... However, here are some screenshots

It will be a book about human hormonal system. Base knowledge to be taken into account prior to start a steroid cycle without causing damages to your body.

So... have you ever seen a lab doing something what we do? Just to sell steroids by all means - is not what we are focused on. We have big plans for this year...
Guys, i just realized that i have never shown our catalog to you. We use it as a rule for our dealers. We send printed versions say 50-100 pieces together with some bigger bulk orders. But i have never ever shown it to our retail customers. Take a look, it is really nice.

You can download it here
Pharmacom Labs catalog.pdf (8.29MB) -
Don`t worry, no viruses there. It is a PDF file.

Also, this is actually a part, I shall not announce yet, because we have just started working on it, but still... It is in russian now, cause our main market is still in CIS countries. We will translate it into english once it is ready... However, here are some screenshots

It will be a book about human hormonal system. Base knowledge to be taken into account prior to start a steroid cycle without causing damages to your body.

So... have you ever seen a lab doing something what we do? Just to sell steroids by all means - is not what we are focused on. We have big plans for this year...

@Pharmacom Labs that catalog is one of my favorite books :D
I use it for the descriptions when I talk with other gym friends about planning cycles, half life etc.

I want one of the new book when they are available please; it will be very helpful.


Here is an idea I use to help oil flow a little faster using 25g pin.
I put rice in bowl and warm it in the microwave. Then I bury the vial in the warm rice while I prepare everything ; after a few minutes the oil is warm and flows much faster.
My girlfriend even uses a 30g 1/2 mL insulin needle for her Primo and it is no problem.
Just wanted to share the idea with everyone:
Anyone else use the test base? I literally feel nothing when I use it, just for comparative purposes I used 24ks TNE the other day and felt awesome, but when I use the Pharmacom I feel nothing, no extra pump.
Anyone else use the test base? I literally feel nothing when I use it, just for comparative purposes I used 24ks TNE the other day and felt awesome, but when I use the Pharmacom I feel nothing, no extra pump.

The tne oil makes my nipples sore if i dont take my adex within 24 hours of using it
Guys, last days I am seriously concerned about our security. You know, i think,when we email each other we should use some sort of a code.
I spent all day coming up with the code:
source (Basic): Gummy bear
my delivery address: cream egg
stealth: fizzy cola bottle
cycle: peanut M&Ms
gear: Jelly beans
Western Union: A Giant Gummy Lizard
Please call me KitKat in further correspondence.

So if you address me regarding purchases in our store, i think it will be much more safe if your email looks like this:
Hi Kitkat. I am trying to raise the balance for the Gummy Bear. So you can send me fizzy cola bottle Jelly beans to the cream egg for the peanut M&Ms to start. I am sending 500$ via Giant Gummy Lizard. Please confirm.

What do you think? LOL:D:D:D:D


I never told anyone here, but I am a prince from Congo...
You may cash a large check from my royal family and send me just 10% of worth in Jelly Beans; the rest of the check is your profit.
Let me know if you can handle such a task.

your friend,
tajiri Mfanyabiashara
